gawk: Command Line Field Separator

1 4.5.4 Setting 'FS' from the Command Line
1 ----------------------------------------
1 'FS' can be set on the command line.  Use the '-F' option to do so.  For
1 example:
1      awk -F, 'PROGRAM' INPUT-FILES
1 sets 'FS' to the ',' character.  Notice that the option uses an
1 uppercase 'F' instead of a lowercase 'f'.  The latter option ('-f')
1 specifies a file containing an 'awk' program.
1    The value used for the argument to '-F' is processed in exactly the
1 same way as assignments to the predefined variable 'FS'.  Any special
1 characters in the field separator must be escaped appropriately.  For
1 example, to use a '\' as the field separator on the command line, you
1 would have to type:
1      # same as FS = "\\"
1      awk -F\\\\ '...' files ...
1 Because '\' is used for quoting in the shell, 'awk' sees '-F\\'.  Then
11 'awk' processes the '\\' for escape characters (⇒Escape
 Sequences), finally yielding a single '\' to use for the field
1 separator.
1    As a special case, in compatibility mode (⇒Options), if the
1 argument to '-F' is 't', then 'FS' is set to the TAB character.  If you
1 type '-F\t' at the shell, without any quotes, the '\' gets deleted, so
1 'awk' figures that you really want your fields to be separated with TABs
1 and not 't's.  Use '-v FS="t"' or '-F"[t]"' on the command line if you
1 really do want to separate your fields with 't's.  Use '-F '\t'' when
1 not in compatibility mode to specify that TABs separate fields.
1    As an example, let's use an 'awk' program file called 'edu.awk' that
1 contains the pattern '/edu/' and the action 'print $1':
1      /edu/   { print $1 }
1    Let's also set 'FS' to be the '-' character and run the program on
1 the file 'mail-list'.  The following command prints a list of the names
1 of the people that work at or attend a university, and the first three
1 digits of their phone numbers:
1      $ awk -F- -f edu.awk mail-list
1      -| Fabius       555
1      -| Samuel       555
1      -| Jean
1 Note the third line of output.  The third line in the original file
1 looked like this:
1      Jean-Paul    555-2127     R
1    The '-' as part of the person's name was used as the field separator,
1 instead of the '-' in the phone number that was originally intended.
1 This demonstrates why you have to be careful in choosing your field and
1 record separators.
1    Perhaps the most common use of a single character as the field
1 separator occurs when processing the Unix system password file.  On many
1 Unix systems, each user has a separate entry in the system password
1 file, with one line per user.  The information in these lines is
1 separated by colons.  The first field is the user's login name and the
1 second is the user's encrypted or shadow password.  (A shadow password
1 is indicated by the presence of a single 'x' in the second field.)  A
1 password file entry might look like this:
1      arnold:x:2076:10:Arnold Robbins:/home/arnold:/bin/bash
1    The following program searches the system password file and prints
1 the entries for users whose full name is not indicated:
1      awk -F: '$5 == ""' /etc/passwd