MS 150 Statistics | Quiz 02 | Name:

Table one
♀ baby names data 2009
Isabella Isabella
  1. ____________________ Is table one qualitative data or quantitative data?
  2. ____________________ What is the level of measurement for the data in table one?
  3. ____________________ What is the sample size n for the data in table one?
Table two
Site datafrequency f
FaceBook 46
Bebo 37
MySpace 33
Ning 15
Tagged 4
  1. ____________________ What is the level of measurement for the data in table two?
  2. ____________________ Based on table two, and only based on the data in table two, what is the sample size n for the data?
Table three
Marble mass data (grams)
  1. ____________________ Is the data in table three qualitative data or quantitative data?
  2. ____________________ What is the level of measurement for the data in table three?
  3. ____________________ What is the sample size n for the data in table three?
  4. _______________ What is your weight in pounds?
  5. _______________ What is your body fat percentage?
  6. _______________ Is your level of body underfat, healthy, overfat, or obese?

Survey question Who has how many social media friends? If you use MySpace, Bebo, FaceBook, Tagged, and/or Ning, write down the approximate number of "friends" you have in that social media space.

FaceBook: _______ MySpace: _______ Bebo: _______ Ning: ______ Tagged: _______