MS 150 Statistics q09: Hypothesis Testing • Name:

Measuring apparent optical depth

Image depth (cm)Object depth(cm)Index of refraction
11 16 1.45
40.251 1.27
26 44 1.69
6.5 8 1.23

In SC 130 Physical Science laboratory ten KG gathered the above data on the apparent optical depth of a coin in water. The third column is index of refraction of water values for each measurement. For the data in the third column:

Theoretically the index of refraction for water is 1.33. Use a hypothesis test to determine whether KG's data supports a theoretic value of 1.33 (fails to reject the null hypothesis) or disconfirms a theoretic value of 1.33 (rejects the null hypothesis).

Given the following hypothesis:
Null hypothesis: H0: μ = 1.33
Alternate hypothesis: H1: μ ≠ 1.33
Use α = 0.05

  1. SE = ____________________ Calculate the standard error of the sample mean x.
  2. df = ___________ Determine the degrees of freedom.
  3. tc = ____________________ Calculate the value of tcritical
  4. t = ____________________ Calculate the t-statistic t.
  5. ________________________________________ Would we reject the null hypothesis or fail to reject the null hypothesis at α = 0.05?
  6. __________ Does KG's data support or disconfirm the theoretic index of refraction of 1.33 water?