bash: Major Differences From The Bourne Shell

1 Appendix B Major Differences From The Bourne Shell
1 **************************************************
1 Bash implements essentially the same grammar, parameter and variable
1 expansion, redirection, and quoting as the Bourne Shell.  Bash uses the
1 POSIX standard as the specification of how these features are to be
1 implemented.  There are some differences between the traditional Bourne
1 shell and Bash; this section quickly details the differences of
1 significance.  A number of these differences are explained in greater
1 depth in previous sections.  This section uses the version of 'sh'
1 included in SVR4.2 (the last version of the historical Bourne shell) as
1 the baseline reference.
1    * Bash is POSIX-conformant, even where the POSIX specification
1      differs from traditional 'sh' behavior (⇒Bash POSIX Mode).
11    * Bash has multi-character invocation options (⇒Invoking
1    * Bash has command-line editing (⇒Command Line Editing) and
1      the 'bind' builtin.
11    * Bash provides a programmable word completion mechanism (⇒
      Programmable Completion), and builtin commands 'complete',
1      'compgen', and 'compopt', to manipulate it.
1    * Bash has command history (⇒Bash History Facilities) and the
1      'history' and 'fc' builtins to manipulate it.  The Bash history
1      list maintains timestamp information and uses the value of the
1      'HISTTIMEFORMAT' variable to display it.
11    * Bash implements 'csh'-like history expansion (⇒History
1    * Bash has one-dimensional array variables (⇒Arrays), and the
1      appropriate variable expansions and assignment syntax to use them.
1      Several of the Bash builtins take options to act on arrays.  Bash
1      provides a number of built-in array variables.
1    * The '$'...'' quoting syntax, which expands ANSI-C backslash-escaped
1      characters in the text between the single quotes, is supported
1      (⇒ANSI-C Quoting).
1    * Bash supports the '$"..."' quoting syntax to do locale-specific
1      translation of the characters between the double quotes.  The '-D',
1      '--dump-strings', and '--dump-po-strings' invocation options list
11      the translatable strings found in a script (⇒Locale
1    * Bash implements the '!' keyword to negate the return value of a
1      pipeline (⇒Pipelines).  Very useful when an 'if' statement
1      needs to act only if a test fails.  The Bash '-o pipefail' option
1      to 'set' will cause a pipeline to return a failure status if any
1      command fails.
11    * Bash has the 'time' reserved word and command timing (⇒
      Pipelines).  The display of the timing statistics may be
1      controlled with the 'TIMEFORMAT' variable.
1    * Bash implements the 'for (( EXPR1 ; EXPR2 ; EXPR3 ))' arithmetic
11      for command, similar to the C language (⇒Looping
1    * Bash includes the 'select' compound command, which allows the
1      generation of simple menus (⇒Conditional Constructs).
1    * Bash includes the '[[' compound command, which makes conditional
1      testing part of the shell grammar (⇒Conditional Constructs),
1      including optional regular expression matching.
1    * Bash provides optional case-insensitive matching for the 'case' and
1      '[[' constructs.
1    * Bash includes brace expansion (⇒Brace Expansion) and tilde
1      expansion (⇒Tilde Expansion).
1    * Bash implements command aliases and the 'alias' and 'unalias'
1      builtins (⇒Aliases).
DONTPRINTYET 11    * Bash provides shell arithmetic, the '((' compound command (⇒
      Conditional Constructs), and arithmetic expansion (*noteShell
1DONTPRINTYET 11    * Bash provides shell arithmetic, the '((' compound command (⇒
      Conditional Constructs), and arithmetic expansion (⇒Shell

1    * Variables present in the shell's initial environment are
1      automatically exported to child processes.  The Bourne shell does
1      not normally do this unless the variables are explicitly marked
1      using the 'export' command.
1    * Bash supports the '+=' assignment operator, which appends to the
1      value of the variable named on the left hand side.
1    * Bash includes the POSIX pattern removal '%', '#', '%%' and '##'
1      expansions to remove leading or trailing substrings from variable
1      values (⇒Shell Parameter Expansion).
1    * The expansion '${#xx}', which returns the length of '${xx}', is
1      supported (⇒Shell Parameter Expansion).
1    * The expansion '${var:'OFFSET'[:'LENGTH']}', which expands to the
1      substring of 'var''s value of length LENGTH, beginning at OFFSET,
1      is present (⇒Shell Parameter Expansion).
1    * The expansion '${var/[/]'PATTERN'[/'REPLACEMENT']}', which matches
1      PATTERN and replaces it with REPLACEMENT in the value of 'var', is
1      available (⇒Shell Parameter Expansion).
1    * The expansion '${!PREFIX*}' expansion, which expands to the names
1      of all shell variables whose names begin with PREFIX, is available
1      (⇒Shell Parameter Expansion).
11    * Bash has INDIRECT variable expansion using '${!word}' (⇒Shell
      Parameter Expansion).
1    * Bash can expand positional parameters beyond '$9' using '${NUM}'.
11    * The POSIX '$()' form of command substitution is implemented (⇒
      Command Substitution), and preferred to the Bourne shell's '``'
1      (which is also implemented for backwards compatibility).
1    * Bash has process substitution (⇒Process Substitution).
1    * Bash automatically assigns variables that provide information about
1      the current user ('UID', 'EUID', and 'GROUPS'), the current host
1      ('HOSTTYPE', 'OSTYPE', 'MACHTYPE', and 'HOSTNAME'), and the
1      instance of Bash that is running ('BASH', 'BASH_VERSION', and
1      'BASH_VERSINFO').  ⇒Bash Variables, for details.
1    * The 'IFS' variable is used to split only the results of expansion,
1      not all words (⇒Word Splitting).  This closes a longstanding
1      shell security hole.
1    * The filename expansion bracket expression code uses '!' and '^' to
1      negate the set of characters between the brackets.  The Bourne
1      shell uses only '!'.
1    * Bash implements the full set of POSIX filename expansion operators,
1      SYMBOLS (⇒Filename Expansion).
1    * Bash implements extended pattern matching features when the
1      'extglob' shell option is enabled (⇒Pattern Matching).
1    * It is possible to have a variable and a function with the same
1      name; 'sh' does not separate the two name spaces.
1    * Bash functions are permitted to have local variables using the
1      'local' builtin, and thus useful recursive functions may be written
1      (⇒Bash Builtins).
1    * Variable assignments preceding commands affect only that command,
1      even builtins and functions (⇒Environment).  In 'sh', all
1      variable assignments preceding commands are global unless the
1      command is executed from the file system.
1    * Bash performs filename expansion on filenames specified as operands
1      to input and output redirection operators (⇒Redirections).
1    * Bash contains the '<>' redirection operator, allowing a file to be
1      opened for both reading and writing, and the '&>' redirection
1      operator, for directing standard output and standard error to the
1      same file (⇒Redirections).
1    * Bash includes the '<<<' redirection operator, allowing a string to
1      be used as the standard input to a command.
1    * Bash implements the '[n]<&WORD' and '[n]>&WORD' redirection
1      operators, which move one file descriptor to another.
1    * Bash treats a number of filenames specially when they are used in
1      redirection operators (⇒Redirections).
1    * Bash can open network connections to arbitrary machines and
1      services with the redirection operators (⇒Redirections).
1    * The 'noclobber' option is available to avoid overwriting existing
1      files with output redirection (⇒The Set Builtin).  The '>|'
1      redirection operator may be used to override 'noclobber'.
1    * The Bash 'cd' and 'pwd' builtins (⇒Bourne Shell Builtins)
1      each take '-L' and '-P' options to switch between logical and
1      physical modes.
1    * Bash allows a function to override a builtin with the same name,
1      and provides access to that builtin's functionality within the
11      function via the 'builtin' and 'command' builtins (⇒Bash
1    * The 'command' builtin allows selective disabling of functions when
1      command lookup is performed (⇒Bash Builtins).
1    * Individual builtins may be enabled or disabled using the 'enable'
1      builtin (⇒Bash Builtins).
1    * The Bash 'exec' builtin takes additional options that allow users
1      to control the contents of the environment passed to the executed
1      command, and what the zeroth argument to the command is to be
1      (⇒Bourne Shell Builtins).
1    * Shell functions may be exported to children via the environment
1      using 'export -f' (⇒Shell Functions).
1    * The Bash 'export', 'readonly', and 'declare' builtins can take a
1      '-f' option to act on shell functions, a '-p' option to display
1      variables with various attributes set in a format that can be used
1      as shell input, a '-n' option to remove various variable
1      attributes, and 'name=value' arguments to set variable attributes
1      and values simultaneously.
1    * The Bash 'hash' builtin allows a name to be associated with an
1      arbitrary filename, even when that filename cannot be found by
11      searching the '$PATH', using 'hash -p' (⇒Bourne Shell
1    * Bash includes a 'help' builtin for quick reference to shell
1      facilities (⇒Bash Builtins).
1    * The 'printf' builtin is available to display formatted output
1      (⇒Bash Builtins).
1    * The Bash 'read' builtin (⇒Bash Builtins) will read a line
1      ending in '\' with the '-r' option, and will use the 'REPLY'
1      variable as a default if no non-option arguments are supplied.  The
1      Bash 'read' builtin also accepts a prompt string with the '-p'
1      option and will use Readline to obtain the line when given the '-e'
1      option.  The 'read' builtin also has additional options to control
1      input: the '-s' option will turn off echoing of input characters as
1      they are read, the '-t' option will allow 'read' to time out if
1      input does not arrive within a specified number of seconds, the
1      '-n' option will allow reading only a specified number of
1      characters rather than a full line, and the '-d' option will read
1      until a particular character rather than newline.
1    * The 'return' builtin may be used to abort execution of scripts
11      executed with the '.' or 'source' builtins (⇒Bourne Shell
1    * Bash includes the 'shopt' builtin, for finer control of shell
1      optional capabilities (⇒The Shopt Builtin), and allows these
11      options to be set and unset at shell invocation (⇒Invoking
1    * Bash has much more optional behavior controllable with the 'set'
1      builtin (⇒The Set Builtin).
1    * The '-x' ('xtrace') option displays commands other than simple
11      commands when performing an execution trace (⇒The Set
1    * The 'test' builtin (⇒Bourne Shell Builtins) is slightly
1      different, as it implements the POSIX algorithm, which specifies
1      the behavior based on the number of arguments.
1    * Bash includes the 'caller' builtin, which displays the context of
1      any active subroutine call (a shell function or a script executed
1      with the '.' or 'source' builtins).  This supports the bash
1      debugger.
1    * The 'trap' builtin (⇒Bourne Shell Builtins) allows a 'DEBUG'
1      pseudo-signal specification, similar to 'EXIT'.  Commands specified
1      with a 'DEBUG' trap are executed before every simple command, 'for'
1      command, 'case' command, 'select' command, every arithmetic 'for'
1      command, and before the first command executes in a shell function.
1      The 'DEBUG' trap is not inherited by shell functions unless the
1      function has been given the 'trace' attribute or the 'functrace'
1      option has been enabled using the 'shopt' builtin.  The 'extdebug'
1      shell option has additional effects on the 'DEBUG' trap.
1      The 'trap' builtin (⇒Bourne Shell Builtins) allows an 'ERR'
1      pseudo-signal specification, similar to 'EXIT' and 'DEBUG'.
1      Commands specified with an 'ERR' trap are executed after a simple
1      command fails, with a few exceptions.  The 'ERR' trap is not
1      inherited by shell functions unless the '-o errtrace' option to the
1      'set' builtin is enabled.
1      The 'trap' builtin (⇒Bourne Shell Builtins) allows a
1      'RETURN' pseudo-signal specification, similar to 'EXIT' and
1      'DEBUG'.  Commands specified with an 'RETURN' trap are executed
1      before execution resumes after a shell function or a shell script
1      executed with '.' or 'source' returns.  The 'RETURN' trap is not
1      inherited by shell functions unless the function has been given the
1      'trace' attribute or the 'functrace' option has been enabled using
1      the 'shopt' builtin.
1    * The Bash 'type' builtin is more extensive and gives more
1      information about the names it finds (⇒Bash Builtins).
1    * The Bash 'umask' builtin permits a '-p' option to cause the output
1      to be displayed in the form of a 'umask' command that may be reused
1      as input (⇒Bourne Shell Builtins).
1    * Bash implements a 'csh'-like directory stack, and provides the
11      'pushd', 'popd', and 'dirs' builtins to manipulate it (⇒The
      Directory Stack).  Bash also makes the directory stack visible as
1      the value of the 'DIRSTACK' shell variable.
1    * Bash interprets special backslash-escaped characters in the prompt
1      strings when interactive (⇒Controlling the Prompt).
11    * The Bash restricted mode is more useful (⇒The Restricted
      Shell); the SVR4.2 shell restricted mode is too limited.
1    * The 'disown' builtin can remove a job from the internal shell job
1      table (⇒Job Control Builtins) or suppress the sending of
1      'SIGHUP' to a job when the shell exits as the result of a 'SIGHUP'.
1    * Bash includes a number of features to support a separate debugger
1      for shell scripts.
1    * The SVR4.2 shell has two privilege-related builtins ('mldmode' and
1      'priv') not present in Bash.
1    * Bash does not have the 'stop' or 'newgrp' builtins.
1    * Bash does not use the 'SHACCT' variable or perform shell
1      accounting.
1    * The SVR4.2 'sh' uses a 'TIMEOUT' variable like Bash uses 'TMOUT'.
1 More features unique to Bash may be found in ⇒Bash Features.
1 B.1 Implementation Differences From The SVR4.2 Shell
1 ====================================================
1 Since Bash is a completely new implementation, it does not suffer from
1 many of the limitations of the SVR4.2 shell.  For instance:
1    * Bash does not fork a subshell when redirecting into or out of a
1      shell control structure such as an 'if' or 'while' statement.
1    * Bash does not allow unbalanced quotes.  The SVR4.2 shell will
1      silently insert a needed closing quote at 'EOF' under certain
1      circumstances.  This can be the cause of some hard-to-find errors.
1    * The SVR4.2 shell uses a baroque memory management scheme based on
1      trapping 'SIGSEGV'.  If the shell is started from a process with
1      'SIGSEGV' blocked (e.g., by using the 'system()' C library function
1      call), it misbehaves badly.
1    * In a questionable attempt at security, the SVR4.2 shell, when
1      invoked without the '-p' option, will alter its real and effective
1      UID and GID if they are less than some magic threshold value,
1      commonly 100.  This can lead to unexpected results.
1    * The SVR4.2 shell does not allow users to trap 'SIGSEGV', 'SIGALRM',
1      or 'SIGCHLD'.
1    * The SVR4.2 shell does not allow the 'IFS', 'MAILCHECK', 'PATH',
1      'PS1', or 'PS2' variables to be unset.
1    * The SVR4.2 shell treats '^' as the undocumented equivalent of '|'.
1    * Bash allows multiple option arguments when it is invoked ('-x -v');
1      the SVR4.2 shell allows only one option argument ('-xv').  In fact,
1      some versions of the shell dump core if the second argument begins
1      with a '-'.
1    * The SVR4.2 shell exits a script if any builtin fails; Bash exits a
1      script only if one of the POSIX special builtins fails, and only
1      for certain failures, as enumerated in the POSIX standard.
1    * The SVR4.2 shell behaves differently when invoked as 'jsh' (it
1      turns on job control).