gawk: Nonfatal

1 5.10 Enabling Nonfatal Output
1 =============================
1 This minor node describes a 'gawk'-specific feature.
1    In standard 'awk', output with 'print' or 'printf' to a nonexistent
1 file, or some other I/O error (such as filling up the disk) is a fatal
1 error.
1      $ gawk 'BEGIN { print "hi" > "/no/such/file" }'
1      error-> gawk: cmd. line:1: fatal: can't redirect to `/no/such/file' (No
1      error-> such file or directory)
1    'gawk' makes it possible to detect that an error has occurred,
1 allowing you to possibly recover from the error, or at least print an
1 error message of your choosing before exiting.  You can do this in one
1 of two ways:
1    * For all output files, by assigning any value to
1    * On a per-file basis, by assigning any value to 'PROCINFO[FILENAME,
1      "NONFATAL"]'.  Here, FILENAME is the name of the file to which you
1      wish output to be nonfatal.
1    Once you have enabled nonfatal output, you must check 'ERRNO' after
1 every relevant 'print' or 'printf' statement to see if something went
1 wrong.  It is also a good idea to initialize 'ERRNO' to zero before
1 attempting the output.  For example:
1      $ gawk '
1      > BEGIN {
1      >     PROCINFO["NONFATAL"] = 1
1      >     ERRNO = 0
1      >     print "hi" > "/no/such/file"
1      >     if (ERRNO) {
1      >         print("Output failed:", ERRNO) > "/dev/stderr"
1      >         exit 1
1      >     }
1      > }'
1      error-> Output failed: No such file or directory
1    Here, 'gawk' did not produce a fatal error; instead it let the 'awk'
1 program code detect the problem and handle it.
1    This mechanism works also for standard output and standard error.
1 For standard output, you may use 'PROCINFO["-", "NONFATAL"]' or
1 'PROCINFO["/dev/stdout", "NONFATAL"]'.  For standard error, use
1 'PROCINFO["/dev/stderr", "NONFATAL"]'.
1    When attempting to open a TCP/IP socket (⇒TCP/IP Networking),
1 'gawk' tries multiple times.  The 'GAWK_SOCK_RETRIES' environment
1 variable (⇒Other Environment Variables) allows you to override
1 'gawk''s builtin default number of attempts.  However, once nonfatal I/O
1 is enabled for a given socket, 'gawk' only retries once, relying on
1 'awk'-level code to notice that there was a problem.