gettext: Installers

1 14 The Installer’s and Distributor’s View
1 *****************************************
1    By default, packages fully using GNU ‘gettext’, internally, are
1 installed in such a way as to allow translation of messages.  At
1 _configuration_ time, those packages should automatically detect whether
1 the underlying host system already provides the GNU ‘gettext’ functions.
1 If not, the GNU ‘gettext’ library should be automatically prepared and
1 used.  Installers may use special options at configuration time for
1 changing this behavior.  The command ‘./configure
1 --with-included-gettext’ bypasses system ‘gettext’ to use the included
1 GNU ‘gettext’ instead, while ‘./configure --disable-nls’ produces
1 programs totally unable to translate messages.
1    Internationalized packages have usually many ‘LL.po’ files.  Unless
1 translations are disabled, all those available are installed together
1 with the package.  However, the environment variable ‘LINGUAS’ may be
1 set, prior to configuration, to limit the installed set.  ‘LINGUAS’
1 should then contain a space separated list of two-letter codes, stating
1 which languages are allowed.