info-stnd: Printing Nodes

1 10 Printing Nodes
1 *****************
1 In general, we recommend that you use TeX to format the document and
1 print sections of it, by running 'tex' on the Texinfo source file.
1 However, you may wish to print out the contents of a node as a quick
1 reference document for later use, or if you don't have TeX installed.
1 Info provides you with a command for doing this.
1 'M-x print-node'
1      Pipe the contents of the current node through the command in the
1      environment variable 'INFO_PRINT_COMMAND'.  If the variable does
1      not exist, the node is simply piped to 'lpr' (on DOS/Windows, the
1      default is to print the node to the local printer device, 'PRN').
1      The value of 'INFO_PRINT_COMMAND' may begin with the '>' character,
1      as in '>/dev/printer', in which case Info treats the rest as the
1      name of a file or a device.  Instead of piping to a command, Info
1      opens the file, writes the node contents, and closes the file,
1      under the assumption that text written to that file will be printed
1      by the underlying OS.