gawk: Options

1 2.2 Command-Line Options
1 ========================
1 Options begin with a dash and consist of a single character.  GNU-style
1 long options consist of two dashes and a keyword.  The keyword can be
1 abbreviated, as long as the abbreviation allows the option to be
1 uniquely identified.  If the option takes an argument, either the
1 keyword is immediately followed by an equals sign ('=') and the
1 argument's value, or the keyword and the argument's value are separated
1 by whitespace.  If a particular option with a value is given more than
1 once, it is the last value that counts.
1    Each long option for 'gawk' has a corresponding POSIX-style short
1 option.  The long and short options are interchangeable in all contexts.
1 The following list describes options mandated by the POSIX standard:
1 '-F FS'
1 '--field-separator FS'
1      Set the 'FS' variable to FS (⇒Field Separators).
1 '--file SOURCE-FILE'
1      Read the 'awk' program source from SOURCE-FILE instead of in the
1      first nonoption argument.  This option may be given multiple times;
1      the 'awk' program consists of the concatenation of the contents of
1      each specified SOURCE-FILE.
1 '-v VAR=VAL'
1 '--assign VAR=VAL'
1      Set the variable VAR to the value VAL _before_ execution of the
1      program begins.  Such variable values are available inside the
1      'BEGIN' rule (⇒Other Arguments).
1      The '-v' option can only set one variable, but it can be used more
1      than once, setting another variable each time, like this: 'awk
1      -v foo=1 -v bar=2 ...'.
1           CAUTION: Using '-v' to set the values of the built-in
1           variables may lead to surprising results.  'awk' will reset
1           the values of those variables as it needs to, possibly
1           ignoring any initial value you may have given.
1      Provide an implementation-specific option.  This is the POSIX
1      convention for providing implementation-specific options.  These
1      options also have corresponding GNU-style long options.  Note that
1      the long options may be abbreviated, as long as the abbreviations
1      remain unique.  The full list of 'gawk'-specific options is
1      provided next.
1 '--'
1      Signal the end of the command-line options.  The following
1      arguments are not treated as options even if they begin with '-'.
1      This interpretation of '--' follows the POSIX argument parsing
1      conventions.
1      This is useful if you have file names that start with '-', or in
1      shell scripts, if you have file names that will be specified by the
1      user that could start with '-'.  It is also useful for passing
1      options on to the 'awk' program; see ⇒Getopt Function.
1    The following list describes 'gawk'-specific options:
1 '-b'
1 '--characters-as-bytes'
1      Cause 'gawk' to treat all input data as single-byte characters.  In
1      addition, all output written with 'print' or 'printf' is treated as
1      single-byte characters.
1      Normally, 'gawk' follows the POSIX standard and attempts to process
1      its input data according to the current locale (⇒Locales).
1      This can often involve converting multibyte characters into wide
1      characters (internally), and can lead to problems or confusion if
1      the input data does not contain valid multibyte characters.  This
1      option is an easy way to tell 'gawk', "Hands off my data!"
1 '-c'
1 '--traditional'
1      Specify "compatibility mode", in which the GNU extensions to the
1      'awk' language are disabled, so that 'gawk' behaves just like BWK
1      'awk'.  ⇒POSIX/GNU, which summarizes the extensions.  Also
1      see ⇒Compatibility Mode.
1 '-C'
1 '--copyright'
1      Print the short version of the General Public License and then
1      exit.
1 '-d'[FILE]
1 '--dump-variables'['='FILE]
1      Print a sorted list of global variables, their types, and final
1      values to FILE.  If no FILE is provided, print this list to a file
1      named 'awkvars.out' in the current directory.  No space is allowed
1      between the '-d' and FILE, if FILE is supplied.
1      Having a list of all global variables is a good way to look for
1      typographical errors in your programs.  You would also use this
1      option if you have a large program with a lot of functions, and you
1      want to be sure that your functions don't inadvertently use global
1      variables that you meant to be local.  (This is a particularly easy
1      mistake to make with simple variable names like 'i', 'j', etc.)
1 '-D'[FILE]
1 '--debug'['='FILE]
1      Enable debugging of 'awk' programs (⇒Debugging).  By
1      default, the debugger reads commands interactively from the
1      keyboard (standard input).  The optional FILE argument allows you
1      to specify a file with a list of commands for the debugger to
1      execute noninteractively.  No space is allowed between the '-D' and
1      FILE, if FILE is supplied.
1 '--source' PROGRAM-TEXT
1      Provide program source code in the PROGRAM-TEXT.  This option
1      allows you to mix source code in files with source code that you
1      enter on the command line.  This is particularly useful when you
1      have library functions that you want to use from your command-line
1      programs (⇒AWKPATH Variable).
1      Note that 'gawk' treats each string as if it ended with a newline
1      character (even if it doesn't).  This makes building the total
1      program easier.
1           CAUTION: At the moment, there is no requirement that each
1           PROGRAM-TEXT be a full syntactic unit.  I.e., the following
1           currently works:
1                $ gawk -e 'BEGIN { a = 5 ;' -e 'print a }'
1                -| 5
1           However, this could change in the future, so it's not a good
1           idea to rely upon this feature.
1 '-E' FILE
1 '--exec' FILE
1      Similar to '-f', read 'awk' program text from FILE.  There are two
1      differences from '-f':
1         * This option terminates option processing; anything else on the
1           command line is passed on directly to the 'awk' program.
1         * Command-line variable assignments of the form 'VAR=VALUE' are
1           disallowed.
1      This option is particularly necessary for World Wide Web CGI
1      applications that pass arguments through the URL; using this option
1      prevents a malicious (or other) user from passing in options,
1      assignments, or 'awk' source code (via '-e') to the CGI
1      application.(1)  This option should be used with '#!' scripts
1      (⇒Executable Scripts), like so:
1           #! /usr/local/bin/gawk -E
1           AWK PROGRAM HERE ...
1 '-g'
1 '--gen-pot'
1      Analyze the source program and generate a GNU 'gettext' portable
1      object template file on standard output for all string constants
11      that have been marked for translation.  ⇒
      Internationalization, for information about this option.
1 '-h'
1 '--help'
1      Print a "usage" message summarizing the short- and long-style
1      options that 'gawk' accepts and then exit.
1 '--include' SOURCE-FILE
1      Read an 'awk' source library from SOURCE-FILE.  This option is
1      completely equivalent to using the '@include' directive inside your
1      program.  It is very similar to the '-f' option, but there are two
1      important differences.  First, when '-i' is used, the program
1      source is not loaded if it has been previously loaded, whereas with
1      '-f', 'gawk' always loads the file.  Second, because this option is
1      intended to be used with code libraries, 'gawk' does not recognize
1      such files as constituting main program input.  Thus, after
1      processing an '-i' argument, 'gawk' still expects to find the main
1      source code via the '-f' option or on the command line.
1 '-l' EXT
1 '--load' EXT
1      Load a dynamic extension named EXT.  Extensions are stored as
1      system shared libraries.  This option searches for the library
1      using the 'AWKLIBPATH' environment variable.  The correct library
1      suffix for your platform will be supplied by default, so it need
1      not be specified in the extension name.  The extension
1      initialization routine should be named 'dl_load()'.  An alternative
1      is to use the '@load' keyword inside the program to load a shared
11      library.  This advanced feature is described in detail in ⇒
      Dynamic Extensions.
1 '-L'[VALUE]
1 '--lint'['='VALUE]
1      Warn about constructs that are dubious or nonportable to other
1      'awk' implementations.  No space is allowed between the '-L' and
1      VALUE, if VALUE is supplied.  Some warnings are issued when 'gawk'
1      first reads your program.  Others are issued at runtime, as your
1      program executes.  With an optional argument of 'fatal', lint
1      warnings become fatal errors.  This may be drastic, but its use
1      will certainly encourage the development of cleaner 'awk' programs.
1      With an optional argument of 'invalid', only warnings about things
1      that are actually invalid are issued.  (This is not fully
1      implemented yet.)
1      Some warnings are only printed once, even if the dubious constructs
1      they warn about occur multiple times in your 'awk' program.  Thus,
1      when eliminating problems pointed out by '--lint', you should take
1      care to search for all occurrences of each inappropriate construct.
1      As 'awk' programs are usually short, doing so is not burdensome.
1 '-M'
1 '--bignum'
1      Select arbitrary-precision arithmetic on numbers.  This option has
1      no effect if 'gawk' is not compiled to use the GNU MPFR and MP
1      libraries (⇒Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic).
1 '-n'
1 '--non-decimal-data'
1      Enable automatic interpretation of octal and hexadecimal values in
1      input data (⇒Nondecimal Data).
1           CAUTION: This option can severely break old programs.  Use
1           with care.  Also note that this option may disappear in a
1           future version of 'gawk'.
1 '-N'
1 '--use-lc-numeric'
1      Force the use of the locale's decimal point character when parsing
1      numeric input data (⇒Locales).
1 '-o'[FILE]
1 '--pretty-print'['='FILE]
1      Enable pretty-printing of 'awk' programs.  Implies '--no-optimize'.
1      By default, the output program is created in a file named
1      'awkprof.out' (⇒Profiling).  The optional FILE argument
1      allows you to specify a different file name for the output.  No
1      space is allowed between the '-o' and FILE, if FILE is supplied.
1           NOTE: In the past, this option would also execute your
1           program.  This is no longer the case.
1 '-O'
1 '--optimize'
1      Enable 'gawk''s default optimizations on the internal
1      representation of the program.  At the moment, this includes simple
1      constant folding and tail recursion elimination in function calls.
1      These optimizations are enabled by default.  This option remains
1      primarily for backwards compatibility.  However, it may be used to
1      cancel the effect of an earlier '-s' option (see later in this
1      list).
1 '-p'[FILE]
1 '--profile'['='FILE]
1      Enable profiling of 'awk' programs (⇒Profiling).  Implies
1      '--no-optimize'.  By default, profiles are created in a file named
1      'awkprof.out'.  The optional FILE argument allows you to specify a
1      different file name for the profile file.  No space is allowed
1      between the '-p' and FILE, if FILE is supplied.
1      The profile contains execution counts for each statement in the
1      program in the left margin, and function call counts for each
1      function.
1 '-P'
1 '--posix'
1      Operate in strict POSIX mode.  This disables all 'gawk' extensions
1      (just like '--traditional') and disables all extensions not allowed
1      by POSIX. ⇒Common Extensions for a summary of the extensions
1      in 'gawk' that are disabled by this option.  Also, the following
1      additional restrictions apply:
11         * Newlines are not allowed after '?' or ':' (⇒Conditional
1         * Specifying '-Ft' on the command line does not set the value of
1           'FS' to be a single TAB character (⇒Field Separators).
1         * The locale's decimal point character is used for parsing input
1           data (⇒Locales).
1      If you supply both '--traditional' and '--posix' on the command
1      line, '--posix' takes precedence.  'gawk' issues a warning if both
1      options are supplied.
1 '-r'
1 '--re-interval'
1      Allow interval expressions (⇒Regexp Operators) in regexps.
1      This is now 'gawk''s default behavior.  Nevertheless, this option
1      remains (both for backward compatibility and for use in combination
1      with '--traditional').
1 '-s'
1 '--no-optimize'
1      Disable 'gawk''s default optimizations on the internal
1      representation of the program.
1 '-S'
1 '--sandbox'
1      Disable the 'system()' function, input redirections with 'getline',
1      output redirections with 'print' and 'printf', and dynamic
1      extensions.  This is particularly useful when you want to run 'awk'
1      scripts from questionable sources and need to make sure the scripts
1      can't access your system (other than the specified input data
1      file).
1 '-t'
1 '--lint-old'
1      Warn about constructs that are not available in the original
1      version of 'awk' from Version 7 Unix (⇒V7/SVR3.1).
1 '-V'
1 '--version'
1      Print version information for this particular copy of 'gawk'.  This
1      allows you to determine if your copy of 'gawk' is up to date with
1      respect to whatever the Free Software Foundation is currently
1      distributing.  It is also useful for bug reports (⇒Bugs).
1    As long as program text has been supplied, any other options are
1 flagged as invalid with a warning message but are otherwise ignored.
1    In compatibility mode, as a special case, if the value of FS supplied
1 to the '-F' option is 't', then 'FS' is set to the TAB character
1 ('"\t"').  This is true only for '--traditional' and not for '--posix'
1 (⇒Field Separators).
1    The '-f' option may be used more than once on the command line.  If
1 it is, 'awk' reads its program source from all of the named files, as if
1 they had been concatenated together into one big file.  This is useful
1 for creating libraries of 'awk' functions.  These functions can be
1 written once and then retrieved from a standard place, instead of having
1 to be included in each individual program.  The '-i' option is similar
1 in this regard.  (As mentioned in ⇒Definition Syntax, function
1 names must be unique.)
1    With standard 'awk', library functions can still be used, even if the
1 program is entered at the keyboard, by specifying '-f /dev/tty'.  After
1 typing your program, type 'Ctrl-d' (the end-of-file character) to
1 terminate it.  (You may also use '-f -' to read program source from the
1 standard input, but then you will not be able to also use the standard
1 input as a source of data.)
1    Because it is clumsy using the standard 'awk' mechanisms to mix
1 source file and command-line 'awk' programs, 'gawk' provides the '-e'
1 option.  This does not require you to preempt the standard input for
1 your source code; it allows you to easily mix command-line and library
1 source code (⇒AWKPATH Variable).  As with '-f', the '-e' and '-i'
1 options may also be used multiple times on the command line.
1    If no '-f' or '-e' option is specified, then 'gawk' uses the first
1 nonoption command-line argument as the text of the program source code.
1    If the environment variable 'POSIXLY_CORRECT' exists, then 'gawk'
1 behaves in strict POSIX mode, exactly as if you had supplied '--posix'.
1 Many GNU programs look for this environment variable to suppress
1 extensions that conflict with POSIX, but 'gawk' behaves differently: it
1 suppresses all extensions, even those that do not conflict with POSIX,
1 and behaves in strict POSIX mode.  If '--lint' is supplied on the
1 command line and 'gawk' turns on POSIX mode because of
1 'POSIXLY_CORRECT', then it issues a warning message indicating that
1 POSIX mode is in effect.  You would typically set this variable in your
1 shell's startup file.  For a Bourne-compatible shell (such as Bash), you
1 would add these lines to the '.profile' file in your home directory:
1      export POSIXLY_CORRECT
1    For a C shell-compatible shell,(2) you would add this line to the
1 '.login' file in your home directory:
1      setenv POSIXLY_CORRECT true
1    Having 'POSIXLY_CORRECT' set is not recommended for daily use, but it
1 is good for testing the portability of your programs to other
1 environments.
1    ---------- Footnotes ----------
1    (1) For more detail, please see Section 4.4 of RFC 3875
1 (  Also see the explanatory note sent
1 to the 'gawk' bug mailing list
1 (
1    (2) Not recommended.