Aim high and shoot for the moon. Even if you cannot reach it, at least you're among the sparkling stars.


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Hi and welcome to Bema's webpage. Before going down any further, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Benrita Martin. I'm from the beautiful outer island of Chuuk State called the Mortlocks (Kuttu Island). I was born in Chuuk State Hospital on August 08, 1977 and now I'm 22 years old.

A short history of myself ; I grew up here in Pohnpei and attended school in my Elementary year. I graduated from Pohnpei Catholic School (PCS), which is a catholic and private school. I graduated in the year 1992 and went back to Chuuk to further my high school year. I was enrolled at Saramen Chuuk Academy fall '92. I attended there for four years (1992-1996). I received my high school diploma on May 24, 1996. But while I was still in school , I was notified that I passed the entrance test to COM-FSM. But I attended the Chuuk State Campus the first year Fall 1996. The next school year Fall 1997, I came to College of Micronesia-FSM in Pohnpei. I'm majoring in Education. I received my Associates of Arts in (Education) Spring 1999 and now I'm a third year student. As of now, I'm still roaming around on the main campus striving for my certificate in third year and I'm planning to attend the 4th year program in order to get my B.A.

My favorite hobbies is to sit around and chat a lot. I hang out with friends a lot and chew betelnut. I'm very much interested in sports especially basketball and volleyball.

A brief history on Education in COM-FSM National Campus: Education in Micronesia nowadays is more advance than before. Before teachers were trained to teach only the regular kids without considering the irregular ones. But there are teachers who were trained for the Exceptional Children also.When the teacher showed up in the classroom to teach and there is an Exceptional kid, its very hard to teach without being trained for.

Today, teachers are trained for both, regular and Exceptional children. We were taught in how to communicate with deaf or hard of hearing child. We were trained to teach mixture of students if we happen to have Special children in our classroom. We learned different kinds of activities in ESL by our beloved teacher Carol Wilson. In this class ESL, we were working on many things, activities, projects on different teaching methods or techniques in teaching kids.

But if you have any questions, suggestions,comments, feel free to contact me through email: bema77@hotmail.com. Anything you want to know will be given if you ask.


Here are some interesting sites that can help and give you some techniques and ideas in teaching your students; such as Lesson Plans for teaching and doing projects.


Blue Web'n Applications Library-Lots of Lesson Plans for all content areas


Houghton-Muffin's Online Projects Center


Learning Circles-Description of Projects for Elementary and Secondary Students


I * EARN-International Education and Resource Network
