Quiz 12 • Name:

Age in months Actual pounds
0 6.7
2 7.5
4 11.5
6 13.5
8.5 15.5
12 20
18 19.4
28 23
  1. _______ Calculate the slope of the best fit (also known at least squares) line for the data.
  2. _______ Calculate the y-intercept of the best fit line.
  3. ______________ What does the y-intercept represent physically in this model?
  4. ______________ Is the correlation positive, negative, or neutral?
  5. _______ What is Marlin's predicted weight at 23 months?
  6. _______ What is Marlin's predicted weight at 480 months?
  7. _______ What is the predicted age in months at which Marlin weighed 18 pounds?
  8. _______ What is the predicted age in months at which Marlin will weigh 180 pounds?
  9. _______ Calculate the linear correlation coefficient r for the data.
  10. ______________ Is the correlation none, low, moderate, high, or perfect?
  11. _______ Calculate the coefficient of determination.
  12. _______ What percent of the variation in age in months conception explains the variation weight?

marlin0515_200 (14K) marlin010521_200 (9K) 020908marlin200 (17K)