044 SC 130 Physical science • Name:

data page from lab 60 by 50 blank graph grid background rectangle major grid lines axes x-axis and y-axis text layers Velocity study velocity in (cm/s) velocity out (cm/s) y-axis labels 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 x-axis labels 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Marbles on ruler track In Out Students were gathering data on marble speeds into and out of a collision as seen in the diagram. The data in the circle on the page above provides speed into a group of marbles for a single inbound marble and the speed of the single marble kicked out of that group of marbles. Plot the data on the graph. Using a ruler, plot a line that best runs through the data points.

  1. __________ _________ Calculate the slope of the best fit trend line plotted through the data.
  2. ____________________ Is the speed out equal to, less than, or greater than the speed in?
  3. _____ Identify by the letter which of the mathematical relationships on the graph represents the time versus distance relationship for a RipStik moving at a constant linear velocity with no acceleration. Mathematical models on the half shell background rectangle major grid lines axes x-axis and y-axis a square root path a quadratic path data points as circles linear regression line data points as rectangles data points as diamonds text layers Mathematical relationships x-axis labels A B C
  4. _____ Identify by the letter which of the mathematical relationships on the graph represents the time versus distance relationship for a RipStik moving at an increasing velocity at a constant acceleration.
  5. _____ Identify by the letter which of the mathematical relationships on the graph represents the height versus velocity relationship for a marble rolling from a height h down a banana leaf and onto a flat table.
  6. ____________________ A marble is rolled from a height h of 22 cm on a banana leaf marble ramp. Use the theoretic equation ѵ=37.4h   to calculate the velocity of the marble at the bottom of the ramp.

slope m= (y2y1) (x2x1) | d = ѵt | GPE = mgh | KE = ½mѵ² | momentum = mѵ