
You can use your notes to help you!

  1. For what does the acronym IP stand?
  2. What is the IP address of your computer?
  3. What is the internal (Intranet) IP address for the college server called Shark?
  4. What is the external (Internet) IP address for the college server called Shark?
  5. For what does the acronym HTML stand?
  6. What type of output does Kartoo produce?
  7. Who developed the HTML language?
  8. An image on a web page is 200 pixels high and 300 pixels wide. Each pixel uses 24 bits. How many bits are in the image? ( the calculator command is c:\windows\calc.exe typed into the address window.
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  9. At 64,000 bits per second, how long would it take to download the image from Pohnpei?