W. James Currie, VP CRE
W. James Currie
Vice President,
Cooperative Research & Extension (CRE)


This is relatively new program currently being undertaken in Palau, Yap, Pohnpei, and the Marshall Islands. This program addresses production of black pearl oyster, rabbit fish, and other species. Research project activities continue to develop and/or test new advanced technologies to empower Micronesians to engage in projects that could improve health, livelihood, and support the local economy. Establishment of protocols and techniques in aquaculture offers excellent potential for sustainable economic development in farming using the black-lip pearl oyster, rabbit-fish, and other species. The program also offers employment potential in the rural communities.


This Program addresses sustainable plant and animal production and marketing including potential adverse effects on the environment and ecosystems due to improper practices. Emphasis is on tradition production systems, natural resources, techniques that incorporate traditional practices into contemporary approaches, processing, and marketing of crops and animals. Production of food crops and livestock are placed on high agricultural priority by the state governments and local producers. While food crops are the priority, economic development through agriculture is one of the pillars identified in the governments’ plans. Current efforts include Pohnpei Black Pepper; Yap Noni Production; Breadfruit processing; local livestock feed production, and coconut evaluation.


This program addresses nutrition and health related issues and provides appropriate nutrition education programs including the benefits of proper diet and physical activities. The main target groups being homemakers in the communities; Micronesia has an abundance of locally grown nutritious foods like taro, breadfruit, yam, banana, sweet potato, fresh fruits and vegetables and the islands are surrounded by ocean which provides good protein and calcium sources such as fish and other seafood that can always be harvested fresh. Despite these resources, families have foods which are more convenient in preparation, cooking, and storage. Some of these imported foods are less nutritious and contain high concentration of fat and sodium. This program provides appropriate nutrition education including the benefits of consuming local foods and exercise.