gawk: User-modified

1 7.5.1 Built-in Variables That Control 'awk'
1 -------------------------------------------
1 The following is an alphabetical list of variables that you can change
1 to control how 'awk' does certain things.
1    The variables that are specific to 'gawk' are marked with a pound
1 sign ('#').  These variables are 'gawk' extensions.  In other 'awk'
1 implementations or if 'gawk' is in compatibility mode (⇒Options),
1 they are not special.  (Any exceptions are noted in the description of
1 each variable.)
1      On non-POSIX systems, this variable specifies use of binary mode
1      for all I/O. Numeric values of one, two, or three specify that
1      input files, output files, or all files, respectively, should use
1      binary I/O. A numeric value less than zero is treated as zero, and
1      a numeric value greater than three is treated as three.
1      Alternatively, string values of '"r"' or '"w"' specify that input
1      files and output files, respectively, should use binary I/O. A
1      string value of '"rw"' or '"wr"' indicates that all files should
1      use binary I/O. Any other string value is treated the same as
1      '"rw"', but causes 'gawk' to generate a warning message.  'BINMODE'
DONTPRINTYET 1      is described in more detail in ⇒PC Using.  'mawk' (*note1DONTPRINTYET 1      is described in more detail in ⇒PC Using.  'mawk' (⇒
      Other Versions) also supports this variable, but only using
1      numeric values.
11      A string that controls the conversion of numbers to strings (⇒
      Conversion).  It works by being passed, in effect, as the first
1      argument to the 'sprintf()' function (⇒String Functions).
1      Its default value is '"%.6g"'.  'CONVFMT' was introduced by the
1      POSIX standard.
1      A space-separated list of columns that tells 'gawk' how to split
1      input with fixed columnar boundaries.  Starting in version 4.2,
1      each field width may optionally be preceded by a colon-separated
1      value specifying the number of characters to skip before the field
1      starts.  Assigning a value to 'FIELDWIDTHS' overrides the use of
1      'FS' and 'FPAT' for field splitting.  ⇒Constant Size for
1      more information.
1 'FPAT #'
1      A regular expression (as a string) that tells 'gawk' to create the
1      fields based on text that matches the regular expression.
1      Assigning a value to 'FPAT' overrides the use of 'FS' and
1      'FIELDWIDTHS' for field splitting.  ⇒Splitting By Content
1      for more information.
1 'FS'
1      The input field separator (⇒Field Separators).  The value is
1      a single-character string or a multicharacter regular expression
1      that matches the separations between fields in an input record.  If
1      the value is the null string ('""'), then each character in the
1      record becomes a separate field.  (This behavior is a 'gawk'
1      extension.  POSIX 'awk' does not specify the behavior when 'FS' is
1      the null string.  Nonetheless, some other versions of 'awk' also
1      treat '""' specially.)
1      The default value is '" "', a string consisting of a single space.
1      As a special exception, this value means that any sequence of
1      spaces, TABs, and/or newlines is a single separator.  It also
1      causes spaces, TABs, and newlines at the beginning and end of a
1      record to be ignored.
1      You can set the value of 'FS' on the command line using the '-F'
1      option:
1           awk -F, 'PROGRAM' INPUT-FILES
1      If 'gawk' is using 'FIELDWIDTHS' or 'FPAT' for field splitting,
1      assigning a value to 'FS' causes 'gawk' to return to the normal,
1      'FS'-based field splitting.  An easy way to do this is to simply
1      say 'FS = FS', perhaps with an explanatory comment.
1      If 'IGNORECASE' is nonzero or non-null, then all string comparisons
1      and all regular expression matching are case-independent.  This
1      applies to regexp matching with '~' and '!~', the 'gensub()',
1      'gsub()', 'index()', 'match()', 'patsplit()', 'split()', and
1      'sub()' functions, record termination with 'RS', and field
1      splitting with 'FS' and 'FPAT'.  However, the value of 'IGNORECASE'
1      does _not_ affect array subscripting and it does not affect field
11      splitting when using a single-character field separator.  ⇒
1 'LINT #'
1      When this variable is true (nonzero or non-null), 'gawk' behaves as
1      if the '--lint' command-line option is in effect (⇒Options).
1      With a value of '"fatal"', lint warnings become fatal errors.  With
1      a value of '"invalid"', only warnings about things that are
1      actually invalid are issued.  (This is not fully implemented yet.)
1      Any other true value prints nonfatal warnings.  Assigning a false
1      value to 'LINT' turns off the lint warnings.
1      This variable is a 'gawk' extension.  It is not special in other
1      'awk' implementations.  Unlike with the other special variables,
1      changing 'LINT' does affect the production of lint warnings, even
1      if 'gawk' is in compatibility mode.  Much as the '--lint' and
1      '--traditional' options independently control different aspects of
1      'gawk''s behavior, the control of lint warnings during program
1      execution is independent of the flavor of 'awk' being executed.
1 'OFMT'
11      A string that controls conversion of numbers to strings (⇒
      Conversion) for printing with the 'print' statement.  It works by
1      being passed as the first argument to the 'sprintf()' function
1      (⇒String Functions).  Its default value is '"%.6g"'.
1      Earlier versions of 'awk' used 'OFMT' to specify the format for
1      converting numbers to strings in general expressions; this is now
1      done by 'CONVFMT'.
1 'OFS'
1      The output field separator (⇒Output Separators).  It is
1      output between the fields printed by a 'print' statement.  Its
1      default value is '" "', a string consisting of a single space.
1 'ORS'
1      The output record separator.  It is output at the end of every
1      'print' statement.  Its default value is '"\n"', the newline
1      character.  (⇒Output Separators.)
1 'PREC #'
1      The working precision of arbitrary-precision floating-point
1      numbers, 53 bits by default (⇒Setting precision).
1      The rounding mode to use for arbitrary-precision arithmetic on
1      numbers, by default '"N"' ('roundTiesToEven' in the IEEE 754
1      standard; ⇒Setting the rounding mode).
1 'RS'
1      The input record separator.  Its default value is a string
1      containing a single newline character, which means that an input
1      record consists of a single line of text.  It can also be the null
1      string, in which case records are separated by runs of blank lines.
1      If it is a regexp, records are separated by matches of the regexp
1      in the input text.  (⇒Records.)
1      The ability for 'RS' to be a regular expression is a 'gawk'
1      extension.  In most other 'awk' implementations, or if 'gawk' is in
1      compatibility mode (⇒Options), just the first character of
1      'RS''s value is used.
1      The subscript separator.  It has the default value of '"\034"' and
1      is used to separate the parts of the indices of a multidimensional
1      array.  Thus, the expression 'foo["A", "B"]' really accesses
1      'foo["A\034B"]' (⇒Multidimensional).
1      Used for internationalization of programs at the 'awk' level.  It
1      sets the default text domain for specially marked string constants
1      in the source text, as well as for the 'dcgettext()',
11      'dcngettext()', and 'bindtextdomain()' functions (⇒
      Internationalization).  The default value of 'TEXTDOMAIN' is
1      '"messages"'.