info-stnd: Invoking Info

1 2 Invoking Info
1 ***************
1 GNU Info accepts several options to control the initial node or nodes
1 being viewed, and to specify which directories to search for Info files.
1 Here is a template showing an invocation of GNU Info from the shell:
1      info [OPTION...] [MANUAL] [MENU-OR-INDEX-ITEM...]
1    Info will look for an entry called MANUAL in the directory files,
1 which are named 'dir', that it finds in its search path.  The search is
1 case-insensitive and considers substrings.  (If MANUAL is not given, by
1 default Info displays a composite directory listing, constructed by
1 combining the 'dir' files.)  A basic example:
1      info coreutils
1    This looks for an entry labelled 'coreutils', or 'Coreutils', etc.,
1 and if found, displays the referenced file (e.g., '') at
1 the location given.  'info coreu' will find it too, if there is no
1 better match.
1    Another example:
1      info ls
1    Assuming the normal 'dir' entry for 'ls', this will show the 'ls'
1 documentation, which happens to be within the 'coreutils' manual rather
1 than a separate manual.  The 'dir' entries can point to an any node
1 within a manual, so that users don't have to be concerned with the exact
1 structure used by different authors.
1    If no entry is found in the directories, Info looks for files in its
1 search path with names based on MANUAL.  If MANUAL is not found, Info
1 looks for it with a number of known extensions of Info files, namely
1 '.info', '-info', '/index', and '.inf'.  For every known extension, if a
1 regular file is not found, Info looks for a compressed file.  Info
1 supports files compressed with 'gzip', 'xz', 'bzip2', 'lzip', 'lzma',
1 'compress' and 'yabba' programs, assumed to have extensions '.z', '.gz',
1 '.xz', '.bz2', '.lz', '.lzma', '.Z', and '.Y' respectively.(1)
1    You can specify the name of a node to visit with the '--node' or '-n'
1 option.  Alternatively, you can specify the file and node together using
1 the same format that occurs in Info cross-references.  These two
1 examples both load the 'Files' node within the 'emacs' manual:
1      info emacs -n Files
1      info '(emacs)Files'
1    If you want to load a file without looking in the search path,
1 specify MANUAL either as an absolute path, or as a path relative to the
1 current directory which contains at least one slash character.  (You can
1 also use the '--file' option for similar behavior, described below.)
1 Examples:
1      info /usr/local/share/info/
1      info ./
1 Info looks for MANUAL only in the explicitly specified directory, and
1 adds that directory to its search path.
1    Info treats any remaining arguments as the names of menu items, or
1 (see below) index entries.  The first argument is a menu item in the
1 'Top' node of the file loaded, the second argument is a menu item in the
1 first argument's node, etc.  You can move to the node of your choice by
1 specifying the menu names which describe the path to that node.  For
1 example,
1      info emacs buffers
1      info texinfo Overview 'Using Texinfo'
1 The first example selects the menu item 'Buffers' in the node
1 '(emacs)Top'.  The second example loads the 'texinfo' file and looks in
1 its top-level menu for a 'Overview' item, looks in the menu of the node
1 referenced, and finally displays the node referenced by the 'Using
1 Texinfo' item.
1    If there was only one MENU-OR-INDEX-ITEM argument and it wasn't found
1 as a menu item, Info looks for it as an index entry.  For example:
1      info libc printf
1 This loads the libc Info manual and first looks for 'printf' in the
1 top-level menu as usual; since it isn't there (at this writing), it then
1 looks in the indices.  If it's found there (which it is), the relevant
1 node at the given location is displayed.
1    A complete list of options follows.
1 '--all'
1 '-a'
1      Find all files matching MANUAL.  Three usage patterns are
1      supported, as follows.
1      First, if '--all' is used together with '--where', 'info' prints
1      the names of all matching files found on standard output (including
1      '*manpages*' if relevant) and exits.
1      Second, if '--all' is used together with '--output', the contents
1      of all matched files are dumped to the specified output file.
1      Otherwise, an interactive session is initiated.  If more than one
1      file matches, a menu node is displayed listing the matches and
1      allowing you to select one.  This menu node can be brought back at
1      any time by pressing 'C-x f'.  If there is only one match, 'info'
1      starts as usual.
1      When used with the '--index-search' option, 'info' displays a menu
1      of matching index entries (just as the 'virtual-index' command
1      does; see ⇒Index Commands).
1      The '--node' option cannot be used together with this option.
1 '--apropos=STRING'
1 '-k STRING'
1      Specify a string to search in every index of every Info file
1      installed on your system.  Info looks up the named STRING in all
1      the indices it can find, prints the results to standard output, and
1      then exits.  If you are not sure which Info file explains certain
1      issues, this option is your friend.  (If your system has a lot of
1      Info files installed, searching all of them might take some time!)
11      You can invoke the apropos command from inside Info; see ⇒
      Searching Commands.
1 '--debug=NUMBER'
1 '-x NUMBER'
1      Print additional debugging information.  The argument specifies the
1      verbosity level, so a higher level includes all the information
1      from lower levels.  For all available debugging output, use
1      '-x -1'.  Info version 6.5 has these levels:
1      '1'
1           Print information about file handling, such as looking for
1           'dir' files and nodes written with '--output'.
1      '2'
1           Print operations relating to 'INFOPATH'.
1      '3'
1           Print information about node searching.
1      Before Info's full-screen output is initialized, debugging output
1      goes to standard error.  After it is initialized, the debugging
1      output is written to the file 'infodebug' in the current working
1      directory.
1 '--directory DIRECTORY-PATH'
1      Add DIRECTORY-PATH to the list of directory paths searched when
1      Info needs to find a file.  You may issue '--directory' multiple
1      times; once for each directory which contains Info files, or with a
1      list of such directories separated by a colon (or semicolon on
1      MS-DOS/MS-Windows).
1      Directories specified in the environment variable 'INFOPATH' are
1      added to the directories specified with '--directory', if any.  The
1      value of 'INFOPATH' is a list of directories usually separated by a
1      colon; on MS-DOS/MS-Windows systems, the semicolon is used.  If the
1      value of 'INFOPATH' ends with a colon (or semicolon on
1      MS-DOS/MS-Windows), the initial list of directories is constructed
1      by appending the build-time default to the value of 'INFOPATH'.
1      If you do not define 'INFOPATH', Info uses a default path defined
1      when Info was built as the initial list of directories.
1      Regardless of whether 'INFOPATH' is defined, the default
1      documentation directory defined when Info was built is added to the
1      search path.  If you do not want this directory to be included, set
11      the 'infopath-no-defaults' variable to 'On' (⇒
1      If the list of directories contains the element 'PATH', that
1      element is replaced by a list of directories derived from the value
1      of the environment variable 'PATH'.  Each path element of the form
1      DIR/BASE is replaced by DIR'/share/info' or DIR'/info', provided
1      that directory exists.
1 '--dribble=FILE'
1      Specify a file where all user keystrokes will be recorded.  This
1      file can be used later to replay the same sequence of commands, see
1      the '--restore' option below.
1 '--file MANUAL'
1 '-f MANUAL'
1      Specify a particular manual to visit without looking its name up in
1      any 'dir' files.
1      With this option, it starts by trying to visit '(MANUAL)Top', i.e.,
1      the 'Top' node in (typically) ''.  As above, it tries
1      various file extensions to find the file.  If no such file (or
1      node) can be found, Info exits without doing anything.  As with the
1      'dir' lookup described above, any extra MENU-ITEM arguments are
1      used to locate a node within the loaded file.
1      If MANUAL is an absolute file name, or begins with './' or '../',
1      or contains an intermediate directory, Info will only look for the
1      file in the directory specified, and add this directory to
1      'INFOPATH'.  (This is the same as what happens when '--file' is not
1      given.)
1 '--help'
1 '-h'
1      Output a brief description of the available Info command-line
1      options.
1 '--index-search STRING'
1      After processing all command-line arguments, go to the index in the
1      selected Info file and search for index entries which match STRING.
1      If such an entry is found, the Info session begins with displaying
1      the node pointed to by the first matching index entry; press ',' to
1      step through the rest of the matching entries.  If no such entry
1      exists, print 'no entries found' and exit with nonzero status.
1      This can be used from another program as a way to provide online
1      help, or as a quick way of starting to read an Info file at a
1      certain node when you don't know the exact name of that node.
1      When used with the '--all' option, 'info' displays a menu of
1      matching index entries (just as the 'virtual-index' command does;
1      see ⇒Index Commands).
11      This command can also be invoked from inside Info; ⇒Searching
1 '--init-file INIT-FILE'
1      Read key bindings and variable settings from INIT-FILE instead of
11      the '.infokey' file in your home directory.  ⇒Custom Key
1 '--node NODENAME'
1      Specify a particular node to visit in the initial file that Info
1      loads.  You may specify '--node' multiple times: for an interactive
1      Info, each NODENAME is visited in its own window; for a
1      non-interactive Info (such as when '--output' is given) each
1      NODENAME is processed sequentially.
1      You can specify both the file and node to the '--node' option using
1      the usual Info syntax, but don't forget to escape the open and
1      close parentheses and whitespace from the shell; for example:
1      info --node "(emacs)Buffers"
1 '--output FILE'
1 '-o FILE'
1      Direct output to FILE.  Each node that Info visits will be output
1      to FILE instead of interactively viewed.  A value of '-' for FILE
1      means standard output.
1 '--no-raw-escapes'
1 '--raw-escapes, -R'
1      By default, Info passes SGR terminal control sequences (also known
1      as ANSI escape sequences) found in documents directly through to
1      the terminal.  If you use the '--no-raw-escapes' options, these
1      sequences are displayed as other control characters are; for
1      example, an 'ESC' byte is displayed as '^['.  The '--raw-escapes'
1      and '-R' options do not do anything, but are included for
1      completeness.
1      Some versions of Groff (⇒(groff)Top) produce man pages with
1      ANSI escape sequences for bold, italics, and underlined characters,
1      and for colorized text.  If your 'man' command uses a version of
1      Groff that does this (original GNU Groff does), and your terminal
1      supports these sequences, Info will display any bold or underlined
1      text in man pages.  Some distributions have modified Groff to
1      require setting the 'GROFF_SGR' environment variable to get these
1      sequences.  ⇒(groff)Invoking grotty.
1 '--restore=DRIBBLE-FILE'
1      Read keystrokes from DRIBBLE-FILE, presumably recorded during
1      previous Info session (see the description of the '--dribble'
1      option above).  When the keystrokes in the files are all read, Info
1      reverts its input to the usual interactive operation.
1 '--show-malformed-multibytes'
1 '--no-show-malformed-multibytes'
1      Show malformed multibyte sequences in the output.  By default, such
1      sequences are dropped.
1 '--show-options'
1 '--usage'
1 '-O'
1      Tell Info to look for the node that describes how to invoke the
1      program and its command-line options, and begin the session by
1      displaying that node.  It is provided to make it easier to find the
1      most important usage information in a manual without navigating
1      through menu hierarchies.  The effect is similar to the 'M-x
1      goto-invocation' command (⇒goto-invocation) from inside
1      Info.
1 '--speech-friendly'
1 '-b'
1      On MS-DOS/MS-Windows only, this option causes Info to use standard
1      file I/O functions for screen writes.  (By default, Info uses
1      direct writes to the video memory on these systems, for faster
1      operation and colored display support.)  This allows the speech
1      synthesizers used by blind persons to catch the output and convert
1      it to audible speech.
1 '--strict-node-location'
1      This option causes Info not to search "nearby" to locate nodes, and
1      instead strictly use the information provided in the Info file.
1      The practical use for this option is for debugging programs that
1      write Info files, to check that they are outputting the correct
1      locations.  Due to bugs and malfeasances in the various Info
1      writing programs over the years and versions, it is not advisable
1      to ever use this option when just trying to read documentation.
1 '--subnodes'
1      This option only has meaning when given in conjunction with
1      '--output'.  It means to recursively output the nodes appearing in
1      the menus of each node being output.  Menu items which resolve to
1      external Info files are not output, and neither are menu items
1      which are members of an index.  Each node is only output once.
1 '--variable=NAME=VALUE'
1      Set the 'info' variable NAME to VALUE.  ⇒Variables.
1 '--version'
1      Prints the version information of Info and exits.
1 '--vi-keys'
1      This option binds functions to keys differently, to emulate the key
1      bindings of 'vi' and Less.  The bindings activated by this option
DONTPRINTYET 1      are documented in ⇒infokey format.  (*NoteCustom Key
1      Bindings:: for a more general way of altering GNU Info's key
1      bindings.)
1 '--where'
1 '--location'
1 '-w'
1      Show the filename that would be read and exit, instead of actually
1      reading it and starting Info.
1 Custom Key Bindings:: for information on how to customize these
1 settings.
1    ---------- Footnotes ----------
1    (1) On MS-DOS, Info allows for the Info extension, such as '.inf',
1 and the short compressed file extensions, such as '.z' and '.gz', to be
1 merged into a single extension, since DOS doesn't allow more than a
1 single dot in the basename of a file.  Thus, on MS-DOS, if Info looks
1 for 'bison', file names like 'bison.igz' and 'bison.inz' will be found
1 and decompressed by 'gunzip'.