gawk: Printing

1 5 Printing Output
1 *****************
1 One of the most common programming actions is to "print", or output,
1 some or all of the input.  Use the 'print' statement for simple output,
1 and the 'printf' statement for fancier formatting.  The 'print'
1 statement is not limited when computing _which_ values to print.
1 However, with two exceptions, you cannot specify _how_ to print
1 them--how many columns, whether to use exponential notation or not, and
DONTPRINTYET 1 so on.  (For the exceptions, ⇒Output Separators and *note1DONTPRINTYET 1 so on.  (For the exceptions, ⇒Output Separators and ⇒
 OFMT.)  For printing with specifications, you need the 'printf'
1 statement (⇒Printf).
1    Besides basic and formatted printing, this major node also covers I/O
1 redirections to files and pipes, introduces the special file names that
1 'gawk' processes internally, and discusses the 'close()' built-in
1 function.
