m4: Format

1 11.7 Formatting strings (printf-like)
1 =====================================
1 Formatted output can be made with 'format':
1  -- Builtin: format (FORMAT-STRING, ...)
1      Works much like the C function 'printf'.  The first argument
1      FORMAT-STRING can contain '%' specifications which are satisfied by
1      additional arguments, and the expansion of 'format' is the
1      formatted string.
1      The macro 'format' is recognized only with parameters.
1    Its use is best described by a few examples:
1      define(`foo', `The brown fox jumped over the lazy dog')
1      =>
1      format(`The string "%s" uses %d characters', foo, len(foo))
1      =>The string "The brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" uses 38 characters
1      format(`%*.*d', `-1', `-1', `1')
1      =>1
1      format(`%.0f', `56789.9876')
1      =>56790
1      len(format(`%-*X', `5000', `1'))
1      =>5000
1      ifelse(format(`%010F', `infinity'), `       INF', `success',
1             format(`%010F', `infinity'), `  INFINITY', `success',
1             format(`%010F', `infinity'))
1      =>success
1      ifelse(format(`%.1A', `1.999'), `0X1.0P+1', `success',
1             format(`%.1A', `1.999'), `0X2.0P+0', `success',
1             format(`%.1A', `1.999'))
1      =>success
1      format(`%g', `0xa.P+1')
1      =>20
1    Using the 'forloop' macro defined earlier (⇒Forloop), this
1 example shows how 'format' can be used to produce tabular output.
1      $ m4 -I examples
1      include(`forloop.m4')
1      =>
1      forloop(`i', `1', `10', `format(`%6d squared is %10d
1      ', i, eval(i**2))')
1      =>     1 squared is          1
1      =>     2 squared is          4
1      =>     3 squared is          9
1      =>     4 squared is         16
1      =>     5 squared is         25
1      =>     6 squared is         36
1      =>     7 squared is         49
1      =>     8 squared is         64
1      =>     9 squared is         81
1      =>    10 squared is        100
1      =>
1    The builtin 'format' is modeled after the ANSI C 'printf' function,
1 and supports these '%' specifiers: 'c', 's', 'd', 'o', 'x', 'X', 'u',
1 'a', 'A', 'e', 'E', 'f', 'F', 'g', 'G', and '%'; it supports field
1 widths and precisions, and the flags '+', '-', ' ', '0', '#', and '''.
1 For integer specifiers, the width modifiers 'hh', 'h', and 'l' are
1 recognized, and for floating point specifiers, the width modifier 'l' is
1 recognized.  Items not yet supported include positional arguments, the
1 'n', 'p', 'S', and 'C' specifiers, the 'z', 't', 'j', 'L' and 'll'
1 modifiers, and any platform extensions available in the native 'printf'.
1 For more details on the functioning of 'printf', see the C Library
1 Manual, or the POSIX specification (for example, '%a' is supported even
1 on platforms that haven't yet implemented C99 hexadecimal floating point
1 output natively).
1    Unrecognized specifiers result in a warning.  It is anticipated that
1 a future release of GNU 'm4' will support more specifiers, and give
1 better warnings when various problems such as overflow are encountered.
1 Likewise, escape sequences are not yet recognized.
1      format(`%p', `0')
1      error->m4:stdin:1: Warning: unrecognized specifier in `%p'
1      =>