info-stnd: Variables

1 12 Manipulating Variables
1 *************************
1 GNU Info uses several internal "variables" whose values are looked at by
1 various Info commands.  You can change the values of these variables,
1 and thus change the behavior of Info, if desired.
1    There are three ways to set the value of a variable, listed here in
1 order of precedence:
1   1. interactively, using the 'set-variable' command described below;
1   2. on the command line, using the '-v' ('--variable') command line
1      option (⇒variable-assignment);
11   3. in the '#var' section of the '.infokey' file (⇒Custom Key
1 'M-x set-variable'
1      Read the name of a variable, and the value for it, in the echo area
1      and then set the variable to that value.  Completion is available
1      when reading the variable name (⇒The Echo Area); completion
1      is also available when reading the value when that makes sense.
1 'M-x describe-variable'
1      Read the name of a variable in the echo area and display its value
1      and a brief description.
1    Here is a list of the variables that you can set in Info.
1 'automatic-footnotes'
1      When set to 'On', footnotes appear and disappear automatically;
1      else, they appear at the bottom of the node text.  This variable is
1      'Off' by default.  When a node is selected, a window containing the
1      footnotes which appear in that node is created, and the footnotes
1      are displayed within the new window.  The window that Info creates
1      to contain the footnotes is called '*Footnotes*'.  If a node is
1      selected which contains no footnotes, and a '*Footnotes*' window is
1      on the screen, the '*Footnotes*' window is deleted.  Footnote
1      windows created in this fashion are not automatically tiled so that
1      they can use as little of the display as is possible.
1 'automatic-tiling'
1      When set to 'On', creating or deleting a window resizes other
1      windows.  This variable is 'Off' by default.  Normally, typing 'C-x
1      2' divides the current window into two equal parts.  When
1      'automatic-tiling' is set to 'On', all of the windows are resized
1      automatically, keeping an equal number of lines visible in each
1      window.  Any '*Completions*' and '*Footnotes*' windows are
1      exceptions to the automatic tiling; they retain their original
1      size.
1 'cursor-movement-scrolls'
1      When set to 'On', when cursor movement commands reach the top or
1      bottom of a node, another node is loaded depending on the value of
1      'scroll-behaviour' (see below).  This is the default.  When this
1      variable is set to 'Off', cursor movements stop at the top or
1      bottom of a node.
1 'errors-ring-bell'
1      When set to 'On' (the default), errors cause the bell to ring.
1 'follow-strategy'
1      When set to 'remain' (the default), Info tries to remain within the
1      directory containing the currently displayed Info file when
1      following a cross-reference to an external manual, before looking
1      for the referenced manual in the search path.  The alternative
1      value is 'path', which means to look through the search path right
1      away.
1      'remain' is intended to be useful for several Texinfo manuals that
1      all reference each other and whose versions should match each
1      other.  (For example, various manuals relating to a particular
1      version of Emacs.)
1      The alternative behaviour, with 'path', may be useful when your
1      Info file search path parallels your command shell's search path,
1      and you always want to find documentation of the version of the
1      program that the shell would execute.
1 'gc-compressed-files'
1      When set to 'On', Info garbage collects files which had to be
1      uncompressed.  The default value of this variable is 'Off'.
1      Whenever a node is visited in Info, the Info file containing that
1      node is read into memory, and Info reads information about the tags
1      and nodes contained in that file.  Once the tags information is
1      read by Info, it is never forgotten.  However, the actual text of
1      the nodes does not need to be retained unless a particular Info
1      window needs it.  For non-compressed files, node text is not
1      remembered when it is no longer in use.  But de-compressing a file
1      can be a time-consuming operation, and so Info tries hard not to do
1      it twice.  This variable tells Info it is okay to garbage collect
1      the text of the nodes of a file which was compressed on disk.
1 'hide-note-references'
1      By default, Info displays the contents of Info files mostly
1      verbatim, including text that is used by Info readers for
1      navigation (for example, marking the location of menus or
1      cross-references).  If you set this variable to 'On', some of this
1      text is hidden, in a similar way to the 'Info-hide-note-references'
1      variable in Emacs (⇒(info)Emacs Info Variables).
1 'highlight-searches'
11      When set to 'On', highlight matches from searching commands (⇒
      Searching Commands).
1 'infopath-no-defaults'
11      Used in conjunction with the 'INFOPATH' environment variable (⇒
      INFOPATH).  When set to 'On', the default documentation directory
1      defined when Info was built (e.g., '/usr/share/info') is not added
1      to the search path for Info files.
1 'ISO-Latin'
1      The default is 'On', which means that Info accepts and displays
1      characters represented by bytes with values 128 and above, such as
1      characters in the UTF-8 encoding or in various 8-bit ISO Latin
1      characters, as well as allowing you to input such characters.
1      The only reason to set this variable to 'Off' would be if your
1      terminal set the eighth bit of a byte to represent the Meta key
1      being pressed.
1 'key-time'
1      Length of time in milliseconds to wait for the next byte of a byte
1      sequence generated by a key (or key chord) on the keyboard.  For
1      example, if the 'down' key generates the byte sequence '<ESC> O B',
1      and the two bytes '<ESC> O' have been received, then a 'B' byte
1      would have to be received within this length of time for a key
1      press of 'down' to be registered.  You may wish to set this
1      variable to a larger value for slow terminals or network
1      connections.
1      If you set this variable to 0, it's unspecified whether a
1      recognized byte sequence representing a key takes precedence over
1      another recognized sequence representing a key that is an initial
1      subsequence of the first sequence.  In some cases, you may be able
1      to make pressing a special key on the keyboard that Info doesn't
1      know about (for example, a function key) cause a command to be
1      executed by setting this variable to 0, and giving the byte
11      sequence the key sends in '.infokey'.  (⇒Custom Key
1 'min-search-length'
1      Minimum length of a search string (default 1).  Attempts to
1      initiate a search for a string (or regular expression) shorter than
1      this value, result in an error.
1 'mouse'
1      What method to use to get input from a mouse device.  The default
1      value is 'Off'.  Set this variable to 'normal-tracking' to make
1      Info use "normal tracking mode" if it detects that the terminal
1      supports it.  This enables you to scroll the contents of the active
1      window with a mouse scrollwheel.
1      On terminal emulators running under the X Window System, such as
1      'xterm', you can usually select text with the mouse.  However,
1      mouse tracking mode may interfere with this.  When this happens,
1      you may be able to select text by holding down the 'Shift' key
1      while clicking and dragging.
1 'nodeline'
1      How to print the node header line that appears at the top of each
1      node.  By default only the pointers to neighbouring nodes are
1      displayed (the "Next", "Prev", and "Up" pointers): this corresponds
1      to the 'pointers' value for this variable.  To print the entire
1      line, set 'nodeline' to the value 'print', which will include the
1      filename and name of the node.  To not display the header line at
1      all, use the value 'no'.
1 'scroll-behavior'
1 'scroll-behaviour'
1      The two variable names are synonymous.  Control what happens when
1      scrolling commands are used at the end or beginning of a node
1      (⇒Scrolling Commands).  The default value for this variable
1      is 'Continuous'.  Possible values:
1      'Continuous'
1           Try to get the first item in this node's menu, or failing
1           that, the 'Next' node, or failing that, the 'Next' of the 'Up'
1           node.  This behavior is identical to using the ']'
1           ('global-next-node') and '[' ('global-prev-node') commands.
1      'Next Only'
1           Only try to get the 'Next' node.
1      'Page Only'
1           Just stop, changing nothing.  With this value, no scrolling
1           command can change the node that is being viewed.
1      Commands::) unless the 'cursor-movement-scrolls' variable is set to
1      'Off'.  ⇒cursor-movement-scrolls.
1 'scroll-last-node'
1      Control what happens when a scrolling command is issued at the end
1      of the last node.  Possible values are:
1      'Stop'
1           Do not scroll.  Display the 'No more nodes within this
1           document' message.  This is the default.
1      'Top'
1           Go to the top node of the document.
1      This variable is in effect only if 'scroll-behaviour' is set to
1      'Continuous'.
1 'scroll-step'
1      The number of lines to scroll to bring the cursor back into the
1      window.  The default value of this variable is 1, which causes a
1      kind of "smooth scrolling" which some people prefer.  Scrolling
1      happens automatically if the cursor has moved out of the visible
1      portion of the node text.
1      If the variable 'scroll-step' is 0, the cursor (and the text it is
1      attached to) is placed in the centre of the window.
1 'search-skip-screen'
11      Set the starting point of repeated searches (⇒
      repeated-search).  When set to 'Off' (the default), repeated
1      searches start at the position immediately following (when
1      searching in forward direction), or immediately preceding (when
1      searching backwards) the cursor.  When set to 'On', repeated
1      searches omit lines visibly displayed on the screen.  In other
1      words, forward searches ('}') start at the beginning of the next
1      page, and backward searches ('{') start at the end of the previous
1      page.
1 'show-index-match'
1      When set to 'On' (the default), the portion of the matched search
1      string that you typed is indicated (by displaying it in the
11      "opposite" case) in the result message (⇒'next-index-match'
      Searching Commands.).
1 'visible-bell'
1      When set to 'On', Info attempts to flash the screen instead of
1      ringing the bell.  This variable is 'Off' by default.  If the
1      terminal does not allow flashing, this variable has no effect.
1      (But you can still make Info perform quietly by setting the
1      'errors-ring-bell' variable to 'Off'; or using an external command
1      to mute the bell, e.g., 'xset b 0 0 0'.)