grub2-dev: File Structure

1 10.2 File Structure
1 ===================
1 A file *section* consists of a 4-byte name, a 32-bit big-endian length
1 (not including the name or length), and then LENGTH more
1 section-type-specific bytes.
1    The standard file extension for PFF2 font files is '.pf2'.
1 10.2.1 Section Types
1 --------------------
1 'FILE'
1      *File type ID* (ASCII string).  This must be the first section in
1      the file.  It has length 4 and the contents are the four bytes of
1      the ASCII string 'PFF2'.
1 'NAME'
1      *Font name* (ASCII string).  This is the full font name including
1      family, weight, style, and point size.  For instance, "Helvetica
1      Bold Italic 14".
1 'FAMI'
1      *Font family name* (ASCII string).  For instance, "Helvetica".
1      This should be included so that intelligent font substitution can
1      take place.
1 'WEIG'
1      *Font weight* (ASCII string).  Valid values are 'bold' and
1      'normal'.  This should be included so that intelligent font
1      substitution can take place.
1 'SLAN'
1      *Font slant* (ASCII string).  Valid values are 'italic' and
1      'normal'.  This should be included so that intelligent font
1      substitution can take place.
1 'PTSZ'
1      *Font point size* (uint16be).
1 'MAXW'
1      *Maximum character width in pixels* (uint16be).
1 'MAXH'
1      *Maximum character height in pixels* (uint16be).
1 'ASCE'
1      *Ascent in pixels* (uint16be).  ⇒Font Metrics, for details.
1 'DESC'
1      *Descent in pixels* (uint16be).  ⇒Font Metrics, for details.
1 'CHIX'
1      *Character index.*  The character index begins with a 32-bit
1      big-endian unsigned integer indicating the total size of the
1      section, not including this size value.  For each character, there
1      is an instance of the following entry structure:
1         * *Unicode code point.*  (32-bit big-endian integer.)
1         * *Storage flags.*  (byte.)
1              * Bits 2..0:
1                If equal to 000 binary, then the character data is stored
1                uncompressed beginning at the offset indicated by the
1                character's *offset* value.
1                If equal to 001 binary, then the character data is stored
1                within a compressed character definition block that
1                begins at the offset within the file indicated by the
1                character's *offset* value.
1         * *Offset.*  (32-bit big-endian integer.)
1           A marker that indicates the remainder of the file is data
1           accessed via the character index (CHIX) section.  When reading
1           this font file, the rest of the file can be ignored when
1           scanning the sections.  The length should be set to -1
1           (0xFFFFFFFF).
1           Supported data structures:
1           Character definition Each character definition consists of:
1              * *Width.*  Width of the bitmap in pixels.  The bitmap's
1                extents represent the glyph's bounding box.  'uint16be'.
1              * *Height.*  Height of the bitmap in pixels.  The bitmap's
1                extents represent the glyph's bounding box.  'uint16be'.
1              * *X offset.*  The number of pixels to shift the bitmap by
1                horizontally before drawing the character.  'int16be'.
1              * *Y offset.*  The number of pixels to shift the bitmap by
1                vertically before drawing the character.  'int16be'.
1              * *Device width.*  The number of pixels to advance
1                horizontally from this character's origin to the origin
1                of the next character.  'int16be'.
1              * *Bitmap data.*  This is encoded as a string of bits.  It
1                is organized as a row-major, top-down, left-to-right
1                bitmap.  The most significant bit of each byte is taken
1                to be the leftmost or uppermost bit in the byte.  For the
1                sake of compact storage, rows are not padded to byte
1                boundaries (i.e., a single byte may contain bits
1                belonging to multiple rows).  The last byte of the bitmap
1                *is* padded with zero bits in the bits positions to the
1                right of the last used bit if the bitmap data does not
1                fill the last byte.
1                The length of the *bitmap data* field is (WIDTH * HEIGHT
1                + 7) / 8 using integer arithmetic, which is equivalent to
1                ceil(WIDTH * HEIGHT / 8) using real number arithmetic.
1                It remains to be determined whether bitmap fonts usually
1                make all glyph bitmaps the same height, or if smaller
1                glyphs are stored with bitmaps having a lesser height.
1                In the latter case, the baseline would have to be used to
1                calculate the location the bitmap should be anchored at
1                on screen.