SC/SS 115 Ethnobotany • Name:

  1. Label the morphological features of this Lycopodiella cernua using the image seen on this page from the seedless vascular plant hike on 19 August 2008.
  2. When working in the ethnobotanical garden on 21 August across the entrance road I noted that ferns should not be cut. The rule is that ferns are to be kept, retained. Why would we want to retain ferns in ethnobotanical garden? Your answer should be written from an ethnobotanical perspective.
    Cleaning the ethnobotanical garden.
  3. Based on the reproductive cycle of ferns from the 28 August seedless vascular plant presentations, label the reproductive features of this fertile Thelypteris maemonensis fern frond and describe their role in fern reproduction.
    Thelypteris maemonensis sori
  4. On 02 September the class toured the Pohnpei traditional plant garden. During this segment of the course the concept of "public" and "private" healing plant knowledge was introduced. Distinguish between "public" and "private" healing plant knowledge.
    Toa talks
  5. On 23 September the class visited the Pohnpei Botanic garden at Pwunso. On the top center of the palm-like cycad was an odd structure seen in the image below. Based on the presentations of 30 September, what is the structure and what is the role of the structure in reproduction for the cycad?
    Healing plants presentation
  6. List the economically important plants and their uses that the class encountered on the 23 September field trip to the Pohnpei Botanic garden at Pwunso.
  7. In the healing plant presentations of 16 and 18 September three different methods of administering healing plants were described for the treatment of fevers and coughing often associated with flu. Describe the three different methods mentioned in class on those days.