gawk: Action Overview

1 7.3 Actions
1 ===========
1 An 'awk' program or script consists of a series of rules and function
11 definitions interspersed.  (Functions are described later.  ⇒
 User-defined.)  A rule contains a pattern and an action, either of
1 which (but not both) may be omitted.  The purpose of the "action" is to
1 tell 'awk' what to do once a match for the pattern is found.  Thus, in
1 outline, an 'awk' program generally looks like this:
1      [PATTERN]  '{ ACTION }'
1       PATTERN  ['{ ACTION }']
1      ...
1      'function NAME(ARGS) { ... }'
1      ...
1    An action consists of one or more 'awk' "statements", enclosed in
1 braces ('{...}').  Each statement specifies one thing to do.  The
1 statements are separated by newlines or semicolons.  The braces around
1 an action must be used even if the action contains only one statement,
1 or if it contains no statements at all.  However, if you omit the action
1 entirely, omit the braces as well.  An omitted action is equivalent to
1 '{ print $0 }':
1      /foo/  { }     match 'foo', do nothing -- empty action
1      /foo/          match 'foo', print the record -- omitted action
1    The following types of statements are supported in 'awk':
1 Expressions
1      Call functions or assign values to variables (⇒Expressions).
1      Executing this kind of statement simply computes the value of the
1      expression.  This is useful when the expression has side effects
1      (⇒Assignment Ops).
1 Control statements
1      Specify the control flow of 'awk' programs.  The 'awk' language
1      gives you C-like constructs ('if', 'for', 'while', and 'do') as
1      well as a few special ones (⇒Statements).
1 Compound statements
1      Enclose one or more statements in braces.  A compound statement is
1      used in order to put several statements together in the body of an
1      'if', 'while', 'do', or 'for' statement.
1 Input statements
1      Use the 'getline' command (⇒Getline).  Also supplied in
1      'awk' are the 'next' statement (⇒Next Statement) and the
1      'nextfile' statement (⇒Nextfile Statement).
1 Output statements
1      Such as 'print' and 'printf'.  ⇒Printing.
1 Deletion statements
1      For deleting array elements.  ⇒Delete.