Building Technology Program

  • PSLO
  • Data Sheet
  • Program Review
  • Assessment Report

Program Student Learning Outcomes Assessment
(AY 2019-2020)

Program Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOS)

At the completion of Building Technology Program, the student will be able to:

  1. Practice Safety and occupational health procedures in the workplace.
  2. Use electrical hand and power tools competently.
  3. Test electrical equipment.
  4. Interpret schematic diagrams and waveforms.
  5. Determine the amount of load per circuit.
  6. Install wiring circuits according to given specification and plan
  7. Identify and interpret basic solid state (electronics) symbols and circuit schematics commonly found in the electrical industry
  8. Analyze circuit operations on basic motors.
  9. Perform basic troubleshooting on basic motors.
  10. Install and perform basic maintenance of air-conditioning units.
  11. Interpret and install electrical circuits according to rules and regulations of the National Electrical Code book.
  12. Install and analyze basic motor control circuits.

PSLO Assessment Report Summary

What we looked at:

Courses offered from Fall 2019 to Spring 2020 of Building Technology (BT) Program assessment which focused on PSLO’s 7, 9, 11 & 12. During these terms students’ competency was assessed on PSLO 7, 9, 11 &12 through written and hands-on activities/experimentation. (PSLO’s 1 to 6 was assessed during their certificate program) Table below shows the total number of students registered and the descriptive summary of results for each course.

What we found:

FA18 – SP19
PSLO’s No. of
D’s F’s
VEE 110 7 5 5 0 0
VEE 222 7 4 4 0 0
VEM 212 11 & 12 2 2 0 0
VEM 240 9 & 12 2 2
  • 100% of the students got 'C' or better and were able to show success in demonstrating basic knowledge and troubleshooting electronic discrete devices 1 using performance worksheet and NIDA CAI Pro quizzes and experiment in VEE 110 (Discrete Devices I).
  • 100% of the students got 'C' or better and were able to show success in demonstrating basic knowledge and troubleshooting electronic discrete devices 2 using performance worksheet and NIDA CAI Pro quizzes and experiment in VEE 110 (Discrete Devices II).
  • 100% of the students got 'C' or better and were able to demonstrate basic knowledge and provide code reference to interpret required electrical applications or standards. Students’ performances were assessed by using the worksheets (National Electrical Code Handbook) in VEM 212.
  • 100% of the students got 'C' or better and were able to show success in demonstrating basic knowledge in installation and troubleshooting of motor controls using performance worksheet and the Simutech Troubleshooting Skills report in VEM 240 (Industrial Wiring).

What we are planning to work on:

  • Replace course of discrete devices 1 & 2 into one course applicable to electrical students.
  • Keep the troubleshooting simulation software (Simutech) up to date for VEM 240 (Industrial Wiring: motor control) to enhance the competency of the students in troubleshooting motor control faults.
  • Continuously update National Electrical Code book to its latest edition for students to be aware of any new regulations in electrical wiring system.
  • Same PSLO will be assessed on the next cycle (SY 2019-2010).
  • Continue collaboration with stakeholders (advisory council for construction trades) to give inputs on course SLO’s improvement and to prepare students for industry skills certification.

Recommendations for students:

Students must have a grade of "C" or better in Math and English courses to help students become proficient to meet the technical course work in Building Technology. Likewise should also satisfactorily meet the prerequisite of each course in the program to assure program completion in two years.

Program Review (Pohnpei Campus)

AP Full Official:AAS in Building Technology Major in Construction Electricity

Unit Assessment Report

Report Period: 2013-2014

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