024 q02 sc130 • Name:

Rolling ball background rectangle major grid lines axes x-axis and y-axis linear regression line data points as rectangles A data points as diamonds C data points as circles B data points as triangles D text layers Rolling ball time versus distance plots for four rolls Time (s) Distance (cm) y-axis labels 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 x-axis labels 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

  1. The graph shows the time versus distance data gathered for four different balls in laboratory 022. The first four questions are matching. Use the letters A, B, C, and D at the end of the lines on the xy scattergraph.
    1. _____ Ball not moving: stationary.
    2. _____ Ball slowing down.
    3. _____ Ball moving at a constant non-zero speed.
    4. _____ Ball speeding up.
    5. ___________________ Determine the speed of ball D.
    6. ___________________ Determine the speed of ball B.
    7. ___________________ Determine the speed of ball A between 0 and 2 seconds.
    8. ___________________ Determine the speed of ball C between 7 and 10 seconds.
  2. A rolling ball cannot generate a vertical line on a time versus distance graph. Why?
  3. RipStiking background rectangle major grid lines axes x-axis and y-axis linear regression line Linear regression equation manually placed y = 200 x + 20 data points as circles text layers RipStik linear velocity time (s) dist (cm) y-axis labels 0 350 700 1050 1400 1750 2100 2450 2800 3150 3500 x-axis labels 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
    __________ _________ The graph above was generated when I rode the RipStik on Monday. The x-axis is time in seconds, the y-axis is the distance in meters. The equation of the line is y = 200x + 20. What is the velocity of the RipStik (including units)?
  4. _________ __________ If I kept on riding the RipStik at the above velocity for 180 seconds, use the given equation to determine how far I would go.
  5. _________ __________ Palikir Elementary School is 100,000 centimeters away. If I rode to Palikir Elementary at the same velocity as I had on Monday, how long in seconds would that RipStik ride take?
  6. As seen in the image, three vials with the same volume have equal amounts of a green liquid. Based on what you learned from the soap and the density laboratory, how would you explain that two are floating while one has sunk to the bottom?

slope m= (y2y1) (x2x1) mass m = (density ρ)×(Volume V) ] V = lwh d = ѵt ѵ= Δd Δt [ a= Δѵ Δt ] [ ѵ = at ] [ d = ½at² ] [ d = ½gt² ]