Program Student Learning Outcomes Assessment
(AY 2019-2020)
Program Student Learning Outcomes(PSLOS)
At the completion of (AAS) Electronics Technology the student will be able to:
Practice safety and occupational health procedures in the work place.
Use electronics tools and test equipment competently.
Interpret schematic diagrams and waveforms.
Build electronics projects to a given specification.
Perform troubleshooting techniques to maintain and resolve hardware/software related problems in a personal computer system.
Perform troubleshooting techniques to maintain, diagnose, and repair electronic equipment and devices.
PSLO Assessment Report Summary
What we looked at:
The Electronics Technology assessment focused on PSLOs 5 and 6. Listed below are the results for each of the PSLOs.
What we found:
PSLO 5: Perform troubleshooting techniques to maintain and resolve hardware/software related problems in a personal computer system.
VEE 223 (PC Hardware and Software),
Activity 1: Perform a step-by-step assembly of a desktop computer and install and navigate an operating system.
Activity 2: Perform preventive maintenance on computer units.
Activity 3: Service and repair defective computer units.
Activity 4: Upgrade/replace laptop components, printers and scanners.
Activity 5: Configure computer networking.
Activity 6: Apply good communication skills and professional behavior while assessing customers’ needs and providing solutions and recommendations to the problem.
7(6 males & 1 female) out of 7 or 100 % of the students pass the assessment and were able to repair computer units and laptops. Perform preventive maintenance, upgrade computer units and connect computers in the network.
PSLO 6: Perform troubleshooting techniques to maintain, diagnose, and repair electronic equipment and devices.
VEE 224 (Video System and Product Servicing),
Activity 1: Service and repair defective computer monitor and television system.
Activity 2: Service and repair defective CD (Compact Disc) player.
Activity 3: Service and repair defective DVD (Digital Video Disc) players.
Activity 4: Service and repair defective Touch screen devices.
10(10 males & 0 female) out of 10 or 100 % of the students pass the assessment and were able to repair Television (TV) and computer monitor, Video Cassette Recorder (VCR), CD and DVD player.
In VEE 225 (Business Machine Servicing)
Activity 1: Service and repair of fax machine.
Activity 2: Service and repair of printers.
Activity 3: Service and repair of cash register.
Activity 4: Service and repair of photocopier.
Activity 5: Service and repair of microwave oven.
9 (9 males & 0 female) out of 9 or 100 % of the students pass the assessment and were able to troubleshoot and repair Fax machine, Computer printer, Cash register and Microwave oven
What we are planning to work on:
Purchase new software. (Students should be expose to the new Operating Systems being used in real work environment.)
Purchase accessories, including 2 Android smartphones or tablets, 2 Apple smartphones or tablet. (Students should be expose to the new Technological breakthrough in gadgets and other devices being used in real work environment.)
Intensify more activity in checking and testing of passive and active electronics components to increase the level of competency of the students in troubleshooting.
Purchase new soldering equipment (hot air and magnifying equipment) Circuits now a days are getting smaller and integrated removal of components on a double sided board need special tool.
Add more space to store the business machine we are troubleshooting on this class. Purchase new model of printers, copier and a scanner type cash register for continuous improvement of the course.
Purchase Infra-red soldering station for repairing/replacing chips in computer and laptop motherboard.
Prepare students to take ETA Electronics Technician Certification.
Recommendations for students:
Students must complete all the Math and English courses requires for the program, this proficiency level help the student to meet the course work in Electronics Technology courses.
Likewise, should meet every prerequisite of each courses (competency on using different test instruments and related electronics devices, identify and test passive and active electronics component and able to read block, wiring and schematic diagram) in the program to assure program completion in two years.
Students must take the recommended number of credits per semester, to graduate on time.
Take the ETA Electronics Technician Certification.