bash: Job Control Builtins

1 7.2 Job Control Builtins
1 ========================
1 'bg'
1           bg [JOBSPEC ...]
1      Resume each suspended job JOBSPEC in the background, as if it had
1      been started with '&'.  If JOBSPEC is not supplied, the current job
1      is used.  The return status is zero unless it is run when job
1      control is not enabled, or, when run with job control enabled, any
1      JOBSPEC was not found or specifies a job that was started without
1      job control.
1 'fg'
1           fg [JOBSPEC]
1      Resume the job JOBSPEC in the foreground and make it the current
1      job.  If JOBSPEC is not supplied, the current job is used.  The
1      return status is that of the command placed into the foreground, or
1      non-zero if run when job control is disabled or, when run with job
1      control enabled, JOBSPEC does not specify a valid job or JOBSPEC
1      specifies a job that was started without job control.
1 'jobs'
1           jobs [-lnprs] [JOBSPEC]
1           jobs -x COMMAND [ARGUMENTS]
1      The first form lists the active jobs.  The options have the
1      following meanings:
1      '-l'
1           List process IDs in addition to the normal information.
1      '-n'
1           Display information only about jobs that have changed status
1           since the user was last notified of their status.
1      '-p'
1           List only the process ID of the job's process group leader.
1      '-r'
1           Display only running jobs.
1      '-s'
1           Display only stopped jobs.
1      If JOBSPEC is given, output is restricted to information about that
1      job.  If JOBSPEC is not supplied, the status of all jobs is listed.
1      If the '-x' option is supplied, 'jobs' replaces any JOBSPEC found
1      in COMMAND or ARGUMENTS with the corresponding process group ID,
1      and executes COMMAND, passing it ARGUMENTs, returning its exit
1      status.
1 'kill'
1           kill [-s SIGSPEC] [-n SIGNUM] [-SIGSPEC] JOBSPEC or PID
1           kill -l|-L [EXIT_STATUS]
1      Send a signal specified by SIGSPEC or SIGNUM to the process named
1      by job specification JOBSPEC or process ID PID.  SIGSPEC is either
1      a case-insensitive signal name such as 'SIGINT' (with or without
1      the 'SIG' prefix) or a signal number; SIGNUM is a signal number.
1      If SIGSPEC and SIGNUM are not present, 'SIGTERM' is used.  The '-l'
1      option lists the signal names.  If any arguments are supplied when
1      '-l' is given, the names of the signals corresponding to the
1      arguments are listed, and the return status is zero.  EXIT_STATUS
1      is a number specifying a signal number or the exit status of a
1      process terminated by a signal.  The '-L' option is equivalent to
1      '-l'.  The return status is zero if at least one signal was
1      successfully sent, or non-zero if an error occurs or an invalid
1      option is encountered.
1 'wait'
1           wait [-n] [JOBSPEC or PID ...]
1      Wait until the child process specified by each process ID PID or
1      job specification JOBSPEC exits and return the exit status of the
1      last command waited for.  If a job spec is given, all processes in
1      the job are waited for.  If no arguments are given, all currently
1      active child processes are waited for, and the return status is
1      zero.  If the '-n' option is supplied, 'wait' waits for any job to
1      terminate and returns its exit status.  If neither JOBSPEC nor PID
1      specifies an active child process of the shell, the return status
1      is 127.
1 'disown'
1           disown [-ar] [-h] [JOBSPEC ... | PID ... ]
1      Without options, remove each JOBSPEC from the table of active jobs.
1      If the '-h' option is given, the job is not removed from the table,
1      but is marked so that 'SIGHUP' is not sent to the job if the shell
1      receives a 'SIGHUP'.  If JOBSPEC is not present, and neither the
1      '-a' nor the '-r' option is supplied, the current job is used.  If
1      no JOBSPEC is supplied, the '-a' option means to remove or mark all
1      jobs; the '-r' option without a JOBSPEC argument restricts
1      operation to running jobs.
1 'suspend'
1           suspend [-f]
1      Suspend the execution of this shell until it receives a 'SIGCONT'
1      signal.  A login shell cannot be suspended; the '-f' option can be
1      used to override this and force the suspension.
1    When job control is not active, the 'kill' and 'wait' builtins do not
1 accept JOBSPEC arguments.  They must be supplied process IDs.