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Open notes!

  1. Solar system saunter
    1. _______________ If the sun is the size of a mini-kickball located in room A101, where is Jupiter located?
    2. _______________ If the sun is the size of a mini-kickball located in room A101, where is Pluto located?
  2. Planetary presentations
    1. According to Andrea, what is the astronomical object Phobos?
    2. Ryan reported that asteroids are made of what?
    3. According to Marleen, what is Io?
    4. The brightest object in the evening night sky tonight is the largest planet. Look almost straight up and then a little to the west to see this planet in the night sky. What is the name of this largest planet in the solar system?
    5. According to Serlyn, Saturn is the second _______________ planet in the solar system.
    6. What did Donbert tell us about the spin of Uranus?
    7. JD's Neptune is name for the god of the _______________.
    8. Terrance said that Pluto is sad, having been kicked out of the planet club. Why was Pluto kicked out?
    9. According to Josephine, what is Charon?
    10. Shra, Gister, Yvonne, Lilly, and Amyleen told us about Quaoar, Makemake, Haumea, Ixion, and Varuma. What are these astronomical objects?
    11. According to Nikita, what are comets?
    12. According to Jessica, what is Betelgeuse? Betelgeuse is, by the way, high in the western sky at sunset, not far away in the night sky from Jupiter. To the east in the night sky is the red planet Mars.
    13. According to Paul, what is Arcturus? Arcturus is, by the way, low in the eastern sky at sunset, to the east of and below Mars.
  3. List the eight planets in order from the sun outwards.

  4. The graph plots three data sets for three different possible mathematical models. One data set is plotted as squares, one as circles, and a third as triangles.
    Graph with shapes fed by different functions wth decision tree graph background rectangle major grid lines axes data points as rectangles leftmost data set data points as circles data points as triangles text layers independent variable dependent variable y-axis labels 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 x-axis labels 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0 Does the data plot roughly close to a straight line? Yes No Arrow Arrow First analysis conclusion: There is a mathematical relationship. Second conclusion: The data is linear. Arrow Third analysis conclusion: Linear relationship Use trend line slope and intercept. Can also use SLOPE(y,x) INTERCEPT(y,x) Does the data form a smooth curve? Yes No Arrow Arrow First analysis conclusion: There is a mathematical relationship. Second conclusion: The mathematical relationship is non-linear. First and: only conclusion: NO mathematical relationship.
    1. __________ Which shape plots data modeled by a linear mathematical trend line model?
    2. __________ Which shape plots data modeled by a non-linear mathematical trend line model?
    3. __________ Which shape plots data that is randomly distributed and cannot be modeled by a trend line model?
    4. __________ For the data that plots linearily, make a mathematical estimate of the slope.
    5. __________ For the data that plots linearily, make a mathematical estimate of the y-intercept.
  5. Atoms are neither empty nor solid balls. What are they?

  6. Protons and neutrons are made of ____________________.
  7. __________________ Some potassium-40 decay processes produce positrons, the antimatter particle partner to an electron. What "Go local" food contains potassium-40 and thus antimatter?
  8. ___________________ There are four forces: the strong force, the weak force, the electromagnetic force, and the force of gravity. For which of these four forces would the Higgs boson provide an explanation?
  9. Vera Ruben studied the rotation rate of stars around the centers of galaxies. According to Newton's theory of gravitation, stars closer to the center of the galaxy should be moving more rapidly around the center of the galaxy than stars farther out from the center. Is that what Dr. Rubin found, and if not, what did she find to be true?

  10. Carlos Frenk discovered that without dark matter, computer simulations of the universe did not form galaxies. For galaxies to form, Frenk found which of the following to be true:
    (a) Dark matter had to be one fifth the mass of visible matter.
    (b) Dark matter had to be equal to the mass of visible matter.
    (c) Dark matter had to be five times the mass of visible matter.
  11. The Soudan mine dark matter experiment searched for dark matter particles called ____________________.
  12. ________ Does dark matter interact with itself?
  13. More recent research has revealed the existence of dark energy. Dark energy is an unknown source of energy that is causing the universe to expand faster and faster. In the phantom energy theory dark energy will eventually rip the universe apart in an event called the "Big Rip." When will the Big Rip happen?
    (a) Before final examinations (b) This summer (c) Within your lifetime (d) Billions of years from now
  14. _____ Is the site swap equation 334233 true? That is can the sequence be juggled?
  15. _____ Is the site swap equation 252525 true? That is, can the sequence be juggled?

slope m = rise run = ( y2 y1 ) ( x2 x1 )