SC 202 Weather and Climate Spring 2000 Test Two Name:_______________________

Where drawings are asked for, draw carefully and accurately.  Use a separate sheet of paper as necessary.  Take your time!

  1. For what are the letters ITCZ an abbreviation?
  2. What is the ITCZ?
  3. On the image below, draw where the sun would rise on December 21st (approximately).
    netteast.gif (3390 bytes)
  4. On the image below, draw where the sun would set on March 21st (approximately). Label this image "March 21."
    malem.gif (2857 bytes)
  5. On the image above, draw where the sun would set on June 21st (approximately). Label this image "June 21."
  6. If the relative humidity around us is 100%, what could we expect to see in the air around  us?
  7. If the temperature is 28°C and the dew point is 24°C, what will happen if the temperature drops to 23°C?
  8. What kind of front is shown in the diagram below?
    coldfront.gif (1283 bytes)
  9. What kind of front is shown in the diagram below?
    occluded.gif (2838 bytes)
  10. In the diagram on the right, what is therainwind.gif (1165 bytes)
    a. temperature
    b. dewpoint
    c. precipitation type
    d. wind direction
    e. cloud cover
  11. In the diagram on the right, what is theFog
    a. temperature
    b. dewpoint
    c. precipitation type
    d. wind direction
    e. cloud cover
  12. What is the symbol for a warm front on a surface analysis chart?
  13. Are the winds generally parallel or perpendicular to the pressure isobars on a surface analysis chart?
  14. Is the following a diagram of an area of sunny, clear weather, or an area of rainy, stormy weather?
    low.gif (5208 bytes)
  15. Describe a "tropical depression" in terms of the wind speeds and size.   Use a diagram as necessary.
  16. Draw a diagram of a land breeze and another diagram of a sea breeze along with an explanation of the land-sea breeze cycle.  Be complete!
  17. Use diagrams and words to describe the monsoon of South Asia (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc.).  Include items like the location of the ITCZ, the wind and rainfall patterns.  Be complete in your description!

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