Bookkeeping Certificate Program

  • PSLO
  • Data Sheet
  • Program Review
  • Assessment Report



Program Student Learning Outcomes Assessment
(AY 2018-2019)

Program Student Learning Outcomes(PSLOS)

At the completion of the Bookkeeping Certificate, the student will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate proper bookkeeping techniques for a small business.
  2. Demonstrate general computer competence and information technology literacy.
  3. Describe small business management techniques.
  4. Communicate effectively in English for business purposes.
  5. Perform business computations and apply logic as needed.
  6. File documents properly and use common office machines.

PSLO Assessment Report Summary

What we looked at:

The Bookkeeping certificate assessment focused on PSLO #4 – “Communicates effectively in English for business purposes” and PSLOs #5 – “Perform business computations and apply logic as needed” and related courses for Fall 2018 and Spring 2019. Listed below are the courses assessed for each respective semester for PSLO #4 and PSLOs #5.

Note: Yap Campus offered BK courses but there were no students who registered; therefore, the classes were cancelled. This PAS is based on data from Chuuk and CTEC for Fall 2018 and Spring 2019.

Related Courses PL04:Communicate effectively in English
BU 097 – Intro to Entrepreneurship (3) CSLO 1,2,3 I,D
BU100 – Practicum (3) CSLO 2 D
ESL/BU 095 - ESL for Business I (4) CSLO 1,2,3 I,D
ESL/BU 096 – ESL for Business II (4) CSLO 1,2,3,4 D


Related Courses PL05: Perform business computations and apply logic as needed
BK 095 – Bookkeeping I (3) CSLO 2,3 I
BK 096 – Bookkeeping II (3) CSLO 2 I
BU 097 – Intro to Entrepreneurship (3) CSLO 2 and 3 I,D
BU 098 - Basic Business Math (3) CSLO 1,2,3,4 D
BU100 - Practicum (3) CSLO 1,3 D

What we found:

PSLO #4: Assessment based on BU 097, BU100, ESL/BU095, and ESL/BU096.

  • BU 097 = Assessment was based on writing and presenting a simple business plan. 19/25 students or 76% successfully completed this PSLO.
  • BU 100 = Assessment was based on pre-practicum exercises (job applications, interest letters, and interviews) and practicum evaluation by work-site supervisors. 11/12 students or 92% successfully met this PSLO.
  • ESL/BU095 = assessment was based on English and communication skills necessary in a business workplace. 22/29 or 76%% successfully met this PSLO.
BU 097 5/7=71% NO DATA NO DATA 14/18=77%
BU 100 5/5 = 100% 2/2=100% 2/2=100% 2/3=67%
ESL/BU 095 14/17 = 82% 8/12= 67% NO DATA NO DATA
  • Average = 52/66 students or 78% successfully met this PSLO. (Fall 2018-Spring 2019 CLA Chuuk Campus & TracDat CTEC)

PSLO #5: Assessment based BU 097, BK 095, BK 096, BU 098, and BU100.

  • BK 095 = Assessment was based on bookkeeping practices. 30/49 or 61% successfully met this PSLO.
  • BK 096 = Assessment was based on bookkeeping practices. 15/23 or 65%% successfully met this PSLO.
  • BU097 = Assessment based on writing and presenting a simple business plan. 19/25 or 76% successfully met this PSLO.
  • BU 098 = Assessment was based on students’ demonstration of business math skills in fractions, percentages, statistics and equations for applications in banking, payroll, merchandising, and others. 21/37 or 57% successfully met this PSLO. Improvement Plan: Mandatory Tutorial and work on improving student attendance
  • BU 100 = Assessment was based on pre-practicum exercises (job applications, interest letters, and interviews) and practicum evaluation by work-site supervisors. 11/12 students or 92% successfully met this PSLO.
BK 095 10/24=46% NO DATA 11/14=78% 9/11=81%
BK 096 2/3=67% NO DATA 3 / 4 =75% 10/16=63%
BU 097 5/7=71% NO DATA NO DATA 14/18=78%
BU 098 8/18=44% NO DATA 13/19=68% NOT OFFERRED
BU 100 5/5=100% 2/2=100% 2/2=100% 2/3=67%
  • Average = 96/146 students or 66% successfully met this PSLO. (Fall 2018-Spring 2019 CLA Chuuk Campus & TracDat CTEC)

What we are planning to work on:


  1. Complete proposed modification of Bookkeeping Programs. IC, supervisor, and faculty to review and submit recommended changes to relevant course outlines and program learning outcomes. STATUS – Transmitted to CTEC IC Fall 2017 to share and complete with other campuses offering BK program.
  2. Delete PSLO6 and reword PSLO3 to “Demonstrate proper office procedures, management techniques, and usage of storage methods and current equipment” since the same two classes (BU095 and BU100) are assessing these two PSLOs. STATUS – pending program modification request
  3. BK 095 and BK 096 – Finalize CO modification to be included in program change request. Mandatory tutorial on Fridays.
  4. BU097 - course should be taken by Business majors only because it’s hard for students with no or little experience and have no desire to learn or practice business concepts or become an entrepreneur; suggestions included eliminating BU097 from certificate programs or making BU097 elective; another recommendation is to require CA095 as pre-requisite. STATUS – Pending and program modification request
  5. BU100 – Finalize BU100 course outline and put into effect immediately and reflected in CLAs/TracDat. STATUS – pending program modification request

Recommendations for students:

  1. Students meet with advisors on a regular basis and attend mandatory tutorials as stipulated by faculty.
  2. Students must take ownership of their education and improve their attendance. Transportation needs to be improved for students (more shuttle buses to accommodate number of students and provide bus from outlying municipalities).

PROGRAM REVIEW for Certificate of Achievement in
Bookkeeping (Yap Campus)

AP Full Official

Certificate of Achievement in BookkeepingLiberal Arts



AP Review Submission Date

October 2016

Completed by

Joy Guarin

AR Review Cycle

Fall 2014-Spring 2016

Program Goals

Program goals are broad statements concerning knowledge, skills, or values that the faculty members expect the graduating students to achieve.

At the completion of Bookkeeping Certificate the student will be able to:

1. Demonstrate proper bookkeeping techniques for a small business.
2. Demonstrate general computer competence and information technology literacy.
3. Describe small business management techniques.
4. Communicate effectively in English for business purposes.
5. Perform business computations and apply logic as needed.
6. File documents properly and use common office machines.

Program History

This section describes the history of the program. This includes the date and reason of implementation, significant milestones in the development of the program, and significant current activities.

In 1998, revised certificate of achievement program in bookkeeping is approved for students at the State Campuses. (COM-FSM catalog). In 2010, the program started with 2 students in summer of 2010 at Yap campus.

Program Description

The program description describes the program, including its organization, relationship to other programs in the system, program design, degree(s) offered, and other significant features of the program, such as elements/resources for forward-looking new program contributions to the state’s economy, or specialized program accreditation.

The bookkeeping certificate program is designed for those who are unable to attend the regular business degree program, or those who do not meet the admission standards for degree programs. This one-year program is intended to prepare students for entry level jobs in the area of business, or for those who are working to upgrade their skills in managing their own business. The program also intends to reduce the FSM reliance on a foreign skilled work force and help the citizens of FSM to be productive members of the society, able to contribute to the general welfare and economic development of FSM.

Program Admission Requirements

This section describes the requirements for admission into the program and other requisites.

The bookkeeping certificate program is designed for those who are unable to attend the regular business degree program, or those who do not meet the admission standards for degree programs. This one-year program is intended to prepare students for entry level jobs in the area of business, or for those who are working to upgrade their skills in managing their own business. The program also intends to reduce the FSM reliance on a foreign skilled work force and help the citizens of FSM to be productive members of the society, able to contribute to the general welfare and economic development of FSM.


Program Certificate/Degree Requirements
This section specifies the requirements for obtaining a certificate/degree in the program, including specific courses,, sequencing of courses, total credits, internships, practical, etc.

The following are the major requirements:

Program Requirements

Major requirements……………….. 36 credits

BK 095 Bookkeeping 1 (3)
BK 096 Bookkeeping II (3)
BU 097 Small Business Management (3)
BU 095 Filing Office Procedures/Office Machines (3)
BU 098 Basic Business Math (3)
BU 100 Practicum (3)
CA 095 Basic Computer Application (3)
ESL/BU 095 ESL for Business Purposes I (4)
ESL/BU 096 ESL for Business Purposes II (4)
MS 095 Pre Algebra (4)
SS 100 World of Work (3)

Program Courses and Enrollment

This section lists courses offered in the program, including number of sections, course enrollment, section fill rates, and redundancy of courses across the institution.

Program Enrollment

11 13 10 7 41

Number of Sections, Course enrollment

Number of
BK 095 1 9 Spring 2015
BU 98 1 16 Spring 2015
BU 100 1 2 Spring 2015
BU 97 1 5 Spring 20167
BU 9811 1 9 Spring 2016

4 out 5 courses with less than 10 enrollees.
Note: Courses are taken by both Secretarial and Bookkeeping students in one section

Program Faculty

This section reports the faculty of the program, including full-time and part-time faculty. The degrees held and rank are provided for the full-time and part-time faculty. Finally, provide the faculty student ratio for the program.

Name of Faculty Full time
/Part time
Degrees held Rank Courses to Teach
1. Joleen Chumrad Part time BA Business Adm
MA Public Adm. 9
Assistant Professor Major courses
2. Geraldine Mitagyow Part time BS Marketing
Instructor Major Courses
3. Dana Figirliyong Part time BA in Mathematics
and Chemistry
Instructor Major Course

Faculty student ratio for the program For 2012-2013

Number of
Number of
Faculty Student
11 13 10 7 41

Program Indicators

This section provides the data for analyzing the extent to which the program has achieved the established outcomes and criteria. This is the most important part of the program review. The data that will be collected and evaluated are the following:

Assessment of course student learning outcomes of program courses

Table 1.Spring 2015

1 Course No.

2 Instructor Name 3 No. of students enrolled 4 No. of stu-dents with “W” 5 No. of stud-ents success-ful of SLO 1 5 SLO 2 5 SLO 3 5 SLO 4 5 SLO 5 5 SLO 6 Percentage required CLOs
BK 095 Joleen Chumrad 9 0 9 9 9       100
BU 98 Virginia Fenenigog 16 0 14 14 14 14     88
Average                   94
Assessment of program student learning outcomes

PSLO Assessment Report Summary
What we looked at:
The Secretarial Science certificate focused on PSLOs numbers 1 and 5. Listed below is the
result for the PSLO.PSLOs 1 and 4 related courses are not offered this semester.
What we found:
PSLO #1: Assessment based on Final Exam in Bk095
9 out of 9 or 100% passed with a “C” or better.
PSLO #5: Assessment based on Final Exam in BU098
14 out of 16 student or 87.5% passed with a "C" or better
What we are planning to work on:
• Involve students in a tutoring program.
Recommendations for students:
• Attend class regularly and complete assignments without instructor intervention.
Be responsible for your own learning.
• Communicate course concerns with their instructor or ask basic questions.
• Understand the necessity of a good Math foundation before they begin the program.

Program enrollment (historical enrollment patterns, student credits by major)

Table 1A. Enrollment patterns by major

Term Number of
Enrolled students
Overall number of
students enrolled
and Yap)
Percentage (%)
Fall 2014 11 196 6%
Spring 2015 13 145 9%
Fall 2015 10 153 7%
Spring 2016 7 110 6%
Average 10 151 7%

Table 1B. Enrollment of the program as compared to the total enrollment of Yap campus

Term Number of
Enrolled students
Yap Campus
Percentage (%)
Fall 2014 11 188 6%
Spring 2015 13 191 7%
Fall 2015 10 183 6%
Spring 2016 7 162 4%
Average 41 181 23%

Table 2 Credits by major

Term Number of Credits
of Enrolled
students (Yap)
Overall number of
credits enrolled
and Yap)
Percentage (%)
Fall 2014 114 1865 6%
Spring 2015 81 1470 6%
Fall 2015 100 1548 6%
Spring 2016 60 996 6%
Average class size

Table 1 Average class size (Both students of Bookkeeping and Secretarial Certificates)


Enroll/Ratio (3/2)
Average Class Size
Fall 2014 None        
Spring 2015 3 45 27 60% 9
Fall 2015 None        
Spring 2016 2 40 14 35% 7
Average         8

Average class size- 8


Course completion rate

Table 1. Fall 2014 Completion Rate per Course

Course No

Instructor Name
No. of students enrolled
No. of students with “W”
Number of students with a grade of F
Number of students completed the course
Completion rate (6/3)
No major Course offered            
Total/ Average Rate            

Table 2. Spring 20015 Completion Rate per Course

Course No

Instructor Name
No. of students enrolled
No. of students with “W”
Number of students with a grade of F
Number of students completed the course
Completion rate (6/3)
BU 98 Virginia Fenenigog 16 0 2 14 88%
BK 095 Joleen Chumrad 9 0 0 9 100%
BU 100 James Limar 2 1 0 1 50%
Total/ Average Rate   27 1 2 24 89%

Table 3. Fall 2015 Completion Rate per Course

Course No

Instructor Name
No. of students enrolled
No. of students with “W”
Number of students with a grade of F
Number of students completed the course
Completion rate (6/3)
No major Course offered            
Total/ Average Rate            

Table 5. Spring 2016 Completion Rate per Course

Course No

Instructor Name
No. of students enrolled
No. of students with “W”
Number of students with a grade of F
Number of students completed the course
Completion rate (6/3)
BU 095 Constantine Yowbalaw 5 1 1 3 60%
ESL/BU 95 Hannah Fry 9 2 0 7 78%
Total/ Average Rate   14 3 1 10 71%

Rate of students with W- 10%; Rate of students with a grade of F- 7%; General completion rate- 83%

Student persistence rate (semester to semester)

Persistence rate is based on Fall new students (full time) cohorts who return the following spring semester.

Number of New students , Fall
time for Fall 2014

Same students, Spring 2015
Persistence Rate (%)
2 2 100%

Persistence rate is based on Fall new students (full time) cohorts who return the following spring semester.

Number of New students , Fall
time for Fall 2015

Same students, Spring 2016
Persistence Rate (%)
5 2 50%

Persistence Rate- Fall 2014-Spring 2016- 100%; Fall 2015-Spring 2016- 40%

Student retention rate (Fall-to-Fall for two-year programs; Fall-to-Spring for one-year programs) Retention rate is based on Fall new students (full time) cohorts who return the following the spring semester

Number of New students , Fall
time for Fall 2014

Same students, Fall 2015
Retention Rate (%)
2 0 0%


Number of New students , Fall
time for Fall 2015

Same students, Fall 2016
Retention Rate (%)
5 1 20%

Retention Rate Fall 2014-Fall 2015- 0%; Fall 2015- Fall 2016- 20%

Success rates on licensing or certification exams (CTE, TP, Nursing, etc) None
Graduation rate based on yearly number


Number of
Fall 2014 0
Spring 2015 0
Fall 2015 0
Spring 2016 0
Total 0
Students seat cost

At the present tuition rate of $135 per credit the total seat cost per student completing this program is $4860. The table below shows detailed information.

Classes Credits CPC CPS
BK 095 3 $ 135 $405
BK 096 3 $ 135 $405
BU 097 3 $ 135 $405
BU 095 3 $ 135 $405
BU 098 3 $ 135 $405
BU 100 3 $ 135 $405
CA95 3 $ 135 $405
ESL/BU095 4 $ 135 $ 540
ESL/BU096 4 $ 135 $ 540
MS 095 4 $ 135 $ 540
SS100 3 $ 135 $ 405
Total 36   $ 4860
Cost of duplicate or redundant courses, programs or services None
Students’ satisfaction rate

A survey was conducted on teachers behaviors for each class at the end of every semester. There were 10 items in the survey and students were asked to rate each class according to these items on a scale of 1 to 5; 1 being never , 2 is rarely, 3 as sometimes, 4 is usually and 5 being always.

The following are the items used in the survey

1 Overall, this instructor was effective.
2 The instructor welcomed and encouraged questions and comments.
3 The instructor presented the course content clearly.
4 The instructor emphasized the major points and concept.
5 The instructor was always well prepared..
6 The instructor made sure that the students were aware of the Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) for the course.
7 The instructor gave clear directions and explained activities or assignments that emphasized the course SLOs.
8 The instructor planned class time and assignments that encouraged problem solving and critical thinking.
9 The instructor demonstrated thorough knowledge of the subject.
10 I received feedback on assignments/quizzes/exams in time to prepare for the next assignment/quiz/exam.

Legend: N-Number of students; AWM Average Weighted Mean; D – Descriptive Equivalent; U- Usually; A- Always The table below shows detailed information on the students’ satisfaction survey during

Spring 2015

Joleen Chumrad BK 96 6 3 3.3 3.2 3.2 3 3 3.3 2.7 3.5 3 3.12 U
Steven Young Uhk AG 86 8 3.9 4.4 4.6 4.3 4 4.5 4.3 3.8 4 4.3 4.2 A
Francis Ruegorong AG 94 10 3.1 4.2 4.4 4.2 4.6 4.6 4.1 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.3 A
Virginia Fenenigog BU 98 12 4.5 4.7 4.3 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.3 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.5 A
Average 4.81 A
Alumni data None
Employment data and employer feedback (employer survey)

No Graduates

Program added or cancelled at nearby regional institutions (PCC, GCC, Hawaii schools, UOG, CMI, NMC) No idea
Transfer rate None


This section provides discussion of information discovered as a result of the evaluation such as problems or concerns with the program and what part of the program is working well and meeting expectation.

1. No Course outline in new format for BU 97.
2. 3 part time faculty teaching major courses with faculty student ratio of 1:15.
Courses offered were taken with students under Secretarial Program. This
increases the number of students per course when combined.
3. Average class size is 13.
4. Fall 2012 with enrollment of less than 10. 7 out 10 courses with less than 10
5. Course level assessments was only conducted during Spring 2013 and Fall 2013.
6. No major course offered during Fall 2012
. 7. Rate of students with W- 1.37%; Rate of students with a grade of F- 6.4%;
General completion rate- 91%
8. Persistence and retention rates are 100% with 1 new student during Fall 2012.
9. No graduates for the last four semesters.
10. During Fall 2012, instructors were rated “Always” in the Students Evaluation of
Teachers Behaviors.


This section provides recommendations from the program on what to do to improve or enhance the quality of program and course learning outcomes as well as program goals and objectives. This section should also include suggestions that describe how the program might be able to create opportunities for a better program in the future. Some examples are exploring alternate delivery mechanisms, forming external partnerships, or realigning with other programs.

1. Rewrite the course outlines in the new format for BU 97.
2. Need to maintain the enrollment above 10 per semester and 10 students per course
by developing recruitment strategies.
3. Consistently offer major courses so students can finish the program within 2
semesters and one summer.
4. Need to hire full time faculty to handle courses offered for this program.
5. The following are the recommendations from the Course Level Assessments:
BU 98- course outline needs to be updated and focus on the things that are currently
used in Micronesia. It has a large amount of information.... most of it not relevant to
our situation here in Micronesia
. ESL BU 95- ESL for Business Purposes I would recommend that the students taking
this course should have taken a lower English course to prepare them. Some of these
students are not familiar with the basics in English.

Unit Assessment Report

Report Period: 2013-2014

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