Program Review-Electronic Engineering Technology

AP Full Official:Certificate of Achievement in Electronic Engineering Technology

Campus: Kosrae Campus

Completed by: Murphy Ribauw

AP Review Submission Date:April 2, 2014

AR Review Cycle: Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013

  1. Program Goals

    1. Create and provide quality vocational and technical instructional programs, courses, and experiences that foster student learning consistent with workforce needs;
    2. Foster a positive college climate that supports learning, communication, recognition, and collaboration among a diverse faculty and student body;
    3. Provide instructional, administrative, and student support services to enable COM-FSM to meet the goal of creating a quality workforce;
    4. Support and expand responsive services that provide student access into COM-FSM vocational and technical programs and courses and promote success within a diverse student body;
    5. Develop and foster partnerships with business, industry, labor, employment and training agencies, and other educational institutions;
    6. Promote COM-FSM vocational and technical program development through public relations and marketing activities, and business and industry contacts;
    7. Attract and develop quality and diverse personnel committed to the goals of excellence and workforce skill standards;
    8. Maintain current and accessible facilities and equipment, and acquire emerging technologies for the learning and work environments; and
    9. Promote continuous quality improvement in all COM-FSM vocational and technical activities and services.
  2. Program History

    The college added the Electronics Engineering Technology Certificate of Achievement Program in 1998. When approved and extended to the state campuses, Kosrae Campus started offering courses in the program to the first cohort of students back in Fall 2003.

  3. Program Descriptions

    The primary purpose and features of the certificate program of study are to provide marketable, entry-level skills for a time period less than that required for advanced certificate or associate degree programs. Certificates are organized programs of study consisting of courses designed to meet a defined set of competencies. Certificates qualify students to take external licensure, vendor-based, or skill standards examinations in the field. If standardized external exams are not available in the field of study, the certificate program prepares students at skill levels expected of employees in an occupation found in the in the workforce and local economy.

  4. Program Admission Requirements

    By COMET certificate level placement.

  5. Program Certificate/Degree Requirements

    Certificate of Achievement in Electronics Engineering Technology (37 credits)

    1. Preparatory Courses (by placement),
            2. General Education Requirements:....................15 credits

    MS 104 Technical Math I (4)
    MS 106 Technical Math II (4)
    CA100 Computer Literacy (3)
    Any Science w/Lab (4)…preferably for Electronics certificate students, SC130 Physical Science (4)

            3. Technical Requirements:....................22credits

    VSP 121 Industrial Safety Electrical/Electronic (1.5)
    VEE 100 Soldering and Mechanical Termination Techniques (1.5)
    VEM 110 Workshop Fabrication/Hand and Power Tool Skills (3)
    VEE 103 Electronic Fundamentals I (3)
    VEE 104 Electronic Fundamentals II (4)
    VEE 110 Discrete Devices I (3)
    VEE 125 Electronic Circuits (3)
    VEE Digital Electronics I 135 (3)

    Total Credits requirements: 34credits

  6. Program Courses and Enrollment

    Fall 2012
    Courses number Enrollment Credits Revenue Generated
    VEE 100 23 1.5*23=34.5 $3,622.50
    VEE 103 16 3*16=48 $5,040
    VSP 121 24 1.5*24=36 $3,780
    Spring 2013
    Courses number Enrollment Credits Revenue Generated
    VEE 104 18 4*18=72 $7,560
    VEE 110 16 3*16=48 $5,040
    VEE 135 14 3*14=42 $4,410
    VEM 110 19 3*19=57 $5,985
    Fall 2013
    Courses number Enrollment Credits Revenue Generated
    VEE 100 21 1.5*21=31.5 $3,307.5
    VEE 103 20 3*20=60 $6,300
    VSP 121 16 1.5*16=24 $2,520

  7. Program Faculty

    Faculty Name: Part/Full Time Qualification
    Hiroki Noda Part-Time AAS in Electronics & Telecommunications;
    ACOA in Electronic s & Telecommunications;
    COA in Electronics Engineering Technology
    Murphy Ribauw Full-Time Bachelor of Computer Science
  8. Program Indicators

    1. Assessment of course student learning outcomes of program courses

    Fall 2012
    Course # of Student %Pass %Fail
    VEE 100 23 70% 30%
    VEE 103 16 87.5% 12.5%
    VSP 121 24 54% 46%

    Spring 2013
    Course # of Student %Pass %Fail
    VEE 104 18 83.33% 16.67%
    VEE 110 16 93.75 6.25
    VEE 135 14 78.57 21.43
    VEM 110 19 84 16

    Fall 2013
    Course # of Student %Pass %Fail
    VEE 100 21 66.67% 33.33%
    VEE 103 20 60 40
    VSP 121 16 69 31
    • VEE 100: 1 student got A, 7 got B, 8 got C, 4 got D, and 3 got F.
      VEE 103: 4 students got A, 6 got B, 3 got C, 1 got D, and 2 got F.
      VSP 121: 3 students got A, 2 got B, 8 got C, 3 got D, and 8 got F
    • VEE 104: 2 students got A, 3 got B, 10 got C, and 3 got F.
      VEE 110: 4 students got A, 8 got B, 3 got C, 1 got D, none got F.
      VEE 135: 1 student got A, 4 got B, 6 got C, 2 got D, and 1 got F.
      VEM 110: 4 students got A, 11 got B, 1 got C, 1 got D, and 2 got F.
    • VEE 100: 3 students got A, 5 got B, 6 got C, 3 got D, and 4 got F.
      VEE 103: 3 students got A, 3 got B, 6 got C, 5 got D, and 3 got F.
      VSP 121: 6 students go A, 3 got B, 2 got C, 2 got D, and 3 got F.

    2.Assessment of program student learning outcomes

    As the indicator above on course level SLO assessment shows, students on average have a pass rate of 75% for all courses offered with activities aligned to PSLO#1 Practice Safety and occupational health procedures in the workplace, and PSLO #2 Use electronic tools and test equipment competently. Of the 187 total section enrollment figures for major requirement courses offered, 125 students by section enrollment or 67% were able to perform and pass at 70% and above on specific learning outcome tasks and activities addressing PSLO1 & PSLO2

    3.Program enrollment (historical enrollment patterns, student credits by major)

    Over the last six years, the enrollment figures below show some fluctuations in enrollment for the program. There is minimal difference in the enrollment figures in the fall and spring intake of students by just a few headcounts except for fall 2008 and spring 2009 with a high shortfall difference of 10 students.

    Year Spring Summer Fall
    2007     19
    2008 18 7 41
    2009 34 22 33
    2010 33 19 19
    2011 17 17 18
    2012 13 7 21
    2013 21 13 24

    4.Average Class Size

      Sum of Fall12, Spring13, Fall13 Enrollment/Total number of courses offered Average Class size
    Fall 12: 23,16,24=63
    Spring 13: 18,16,14,19=67
    Fall 13: 21, 20, 16=57
    187/10 18.7%

    5.Course completion rate

    The table below shows the course completion rates for program courses offered during the last academic school year

    Fall 2012 Course Completion rates
    Subject Course Num Enrolled ABCor P ABCDor P %ABCor P %ABCDor P
    VEE 100 26 16 20 61.5% 76.9%
    VEE 103 23 13 14 56.5% 60.9%
    VSP 121 27 13 16 48.1% 59.3%
    Spring 2013 Course Completion rates
    VEE 104 18 15 15 83.3% 83.3%
    VEE 110 18 15 16 83.3% 88.9%
    VEE 135 15 11 13 73.3% 86.7%
    VEM 110 20 16 17 80.0% 85.0%

    6. Student persistence rate (semester to semester)

    Based on the Fall 2012 enrollment intake of 21 students, 11 students or 52% persisted and returned during Spring 2013.

    7. Student retention rate (Fall-to-Fall for two-year programs; Fall-to-Spring for one-year programs)

    Out of the 21 students initially enrolled during the Fall 2012 term, only 9 students or 43%, were retained and returned as continuing students during the Fall 2013 term.

    8. Success rates on licensing or certification exams (CTE, TP, Nursing, etc)

    None track to date

    9. Graduation rate based on yearly number

    Based on the Fall 2008 cohort of 23 intake of new students, only 2 students, about 12%, were able to complete all prescribed courses in the program and graduated by Fall 2010. By Summer 2011, only 1 student, 4%, from the initial cohort, was able to complete both the Advanced Certificate Electronics Technology as well as the Associate of Applied Science in Electronics Technology. By summer 2013, two additional students, 12%, from the initial 23 new students in Fall 2008 were also able to complete all prescribed courses under the advanced certificate and AAS in electronics technology.

    10.Students seat cost

    Seat cost data for Kosrae EET certificate program will be made available soon from the IRPO.

    11. Cost of duplicate or redundant courses, programs or services


    12. Students' satisfaction rate

    Based on Spring2014 surveys, satisfaction rate for Kosrae EET certificate program will be made available soon from the IRPO. Other ET program surveys will be developed for program faculty use in determining a reliable rate of student satisfaction for the program.

    13. Alumni data

    Students Semester/Year Completed Semester/Year Started Tracking
    Sam Esau Summer 2004 Fall 2003 FSM-Telecom Kosrae Branch Field Technician
    Hiroki Noda Summer 2004 Fall 2003 COM-FSM Kosrae Campus IT Technician
    Yamado Noda Summer 2004 Fall 2003 US Armed Forces
    Hans Skilling Summer 2006 Fall 2004 Coordinator, Kosrae Red Cross Chapter
    Rickson Nena Summer 2006 Fall 2004 US Mainland
    Gordon Ittu Summer 2006 Fall 2004 US Mainland
    Fred F. Sigrah Summer 2006 Fall 2004 Self-Employed
    Mac Tokuhara Summer 2006 Fall 2004 Bank of Guam Kosrae Branch
    Aliksa Wesley Summer 2006 Fall 2004 US Mainland
    George George Summer 2007 Fall 2005 US Armed Forces
    John Benjamin Summer 2007 Fall 2005 Kosrae State Health Services
    Moody Kilafwasru Summer 2008 Fall 2006 Kosrae DOE IT Specialist
    Lee Sabino Summer 2008 Fall 2006 FSM-Telecom Kosrae Branch Field Technician
    Sonni M. Charley Summer 2012 Fall 2008 Classroom Teacher, Malem Elementary School
    Junior William Tosie Fall 2012 Fall 2010 COM-FSM Kosrae Campus ET tutor
    Chuck W. Abraham Summer 2011 Fall 2008 Self Employed
    Nobu-Lance Nena Summer 2008 Fall 2007 Self Employed
    Benton Nena Fall 2006 Fall 2005 FSM-Telecom Kosrae Branch Field Technician thru the WIA Program
    Asthony Aliksa Spring 2009 Fall 2005 US Mainland
    Semeon K. William Spring 2011 Fall 2003 Pacific Tree Lodge General Helper
    Steve J. William Spring 2011 Fall 2007 INO Taxi Service Company
    MackRonald Nedlic Summer 2012 Fall 2007 University of Guam
    Wallus Lakutak Spring 2009 Spring 2007 Kosrae Nautilus Resort
    Ludick S. Talley Summer 2009 Spring 2008 Kosrae Utilities Authority Technician
    Nena G. Nena Spring 2009 Fall 2006 P&I Company
    Andirson S. Andrew Spring 2011 Fall 2008 Kosrae State Health Services Data Recording
    Sisado Olter Spring 2011 Fall 2010 Kosrae Utilities Authority Technician
    Theodore Lonno Spring 2011 Fall 2009 Currently pursuing a second-degree in Nursing at COM-FSM National
    Roger K. Benjamin Summer 2012 Fall 2008 NORMA observer
    Ardis Robert Summer 2013 Fall 2008 Self-Employed
    Dwight E.Philli Summer 2013 Summer 2011 L&H Company
    Maker Luey Summer 2012 Fall 2010 COM-FSM Kosrae Campus ET Tutor
    David Lance Siba Summer 2013 Summer 2010 Self-employed
    Iuver-Jerry Lowary Fall 2012 Fall 2010 Lelu Marina General helper
    Frank Sigrah Spring 2013 Fall 2005 Currently pursuing AAS in Electronics Tech
    Jacob D. Talley Summer 2013 Fall 2003 Self-Employed
    Thomas Lakutak Summer 2013 Fall 2007 Self-Employed

    14. Employment data and employer feedback (employer survey)

    See employment data above under the foregoing indicator. In terms of employer feedback, the program faculty will need to devise a survey to determine employer satisfaction of program graduates. Additional data thru IRPO employer satisfaction survey will be made available soon.

    15.Program added or cancelled at nearby regional institutions (PCC, GCC, Hawaii schools, UOG, CMI, NMC)

    None track to date

    16. Transfer Rate

    Only 1 graduate, who also went on to complete the Advanced Certificate and the Associate of Applied Science in Electronics Technology, transferred to the University of Guam to pursue a bachelor degree in another field of study.

  9. Analysis and Recommendation

    This section provides discussion of information discovered as a result of the evaluation such as problems or concerns with the program and what part of the program is working well and meeting expectation.

    • Most students in the program passed courses offered during the 2012-2013 academic year.
    • Students tend to perform low, especially in foundation courses like VEE100, VSP 121, and VEE 103.
    • Since this is a trade area, the student and instructor ratio is somewhat high due to the fact that there’s only 1 full-time faculty who teaches courses in 3 different programs.
    • The persistence rate and retention rate for the program are both still okay.
    • Of the 37 program completers since its inception, 22 graduates or 60% transitioned into the workforce. 7 program graduates, about 19%, are self-employed. 2 program graduates, about 10%, have been enlisted into the US Armed Forces and 4 students, or 11%, have out-migrated to the US in search of jobs. Of these 37 graduates, only 1 student (3%) is currently pursuing a 4-yr degree program.
    • During the last academic year, major requirement courses offered in the program, excluding general education courses, had generated about $47, 565.00 in revenue.


    This section provides recommendations from the program on what to do to improve or enhance the quality of program and course learning outcomes as well as program goals and objectives. This section should also include suggestions that describe how the program might be able to create opportunities for a better program in the future. Some examples are exploring alternate delivery mechanisms, forming external partnerships, or realigning with other programs.

    • Another ET instructor, preferably with telecommunications background, is needed to avoid over-load of one ET instructor. A position that was removed during streamlining work a couple years back should be reinstated to enable electronic stream program completers to start taking courses under the telecommunication stream.
    • As EET program enrollment continues to increase, more up to date computer terminals are required to accommodate each student enrolled into this program, otherwise performance of students will be heavily affected.
    • Upgrade to the latest version of NIDA is highly recommended as the existing version is way obsolete
    • Suspension of intake of new incoming freshmen is also highly recommended to enable existing cohorts to complete all ET programs, including the telecommunication stream programs.
    • ET faculty should devise and develop appropriate program surveys to determine both student satisfaction of program & employer satisfaction of program graduates.
    • Although the student persistence and retention are still okay, program faculty must maintain or even increase the rates for both.

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