144 Planets • Name:

Open notes!

  1. According to Dana the sun is primarily composed of two elements. What are the two elements?
  2. Dana then covered the innermost and smallest planet. What is the name of this planet?
  3. Dana noted that Venus, almost a twin planet to the Earth, has a climate problem. What is Venus' climate problem?
  4. Tracy said that only one planet is known to have life, on what planet is there life?
  5. Based on what Marie said, what are meteorites?
  6. Iniki covered an event known as a lunar eclipse. Luna causes eclipses but is not an eclipse, Luna is an astronomical object. What is the common name for the astronomical object known as Luna?
  7. When observed in the night sky Mars is known for its unique color. According to Kimberly, what color is Mars in the night sky?
  8. Rico said Phobos means:
  9. Lizmay said Deimos means:
  10. Lotrynes was assigned to cover asteroids. What are asteroids?
  11. Maylanda spoke about the largest planet. What is the name of the largest planet?
  12. Jeffrey, Jessica S., Melinda, and Cuteleen covered Callisto, Europa, Ganymede, and Io. What are Callisto, Europa, Ganymede, and Io?
  13. According to Salister, Saturn is surrounded by nine of these, what are they?
  14. Ceyleen said that the atmosphere of Uranus contains H, He, and CH4. Name these three compounds::
  15. Joyceleen presented the eighth planet from the sun. Like the planets presented by Maylanda, Salister, and Ceyleen, Neptune is classified as what type of planet?
  16. Perihsa reported that the largest moon of Neptune is:
  17. Pluto is no longer called a planet. What did Ryan say Pluto is now considered to be?
  18. Hanna spoke about Charon. Astronomically, what is Charon?
  19. Jeanda, Beverlyn, and Palikkun spoke about Quaoar, Makemake, and Haumea. What are these objects and where are they located?
  20. Roxann's objects are often called "dirty snowballs" because they are mostly of water ice plus a few carbon compounds which are darker in color. What is the astronomical name for these objects which orbit the sun, producing a tail when near the sun?
  21. Seylyn said that Betelgeuse is located in the "armpit" of the constellation:
  22. Jessica H. covered a star cluster called Pleides. What does is the meaming of the word Pleides?