Quiz 9.12 sd3 Confidence intervals for ± 2 SE • Name:

The instructor will gather heart rate data and write the data on the board. Use the data on the board to answer the following questions.

  1. __________ Calculate the sample size n.
  2. __________ Calculate the mean.
  3. __________ Calculate the sample standard deviation.
  4. __________ Calculate the sample standard error of the mean.
  5. __________ Calculate twice sample standard error of the mean.*
  6. Calculate the 95% confidence interval for the population mean μ heart rate

    p( __________ ≤ μ ≤ __________ ) = 0.95
  7. Some texts cite a heart rate of 72 as being the average heart rate for humans. Based on the above analysis, is 72 a possible population mean heart rate?

* Note that this calculation is not taking into account the effect of the small sample size. On Monday the factor of "two" used to multiply the standard error will be adjusted to take into account the sample size n.