Third Year Program in Accounting

  • PSLO
  • Data Sheet
  • Program Review
  • Assessment Report

Program Student Learning Outcomes Assessment
(AY 2017-2018)

Program Student Learning Outcomes(PSLOS)

At the completion of the Third Year Program in Accounting, the student will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of intermediate accounting by describing the environment and the conceptual framework of financial reporting; properly preparing and analyzing various financial statements; and show familiarity with the generally accepted accounting principles on cash and receivables, inventories, property, plant and equipment, intangibles, liabilities, stockholders’ equity, and other special topics in accounting for private business.
  2. Express familiarity with tax concepts, with special focus on the taxation of business entities in the United States and the Federated States of Micronesia and a minor emphasis on individual taxation in the two countries.
  3. Exhibit competence in analyzing and recording transactions for state, local and the federal governments; colleges and universities and other nonprofit organizations; in preparing and interpreting financial statements; and in explaining differences in private and public sector accounting.
  4. Apply knowledge and skills acquired from accounting and other courses by solving real world accounting and general workplace problems in a participating organization in the COM-FSM internship program.
  5. Show an appreciation of statistical methods of sampling and estimating population statistics and competence in using computer software to calculate point estimates and confidence intervals and use statistical methods to test hypotheses, recognize trends and make forecasts to support decisions in the business/economics environment.

PSLO Assessment Report Summary

What we looked at:

This year, we assessed all of the PSLO’s of the program.

What we found:

Shown below is the summary of the PSLO assessment results:

PSLO No. Modes of Assessment Made: Results: TARGET MET? Average Success Rate
  • Advance Assignments-Pre-test
  • Quizzes (with certain number of attempts to calculate the correct answer)- Post-Test
Yes 81.25%
  • Advance Assignments-Pre-test
  • Quizzes (with certain number of attempts to calculate the correct answer)- Post-Test
Yes 87.50%
  • Advance Assignments-Pre-test
  • Quizzes (with certain number of attempts to calculate the correct answer)- Post-Test
Yes 100.00%
  • Internship Supervisor’s Evaluation
Yes 71.42%
  • Advance Assignments-Pre-test
  • Quizzes (with certain number of attempts to calculate the correct answer)- Post-Test
Yes 100.00%

For the past few years, the program consistently met success rate targets and retention rates, and with almost 100% for all courses. When students in the program were given access to Schoology and classes were conducted in the computer laboratory, it was expected that the rates will go higher, and mastery level will be much better.

But then, this year was the first time that there were courses that almost fell below the 70% targeted retention and meeting success rates. The problem that was identified was students’ ability to balance work, life, and studies. These are the recommended plans the college, division, program faculty have to work on:

  1. Provide limits to the number of attempts to take classes in the program, whether they avail of grants or not.
  2. Explain to the whole institution the meaning of “student-centered”; and not just read the college’s mission statement, because some students verbally expressed their feelings that the college is not serving them well if faculty and administration will not cater to what they want, and they think they need.
  3. Explain to students and to faculty that students are mainly responsible to demonstrate their learning outcomes; and that faculty is responsible to facilitate learning, the way students best learn.
  4. Program faculty and AS Business Faculty (who teach the courses needed to be admitted into this program) all have to consistently apply firmness in imposing penalties for tardiness, too much absences, and inability to meet deadlines for academic requirements.
  5. During the very first day of program orientation, inform students in the program that they need to help each other while studying/readying for evaluations so that nobody will be left behind.

Recommendations for students:

In order to succeed with appropriate values in the program, students have to learn the following:

  1. Students are primarily responsible for their learning. They will have to take responsibility for results of their learning assessments.
  2. Being student-centered does not mean that the entire college will have to accommodate to all that they need and want so that they can have good grades. Instead, to apply this concept, the entire college, especially faculty, shall enable students to learn the way they best learn.
  3. In actual business scenario, time is gold and time is of the essence. They have to come to class early and regularly (regardless whether they work or not). If they cannot come to class on time and incur too much absences because of work, they have to accept that they will have to be withdrawn from class even when finals is just a week away. If they cannot meet deadlines for academic requirements, they have to live with non-acceptance of their work.
  4. In the actual workplace, the best way is to work as a team for the organization, instead of pulling down each other to get ahead. While in the program, they are also expected to encourage and cheer on those who are lagging behind, so that they will apply teamwork for the college.

Program Review (Pohnpei Campus)


Unit Assessment Report

Report Period: 2013-2014

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