aspell: Specifying Options

1 4.1 Specifying Options
1 ======================
1 4.1.1 At the Command Line
1 -------------------------
1 All options specified at the command line have the following basic
1 format:
1      --OPTION[=VALUE]
1 where the `=' can be replaced by whitespace.
1    Some options also have single letter abbreviations of the form:
1    Any non-ASCII characters are expected to be in the encoding
1 specified by the current locale.
1    To reset an option to the default value, prefix the option with a
1 `reset-' and don't specify a value.
1 Value options
1 .....................
1 To specify a value option simply specify the option with its
1 corresponding value.  For example to set the filter mode to TeX use
1 `--mode=tex'.
1    If a value option has a single letter shortcut simply specify the
1 single letter shortcut with its corresponding value.  For example to
1 use a the accented version of the American English dictionary use `-d
1 en_US-w_accents'.
1 Boolean options
1 .......................
1 To enable a boolean option simply specify the option without any
1 corresponding value, or prefix it with an `enable-'.  For example to
1 create a backup file use `--backup'.  To disable a boolean option
1 prefix the option name with a `dont-' or `disable-'.  To avoid creating
1 a backup file use `--dont-backup'.  Boolean options can also be set
1 directly like a value option where the value is either "true" or
1 "false", for example `--backup=true'.
1    If a boolean option has a single letter abbreviation simply give the
1 letter corresponding to either enabling or disabling the option without
1 any corresponding value.  For example, to consider run-together words
1 valid use `-C' or to consider them invalid use `-B'
1 List options
1 ....................
1 To add a value to the list, prefix the option name with an `add-' and
1 then specify the value to add.  For example, to add the URL filter use
1 `--add-filter url'.  To remove a value from a list option, prefix the
1 option name with a `rem-' and then specify the value to remove.  For
1 example, to remove the URL filter use `--rem-filter url'.  To remove
1 all items from a list prefix the option name with a `clear-' without
1 specify any value.  For example, to remove all filters use
1 `--clear-filter'.
1    A list option can also be set directly, in which case it will be set
1 to a single value.  To directly set a list option to multiple values
1 prefix the option name with a `lset-' and separate each value with a
1 `:'.  For example, to use the URL and TeX filter use `--lset-filter
1 url:tex'.
1 4.1.2 Via a Configuration File
1 ------------------------------
1 Aspell can also accept options via a personal or global configuration
1 file.  The exact files to used are specified by the options `per-conf'
1 and `conf' respectively but the personal configuration file is normally
1 `.aspell.conf' located in the `HOME' directory and the global one is
1 normally `aspell.conf' which is located in the `etc' directory which is
1 normally `/usr/etc' or `/usr/local/etc'.  To find out the particular
1 values for your particular system use `aspell dump config'.
1    Each line of the configuration file has the format:
1    There may be any number of spaces between the option and the value
1 however it can only be spaces, i.e. there is no `=' between the option
1 name and the value and there are no preceding `--' as used on the
1 command line.
1    Comments may also be included by preceding them with a `#' as
1 anything from a `#' to a newline is ignored.  Blank lines are also
1 allowed.
1    To include a literal `#' use `\#'.  To include a literal `\' use
1 `\\'.  Any other non-alpha character can also be protected by a `\' if
1 necessary.
1    Any non-ASCII characters are expected to be in UTF-8.
1    To reset an option to the default value prefix the option with a
1 `reset-' and don't specify a value.
1    Values set in the personal configuration file override those in the
1 global file.  Options specified at either the command line or via an
1 environment variable override those specified by either configuration
1 file.
1      Note: Filters and corresponding options also may be assembled
1      inside a special meta filter file named `METAFILTER.flt'.  A
1      filter has to be loaded via adding a `add-filter FILTERNAME' line
1      to the meta filter file before its options may be specified.
1 Value options
1 .....................
1 To specify a value option simply include the option followed by the
1 corresponding value.  For example to set the default language to German
1 use `lang german'.
1 Boolean options
1 .......................
1 To specify a boolean option simply include the option followed by a
1 `true' to enable it or a `false' to disable it.  For example to allow
1 run-together words use `run-together true'.
1 List options
1 ....................
1 To add a value to the list, prefix the option name with an `add-' and
1 then specify the value to add.  For example to add the URL filter use
1 `add-filter url'.  To remove a value from a list option prefix the
1 option name with a `rem-' and then specify the value to remove.  For
1 example, to remove the URL filter use `rem-filter url'.  To remove all
1 items from a list prefix the option name with a `clear-' without
1 specifying any value.  For example, to remove all filters use
1 `clear-filter'.
1    A list option can also be set directly, in which case it will be set
1 to a single value.  To directly set a list option to multiple values
1 prefix the option name with a `lset-' and separate each value with a
1 `:'.  For example, to use the URL and TeX filter use `lset-filter
1 url:tex'.  To include a literal `:' use `\:'.
1 4.1.3 Setting Options via an Environment Variable
1 -------------------------------------------------
1 The environment variable `ASPELL_CONF' may also be used and it
1 overrides any options set in the configuration file.  The format of the
1 string is exactly the same as the configuration file except that
1 semicolons (`;') are used instead of newlines.