MS 150 quiz eleven 11.1 • Name:

Typing time in seconds
32 55
42 67
86 46

A student measured the time to type one paragraph in seconds for six males and five females. The data is reported in the table above.
The null hypothesis is that the difference in the mean times is not significant: H0: μdiff = 0
The alternate hypothesis is that the difference in the mean times is significant: H1: μdiff ≠ 0

  1. __________________ Determine the mean time to type one paragraph for the males.
  2. __________________ Determine the mean time to type one paragraph for the females.
  3. __________________ Mathematically, who is faster: males or females?
  4. __________________ What is the p-value? Use the independent samples TTEST function with two tails to determine the p-value for this data.
  5. __________________ What is the maximum level of confidence we can have that the difference is statistically significant?
  6. __________________ Is the difference in the means statistically significant at a risk of a type I error alpha α = 0.10?
  7. __________________ Would we fail to reject | or | reject the null hypothesis at a risk of a type I error alpha α = 0.10?
  8. __________________ The student hypothesized that females would be faster typists. Are the females faster than the males at an alpha α of 0.10?