The Girl From Mutunsrem

A girl from Mutunsrem in Lelu was very beautiful. Two men spied on her while she was bathing and later told the King of her charms. The King wanted to see her right away but a fafa (a cooked taro pudding with sweet topping) was being prepared so he told his cooks to hurry it up. So the fafa cooks didn't put on the special sauce (squeezed sugarcane and coconut cream), but instedad they used only coconut-cream. The King ate it anyway and went and found the girl: "Owah, she was beautiful" He took her for his wife. From this union,the Lisnei-fasrfasr sub-clan descended. This was said to be the story where the Lisnei sub-clan started. Now the clan still exist and now living in Lelu.

The King and The Beautiful Girl! See Founding Day Campus!