Quickie Quiz 4

  1. Graph the following data on the graph seen further below.  The data was provided by the Micronesian seminar and is the pass rate on the College entrance examination.
x: Year (1994=0) y: PNI Pass Rate
0 40
1 29
2 41
3 42
4 69
5 69
6 75

q04_sp2001.gif (4147 bytes)

  1. Find the slope of the best fit line through the data.

  2. Find the intercept the best fit line through the data.

  3. Sketch a best fit line through the data based on the slope and intercept.

  4. Calculate the correlation coefficient r.

  5. Plot the following Chuuk State data on the same graph above.
Year (1994=0) Chuuk Pass Rate
0 29
1 23
2 23
3 16
4 24
5 28
6 27
  1. Calculate the correlation coefficient r for the Chuuk data

  2. Which state shows a steady improvement in pass rates?

  3. Which state shows a pass rate that fluctuates randomly year to year?


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