liblouis: Swap Opcodes

1 2.10 Swap Opcodes
1 =================
11 The swap opcodes are needed to tell the 'context' opcode (⇒context
 context opcode.), the 'correct' opcode (⇒correct correct opcode.)
1 and multipass opcodes which dot patterns to swap for which characters.
1 There are three, 'swapcd', 'swapdd' and 'swapcc'.  The first swaps dot
1 patterns for characters.  The second swaps dot patterns for dot patterns
1 and the third swaps characters for characters.  The first is used in the
1 'context' opcode and the second is used in the multipass opcodes.  Dot
1 patterns are separated by commas and may contain more than one cell.
1 'swapcd name characters dots, dots, dots, ...'
1      See above paragraph for explanation.  For example:
1           swapcd dropped 0123456789 356,2,23,...
1 'swapdd name dots, dots, dots ... dotpattern1, dotpattern2, dotpattern3, ...'
1      The 'swapdd' opcode defines substitutions for the multipass
1      opcodes.  In the second operand the dot patterns must be single
1      cells, but in the third operand multi-cell dot patterns are
1      allowed.  This is because multi-cell patterns in the second operand
1      would lead to ambiguities.
1 'swapcc name characters characters'
1      The 'swapcc' opcode swaps characters in its second operand for
1      characters in the corresponding places in its third operand.  It is
1      intended for use with 'correct' opcodes and can solve problems such
1      as formatting phone numbers.