m4: Patsubst

1 11.6 Substituting text by regular expression
1 ============================================
1 Global substitution in a string is done by 'patsubst':
1  -- Builtin: patsubst (STRING, REGEXP, [REPLACEMENT])
1      Searches STRING for matches of REGEXP, and substitutes REPLACEMENT
1      for each match.  The syntax for regular expressions is the same as
1      in GNU Emacs (⇒Regexp).
1      The parts of STRING that are not covered by any match of REGEXP are
1      copied to the expansion.  Whenever a match is found, the search
1      proceeds from the end of the match, so a character from STRING will
1      never be substituted twice.  If REGEXP matches a string of zero
1      length, the start position for the search is incremented, to avoid
1      infinite loops.
1      When a replacement is to be made, REPLACEMENT is inserted into the
1      expansion, with '\N' substituted by the text matched by the Nth
1      parenthesized sub-expression of PATSUBST, for up to nine
1      sub-expressions.  The escape '\&' is replaced by the text of the
1      entire regular expression matched.  For all other characters, '\'
1      treats the next character literally.  A warning is issued if there
1      were fewer sub-expressions than the '\N' requested, or if there is
1      a trailing '\'.
1      The REPLACEMENT argument can be omitted, in which case the text
1      matched by REGEXP is deleted.
1      The macro 'patsubst' is recognized only with parameters.
1      patsubst(`GNUs not Unix', `^', `OBS: ')
1      =>OBS: GNUs not Unix
1      patsubst(`GNUs not Unix', `\<', `OBS: ')
1      =>OBS: GNUs OBS: not OBS: Unix
1      patsubst(`GNUs not Unix', `\w*', `(\&)')
1      =>(GNUs)() (not)() (Unix)()
1      patsubst(`GNUs not Unix', `\w+', `(\&)')
1      =>(GNUs) (not) (Unix)
1      patsubst(`GNUs not Unix', `[A-Z][a-z]+')
1      =>GN not 
1      patsubst(`GNUs not Unix', `not', `NOT\')
1      error->m4:stdin:6: Warning: trailing \ ignored in replacement
1      =>GNUs NOT Unix
1    Here is a slightly more realistic example, which capitalizes
1 individual words or whole sentences, by substituting calls of the macros
1 'upcase' and 'downcase' into the strings.
1  -- Composite: upcase (TEXT)
1  -- Composite: downcase (TEXT)
1  -- Composite: capitalize (TEXT)
1      Expand to TEXT, but with capitalization changed: 'upcase' changes
1      all letters to upper case, 'downcase' changes all letters to lower
1      case, and 'capitalize' changes the first character of each word to
1      upper case and the remaining characters to lower case.
1    First, an example of their usage, using implementations distributed
1 in 'm4-1.4.18/examples/capitalize.m4'.
1      $ m4 -I examples
1      include(`capitalize.m4')
1      =>
1      upcase(`GNUs not Unix')
1      =>GNUS NOT UNIX
1      downcase(`GNUs not Unix')
1      =>gnus not unix
1      capitalize(`GNUs not Unix')
1      =>Gnus Not Unix
1    Now for the implementation.  There is a helper macro '_capitalize'
1 which puts only its first word in mixed case.  Then 'capitalize' merely
1 parses out the words, and replaces them with an invocation of
1 '_capitalize'.  (As presented here, the 'capitalize' macro has some
1 subtle flaws.  You should try to see if you can find and correct them;
1 or ⇒Answers Improved capitalize.).
1      $ m4 -I examples
1      undivert(`capitalize.m4')dnl
1      =>divert(`-1')
1      =># upcase(text)
1      =># downcase(text)
1      =># capitalize(text)
1      =>#   change case of text, simple version
1      =>define(`upcase', `translit(`$*', `a-z', `A-Z')')
1      =>define(`downcase', `translit(`$*', `A-Z', `a-z')')
1      =>define(`_capitalize',
1      =>       `regexp(`$1', `^\(\w\)\(\w*\)',
1      =>               `upcase(`\1')`'downcase(`\2')')')
1      =>define(`capitalize', `patsubst(`$1', `\w+', `_$0(`\&')')')
1      =>divert`'dnl
1    While 'regexp' replaces the whole input with the replacement as soon
1 as there is a match, 'patsubst' replaces each _occurrence_ of a match
1 and preserves non-matching pieces:
1      define(`patreg',
1      `patsubst($@)
1      regexp($@)')dnl
1      patreg(`bar foo baz Foo', `foo\|Foo', `FOO')
1      =>bar FOO baz FOO
1      =>FOO
1      patreg(`aba abb 121', `\(.\)\(.\)\1', `\2\1\2')
1      =>bab abb 212
1      =>bab
1    Omitting REGEXP evokes a warning, but still produces output; contrast
1 this with an empty REGEXP argument.
1      patsubst(`abc')
1      error->m4:stdin:1: Warning: too few arguments to builtin `patsubst'
1      =>abc
1      patsubst(`abc', `')
1      =>abc
1      patsubst(`abc', `', `\\-')
1      =>\-a\-b\-c\-