MS 150 Quiz 04 4.1 Name: _________________

The MS 095 PreAlgebra students rolled a joggling ball along the porch of the FSM-China Friendship Sports Center on Tuesday. The students time the duration of time in seconds for the joggling ball to pass each post. The posts were separated by roughly 7.16 meters. Their data is shown below. They have worked out the slope and intercept of the best fit line. The students want to know how good is the fit of their data to the best fit line.
time/sec dist/meters
0 0
2.68 7.16
4.4 14.33
7.06 21.49
10.79 28.65
  1. _______ Calculate the linear correlation coefficient r for the data.
  2. _______ Is the correlation none, low, moderate, high, or perfect?
  3. _______ Calculate the coefficient of determination.
  4. _______ Explain for the benefit of the PreAlgebra students the meaning of the coefficient of determination.
  5. final_obv (57K)final_rev (56K)
    _______ What is the probability of a baby coming up on a toss of a single Sacagawea coin?
  6. _______ What is the probability of a multiple of three, including 3, coming up on a 12 sided die with sides numbered 1 to 12?
  7. _______ What is the probability of a prime number coming up on a 12 sided die with sides numbered 1 to 12?
  8. Toughie bonus: Who was Sacagawea?
  9. Super toughie: What is the name of the baby on the Sacagawea coin?