ED-210 Introduction to Professional Teaching

Course Description:
An introduction to the field of education as a profession, specifically classroom teaching. The course introduces what teachers teach; how teachers teach and how teachers know students have learned.  Further the course introduces how teachers set up a positive classroom environment as well as the professional standards which guide the teaching profession. The course directs students to the further training that will be required for professional certification. 

  • Prerequisite Course(s): EN 110 Advanced Reading EN 120a Expository Writing I With C or better in each

      The student will be able to 
      1.   Demonstrate basic knowledge of the foundations and concepts related to elementary education.
      2.   Demonstrate familiarity with a variety of instructional strategies of elementary school students.
      3.   Demonstrate basic knowledge in the following areas: art, communication, technology, humanities, language, literature, science, and social sciences.


      The student will be able to
      1.   Explain the four foundations or roots of traditional (pre-colonial) education, and the purposes of education in Spanish, German, Japanese and Trust Territory governments.  
      2.   Explain curriculum in terms of formal and informal curriculum; content standards, benchmarks, and standards; as well as curriculum scope and sequence  
      3.   Explain and give examples of “barriers to learning” and explain and give examples of various methods and strategies teachers use in overcoming student learning barriers.
      4.   Explain various ways in which evidence of learning is designed and gathered, to include the relationship between Student Learning Outcomes and Bloom’s Taxonomy. 
      5.   Explain and gives examples of creating a positive physical and psychological environment for learning in the classroom.
      6.   Explain Programs Learning Outcomes and INTASC Standards and note the background knowledge necessary for professional teachers
      7.  list and explain the elements of professionalism and certification in general and specifically what must be done to achieve and maintain FSM teacher certification.
      8.   Explain school administration in terms of responsibility and authority; the teachers’ role in the educational organization; the importance of community relations; as well as the role of the various professional educators in community relations.


      PLO 1

      PLO 2

      PLO 3

































      I = Introduced
      D = Demonstrated
      M = Mastered



      The student will be able to: 

      General SLO 1: Explain the four foundations or roots of traditional (pre-colonial) education, and the purposes of education in Spanish, German, Japanese and Trust Territory governments.  

      Student Learning Outcomes

      Assessment Strategies

      1.1 Explain the purposes of traditional Micronesian education, the curriculum, the teachers and how traditional curriculum was taught.

      Oral response to questions from textbook’s Chapter One Case Study (to be measured by rubric); written quiz; and final examination.

      1.2 Explain the Socratic Method and the Socrates Paradox.

      Quiz, mid-term, and final examination.

      1.3 Identify the three major purposes of Jesuit education in Micronesia.

      Quiz and mid-term

      1.4 Identify the purposes of education: the curriculum, and methods used by the early Spanish, the Protestant Missionaries; and for colonial Spain, Germany and Japan.

      Quiz, mid-term, and final examination.

      1.5 Explain the purposes and basic curriculum of education in Trust Territory Micronesia and how this curriculum differs from traditional education. 

      Quiz, mid-term, and final examination

      General SLO 2: Explain curriculum in terms formal and informal curriculum; content standards, benchmarks, and standards; as well as curriculum scope and sequence.  

      Student Learning Outcomes

      Assessment Strategies

      2.1 Explain the term curriculum by differentiating between formal and informal curriculum; scope and sequence; and standards and benchmarks.

      Quiz, mid-term, and final examination.


      2.2 Grade his/her own understanding of the FSM Elementary Science Standards-8th Grade Benchmarks.

      Student completes self-test from text on FSM Curriculum Standards-Science to gauge current science strengths/weaknesses.     

        1. 2.3 Identify the major standards in both English Language Arts and Vernacular Language Arts as well as list the strands taught in the Social Studies Standards of the state departments of education.

      Quiz, mid-term, and final examination.

      2.4 Explain the concept and importance of pre-testing using mathematics curriculum as an example.

      Quiz, mid-term, and final examination.

      General SLO 3: Explain and give examples of “barriers to learning” and explain and give examples of various methods and strategies teachers use in overcoming student learning barriers.

      Student Learning Outcomes

       Assessment Strategies

      3.1 Explain the purpose of five (5) method courses found in the third year teacher training curriculum program.

      Quiz, mid-term, and final examination.


      3.2 Explain “how children learn” and “how to teach”, as well as barriers to learning and the Basic Communication Model diagrammed in the text.

      Quiz, mid-term, and final examination.

      3.3 Define the Student Learning Outcome (SLO) by explaining the key parts of SLOs; how SLOs tell us “what to teach”; gives teachers hints on “how to teach”; differentiate between active and passive learning; and identify the key questions asked before writing SLOs.

      Textbook exercises, quiz, mid-term, and final examination

      3.4 Answer the question “How do teachers teach?” by explaining the five parts of the COM-FSM lesson plan.

      Quiz, mid-term, and final examination. 

      3.5 Explain the various ways lessons are introduced and concluded; how the matrix and case study can be used in lessons, the use of the scientific method as the basis for science lesson plans; and motivation of all subjects using the scientific habits of the mind.

      Mid-term and final examination

      3.6 Explain the simulation of student government and explain how student government addresses both formal and informal curriculum; and note possible student outcome for simulations and projects.

             Student uses “student government” and explains in writing the curriculum standards and possible students learning outcomes for both civics/government and language arts.


      General SLO 4:  Explain various ways in which evidence of learning is designed and gathered, to include the relationship between Student Learning Outcomes and Bloom’s Taxonomy.

      Student Learning Outcomes

      Assessment Strategies

      4.1 Recall what is meant in education when we say something has been learned and note passing scores on the national Standards Tests of various elementary schools.

      Student provides evidence of NST scores in English and mathematics for five FSM Elementary Schools and attach to following scheduled examination. Or Suggested Activities following Chapter Three may be used for this SLO.

      4.2 Differentiate between quantitative and qualitative evaluation by using the measures of central tendency namely arithmetic mean, median, mode and range when given data or scores.

      Quiz, mid-term, and final examination

      4.3 Show how an understanding of Bloom’s Taxonomy answers “how to teach”.

      Quiz, mid-term, and final examination

      4.4 Recognize and write SLO’s and show how a teacher will get the evidence or proof of learning.

      Student provides evidence by competing textbook exercises in class and/or quiz, mid-term, and final examination

      4.5 List various instruments used to gather evidence of learning; cite at least four “high stakes” tests and explain why each is “high stakes.”

      Quiz, mid-term, and final examination

      4.6 Explain why grades may not provide evidence of learning and note additional “caveats” about assessment and evaluation as stated in the text.

      Quiz, mid-term, and final examination

      General SLO 5:  Explain and gives examples of creating a positive physical and psychological environment for learning in the classroom.

      Student Learning Outcomes

      Assessment Strategies

      5.1 Explain what is meant by “the best possible” physical environment in the classroom; and  present examples of graphics and wall space; noting the relationship of particular students’ desks.

      Quiz and final examination

      5.2  State the three general definitions of a good classroom manager and tell how each definition applies to the teacher as a manager.

      Quiz and final examination

      5.3 State the importance of classroom rules by showing why and how a teacher sets up classroom rules and noting the characteristics of good rules.

      Quiz and final examination.

      5.4  Give examples of routines and procedures;  “sanctions”; rewards and punishment used by teachers as positive or negative reinforcement; and specify their applications.

      Quiz and final examination.

      5.5 Explain what is meant by “A Positive Learning Environment.”

      An example essay (to be evaluated by a rubric).

      5.6  Explain why every teacher and every student teacher needs to take a class or course on classroom management

      Quiz and final examination.

      General SLO 6: Explain Program Learning Outcomes and INTASC Standards and note the background knowledge necessary for professional teachers.

      Student Learning Outcomes

      Assessment Strategies

      6.1 Explain what is meant by Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) and INTASC Standards used by the University of Guam.

      Quiz and final examination

      6.2 Explain how PLOs and the INTASC Standards tell us what background knowledge is necessary for teaching.

      Quiz and final examination. 

      6.3  Give examples of courses and skills (besides content and methods courses) which are helpful for the student teacher

      Quiz and final examination. 

      6.4 Explain what is meant by the phrase “all learners are special” and note at least three groups of students that require “special teaching.”

      Quiz and final examination. 

      6.5 Cite the challenges associated with teaching and assessing vernacular language standards.

      Quiz and final examination. 

      6.6 Comment upon the necessity for teachers understanding and using technology.

      Quiz and final examination.


      General SLO 7:  List and explain the elements of professionalism and certification in general and specifically what must be done to achieve and maintain FSM teacher certification.

      Student Learning Outcomes

      Assessment Strategies

      7.1 Explain why a professional teacher must embrace the concept of “life-long learning.”

      An essay (to be evaluated by a rubric) or final examination. 

      7.2  Identify the elements of a good teacher certification system and comment on the weak areas of the FSM Teacher Certification statutes

      Final examination. 

      7.3  Explain what is meant by a Professional Code of Ethics and note the three areas of relationships that are covered in most codes of ethics for educators

      Final examination

      7.4 Explain why teachers should write in a professional manner and further explain the professional etiquette used when addressing other professionals including college professors.

      Final Examination 

      General SLO 8: Explain school administration in terms of responsibly and authority; the teachers’ role in the educational organization; the importance of community relations; as well as the role of the various professional educators in community relations.

      Student Learning Outcomes

      Assessment Strategies

      8.1 Explain school administration in terms of responsibility and authority; the teachers’ role in the educational organization; the importance of community relations; as well as the role of the various professional educators in community relations.


      An essay (to be evaluated by a rubric) or final examination.

      8.2 Explain administration in three ways and cite the important groups that make up the educational environment and how we might say that “everything and everybody makes up the education environment.”

      Final examination

      8.3 Define authority and responsibility and explain how these terms link to lines of authority and responsibility.

      Final examination

      8.4 Describe an education system using the “science analogy”; student-centered analogy and an administrative chart such as the COM-FSM Organizational Chart

      Final examination

      8.5 Describe the hierarchy or chain of command in the state department of education as well as its structure and functions.

      Final examination


      8.6 Explain public relations in terms of the publics’ perceptions and expectations and give examples that show “you cannot please all of the people all of the time.”

      Final examination

      8.7   Pledge to be the best teacher possible.

           Written and signed contract (to be coun- tersigned by instructor). 


      Introduction to traditional education; western foundations; curriculum standards and benchmarks; student learning outcomes; barriers to leaning; student learning; lesson planning; teaching methods and strategies; evidence of learning; Bloom’s Taxonomy; classroom management; program learning outcomes and INTASC; certification and professionalism; professional ethics; school administration and public relations


      Case studies, Internet, lecture


      Womack, Richard A. (2011)  An Introduction to Professional Teaching and Student Learning
       in Micronesia, College of Micronesia 2011 (or most recent edition)










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