liblouis: lou_debug

1 4.1 lou_debug
1 =============
1 The 'lou_debug' tool is intended for debugging liblouis translation
1 tables.  The command line for 'lou_debug' is:
1      lou_debug [OPTIONS] TABLE[,TABLE,...]
1    The command line options that are accepted by 'lou_debug' are
1 described in ⇒common options.
1    The table (or comma-separated list of tables) is compiled.  If no
1 errors are found a brief command summary is printed, then the prompt
1 'Command:'.  You can then input one of the command letters and get
1 output, as described below.
1    Most of the commands print information in the various arrays of
1 'TranslationTableHeader'.  Since these arrays are pointers to chains of
1 hashed items, the commands first print the hash number, then the first
1 item, then the next item chained to it, and so on.  After each item
1 there is a prompt indicated by '=>'.  You can then press enter ('<RET>')
1 to see the next item in the chain or the first item in the next chain.
1 Or you can press 'h' (for next-(h)ash) to skip to the next hash chain.
1 You can also press 'e' to exit the command and go back to the 'command:'
1 prompt.
1 'h'
1      Brings up a screen of somewhat more extensive help.
1 'f'
1      Display the first forward-translation rule in the first non-empty
1      hash bucket.  The number of the bucket is displayed at the
1      beginning of the chain.  Each rule is identified by the word
1      'Rule:'.  The fields are displayed by phrases consisting of the
1      name of the field, an equal sign, and its value.  The before and
1      after fields are displayed only if they are nonzero.  Special
11      opcodes such as the 'correct' opcode (⇒correct correct
      opcode.) and the multipass opcodes are shown with the code that
1      instructs the virtual machine that interprets them.  If you want to
1      see only the rules for a particular character string you can type
1      'p' at the 'command:' prompt.  This will take you to the
1      'particular:' prompt, where you can press 'f' and then type in the
1      string.  The whole hash chain containing the string will be
1      displayed.
1 'b'
1      Display back-translation rules.  This display is very similar to
1      that of forward translation rules except that the dot pattern is
1      displayed before the character string.
1 'c'
1      Display character definitions, again within their hash chains.
1 'd'
1      Displays single-cell dot definitions.  If a character-definition
1      opcode gives a multi-cell dot pattern, it is displayed among the
1      back-translation rules.
1 'C'
1      Display the character-to-dots map.  This is set up by the
1      character-definition opcodes and can also be influenced by the
1      'display' opcode (⇒display display opcode.).
1 'D'
1      Display the dot to character map, which shows which single-cell dot
1      patterns map to which characters.
1 'z'
1      Show the multi-cell dot patterns which have been assigned to the
1      characters from 0 to 255 to comply with computer braille codes such
1      as a 6-dot code.  Note that the character-definition opcodes should
1      use 8-dot computer braille.
1 'p'
1      Bring up a secondary ('particular:') prompt from which you can
1      examine particular character strings, dot patterns, etc.  The
1      commands (given in its own command summary) are very similar to
1      those of the main 'command:' prompt, but you can type a character
1      string or dot pattern.  They include 'h', 'f', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'C',
1      'D', 'z' and 'x' (to exit this prompt), but not 'p', 'i' and 'm'.
1 'i'
1      Show braille indicators.  This shows the dot patterns for various
11      opcodes such as the 'capsign' opcode (⇒capsign capsign
      opcode.) and the 'numsign' opcode (⇒numsign numsign opcode.).
1      It also shows emphasis dot patterns, such as those for the
11      'italword', the 'firstletterbold' opcode (⇒firstletterbold
      firstletterbold opcode.), etc.  If a given opcode has not been used
1      nothing is printed for it.
1 'm'
1      Display various miscellaneous information about the table, such as
1      the number of passes, whether certain opcodes have been used, and
1      whether there is a hyphenation table.
1 'q'
1      Exit the program.