gccint: RTL Template

1 17.4 RTL Template
1 =================
1 The RTL template is used to define which insns match the particular
1 pattern and how to find their operands.  For named patterns, the RTL
1 template also says how to construct an insn from specified operands.
1  Construction involves substituting specified operands into a copy of
1 the template.  Matching involves determining the values that serve as
1 the operands in the insn being matched.  Both of these activities are
1 controlled by special expression types that direct matching and
1 substitution of the operands.
1 '(match_operand:M N PREDICATE CONSTRAINT)'
1      This expression is a placeholder for operand number N of the insn.
1      When constructing an insn, operand number N will be substituted at
1      this point.  When matching an insn, whatever appears at this
1      position in the insn will be taken as operand number N; but it must
1      satisfy PREDICATE or this instruction pattern will not match at
1      all.
1      Operand numbers must be chosen consecutively counting from zero in
1      each instruction pattern.  There may be only one 'match_operand'
1      expression in the pattern for each operand number.  Usually
1      operands are numbered in the order of appearance in 'match_operand'
1      expressions.  In the case of a 'define_expand', any operand numbers
1      used only in 'match_dup' expressions have higher values than all
1      other operand numbers.
1      PREDICATE is a string that is the name of a function that accepts
11      two arguments, an expression and a machine mode.  ⇒
      Predicates.  During matching, the function will be called with
1      the putative operand as the expression and M as the mode argument
1      (if M is not specified, 'VOIDmode' will be used, which normally
1      causes PREDICATE to accept any mode).  If it returns zero, this
1      instruction pattern fails to match.  PREDICATE may be an empty
1      string; then it means no test is to be done on the operand, so
1      anything which occurs in this position is valid.
1      Most of the time, PREDICATE will reject modes other than M--but not
1      always.  For example, the predicate 'address_operand' uses M as the
1      mode of memory ref that the address should be valid for.  Many
1      predicates accept 'const_int' nodes even though their mode is
1      'VOIDmode'.
1      CONSTRAINT controls reloading and the choice of the best register
1      class to use for a value, as explained later (⇒Constraints).
1      If the constraint would be an empty string, it can be omitted.
1      People are often unclear on the difference between the constraint
1      and the predicate.  The predicate helps decide whether a given insn
1      matches the pattern.  The constraint plays no role in this
1      decision; instead, it controls various decisions in the case of an
1      insn which does match.
1 '(match_scratch:M N CONSTRAINT)'
1      This expression is also a placeholder for operand number N and
1      indicates that operand must be a 'scratch' or 'reg' expression.
1      When matching patterns, this is equivalent to
1           (match_operand:M N "scratch_operand" CONSTRAINT)
1      but, when generating RTL, it produces a ('scratch':M) expression.
1      If the last few expressions in a 'parallel' are 'clobber'
1      expressions whose operands are either a hard register or
1      'match_scratch', the combiner can add or delete them when
1      necessary.  ⇒Side Effects.
1 '(match_dup N)'
1      This expression is also a placeholder for operand number N.  It is
1      used when the operand needs to appear more than once in the insn.
1      In construction, 'match_dup' acts just like 'match_operand': the
1      operand is substituted into the insn being constructed.  But in
1      matching, 'match_dup' behaves differently.  It assumes that operand
1      number N has already been determined by a 'match_operand' appearing
1      earlier in the recognition template, and it matches only an
1      identical-looking expression.
1      Note that 'match_dup' should not be used to tell the compiler that
1      a particular register is being used for two operands (example:
1      'add' that adds one register to another; the second register is
1      both an input operand and the output operand).  Use a matching
1      constraint (⇒Simple Constraints) for those.  'match_dup' is
1      for the cases where one operand is used in two places in the
1      template, such as an instruction that computes both a quotient and
1      a remainder, where the opcode takes two input operands but the RTL
1      template has to refer to each of those twice; once for the quotient
1      pattern and once for the remainder pattern.
1 '(match_operator:M N PREDICATE [OPERANDS...])'
1      This pattern is a kind of placeholder for a variable RTL expression
1      code.
1      When constructing an insn, it stands for an RTL expression whose
1      expression code is taken from that of operand N, and whose operands
1      are constructed from the patterns OPERANDS.
1      When matching an expression, it matches an expression if the
1      function PREDICATE returns nonzero on that expression _and_ the
1      patterns OPERANDS match the operands of the expression.
1      Suppose that the function 'commutative_operator' is defined as
1      follows, to match any expression whose operator is one of the
1      commutative arithmetic operators of RTL and whose mode is MODE:
1           int
1           commutative_integer_operator (x, mode)
1                rtx x;
1                machine_mode mode;
1           {
1             enum rtx_code code = GET_CODE (x);
1             if (GET_MODE (x) != mode)
1               return 0;
1             return (GET_RTX_CLASS (code) == RTX_COMM_ARITH
1                     || code == EQ || code == NE);
1           }
1      Then the following pattern will match any RTL expression consisting
1      of a commutative operator applied to two general operands:
1           (match_operator:SI 3 "commutative_operator"
1             [(match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "g")
1              (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" "g")])
1      Here the vector '[OPERANDS...]' contains two patterns because the
1      expressions to be matched all contain two operands.
1      When this pattern does match, the two operands of the commutative
1      operator are recorded as operands 1 and 2 of the insn.  (This is
1      done by the two instances of 'match_operand'.)  Operand 3 of the
1      insn will be the entire commutative expression: use 'GET_CODE
1      (operands[3])' to see which commutative operator was used.
1      The machine mode M of 'match_operator' works like that of
1      'match_operand': it is passed as the second argument to the
1      predicate function, and that function is solely responsible for
1      deciding whether the expression to be matched "has" that mode.
1      When constructing an insn, argument 3 of the gen-function will
1      specify the operation (i.e. the expression code) for the expression
1      to be made.  It should be an RTL expression, whose expression code
1      is copied into a new expression whose operands are arguments 1 and
1      2 of the gen-function.  The subexpressions of argument 3 are not
1      used; only its expression code matters.
1      When 'match_operator' is used in a pattern for matching an insn, it
1      usually best if the operand number of the 'match_operator' is
1      higher than that of the actual operands of the insn.  This improves
1      register allocation because the register allocator often looks at
1      operands 1 and 2 of insns to see if it can do register tying.
1      There is no way to specify constraints in 'match_operator'.  The
1      operand of the insn which corresponds to the 'match_operator' never
1      has any constraints because it is never reloaded as a whole.
1      However, if parts of its OPERANDS are matched by 'match_operand'
1      patterns, those parts may have constraints of their own.
1 '(match_op_dup:M N[OPERANDS...])'
1      Like 'match_dup', except that it applies to operators instead of
1      operands.  When constructing an insn, operand number N will be
1      substituted at this point.  But in matching, 'match_op_dup' behaves
1      differently.  It assumes that operand number N has already been
1      determined by a 'match_operator' appearing earlier in the
1      recognition template, and it matches only an identical-looking
1      expression.
1 '(match_parallel N PREDICATE [SUBPAT...])'
1      This pattern is a placeholder for an insn that consists of a
1      'parallel' expression with a variable number of elements.  This
1      expression should only appear at the top level of an insn pattern.
1      When constructing an insn, operand number N will be substituted at
1      this point.  When matching an insn, it matches if the body of the
1      insn is a 'parallel' expression with at least as many elements as
1      the vector of SUBPAT expressions in the 'match_parallel', if each
1      SUBPAT matches the corresponding element of the 'parallel', _and_
1      the function PREDICATE returns nonzero on the 'parallel' that is
1      the body of the insn.  It is the responsibility of the predicate to
1      validate elements of the 'parallel' beyond those listed in the
1      'match_parallel'.
1      A typical use of 'match_parallel' is to match load and store
1      multiple expressions, which can contain a variable number of
1      elements in a 'parallel'.  For example,
1           (define_insn ""
1             [(match_parallel 0 "load_multiple_operation"
1                [(set (match_operand:SI 1 "gpc_reg_operand" "=r")
1                      (match_operand:SI 2 "memory_operand" "m"))
1                 (use (reg:SI 179))
1                 (clobber (reg:SI 179))])]
1             ""
1             "loadm 0,0,%1,%2")
1      This example comes from 'a29k.md'.  The function
1      'load_multiple_operation' is defined in 'a29k.c' and checks that
1      subsequent elements in the 'parallel' are the same as the 'set' in
1      the pattern, except that they are referencing subsequent registers
1      and memory locations.
1      An insn that matches this pattern might look like:
1           (parallel
1            [(set (reg:SI 20) (mem:SI (reg:SI 100)))
1             (use (reg:SI 179))
1             (clobber (reg:SI 179))
1             (set (reg:SI 21)
1                  (mem:SI (plus:SI (reg:SI 100)
1                                   (const_int 4))))
1             (set (reg:SI 22)
1                  (mem:SI (plus:SI (reg:SI 100)
1                                   (const_int 8))))])
1 '(match_par_dup N [SUBPAT...])'
1      Like 'match_op_dup', but for 'match_parallel' instead of
1      'match_operator'.