094 ❇ ❇ Name:

  1. _________ _________ A student measures a bar of soap with a length of 7 cm, a width of 3 cm, and a height of 2 cm. What is the volume of the soap?
  2. _________ _________ A student measures a bar of soap with a length of 7 cm, a width of 3 cm, and a height of 2 cm. The soap has a mass of 50.4 grams. What is the density of the soap?
  3. _________ _________ A student measures a bar of soap with a length of 7 cm, a width of 3 cm, and a height of 2 cm. The soap has a mass of 50.4 grams. Will the soap float or sink when placed in water?
  4. The graph depicts the time versus distance data for four different marbles. One marble was not moving, one marble was slowing down, one marble was speeding up, and one was moving at a constant speed.
    Rolling ball background rectangle major grid lines axes x-axis and y-axis linear regression line data points as rectangles E data points as diamonds G data points as circles F data points as triangles H text layers Rolling marbles Time (s) Distance (cm) y-axis labels 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 x-axis labels 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
    _________ _________ Calculate the velocity of marble F
  5. _________ _________ Calculate the velocity of marble H
  6. _________ _________ Calculate the velocity of marble E between one and two seconds.
  7. _________ _________ Calculate the velocity of marble G between 3.5 and 5.0 seconds.
  8. Fill in the blank cells in the following table based on the RipStik data provided below.
    pillar time (s) distance (m) velocity (m/s) acceleration (m/s²)
    zero 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
    one 10 5
    two 15 10
  9. What does Newton's first law say that object will tend to do?
  10. If a moving object is losing momentum as time passes, then what does Newton's second law tells us is acting on the object?
  11. _________ _________ Given that the force is equal to the change in momentum, calculate the force required to bring a marble with a momentum p of 210 g cm/s to a stop in 0.5 seconds.
  12. _________ _________ When all 67 kilograms of me falls off a RipStik, I accelerate towards the ground at 9.78557 m/s² and then I hit the ground, exerting a force of 1500 Newtons on the ground. Calculate the counter-force that the ground exerts on me.
  13. Extension x (cm) Force (gmf)
    _______ Data was gathered for the extension of an elastic band using a cup and marbles to generate the force. The data in the table is from the experiment. Is the elastic band a linear elastic material?
  14. _________ _________ For the data above, determine Hooke's constant for the elastic band using Hooke's law [ Force = kx ].
  15. _________ _________ If a force of 50 gmf is applied to the above elastic band, calculate the extension x.
  16. ______________ When walking due West, which number would change on the GPS unit, the N 06° 54.560' or the E 158° 09.352' number?
  17. _________ _________ A student walked north on a line of longitude starting at N 6° 54.467' and ending at N 6° 54.567'. The student measured a distance of 192 meters. Determine the number of meters per minute of latitude based on this data.
  18. _________ °C. What is the temperature of the dry bulb thermometer?
  19. _________ °C. What is the temperature of the wet bulb thermometer?
  20. _________ °C. What is the wet bulb depression today?
  21. _________ % Determine the relative humidity today. [Use your text]
  22. _________ °C. Determine the heat index today. [Use your text]
  23. _________________________ Determine the risk level for exercise today.
  24. _______________ Based on laboratory eight, what might you keep in your car to put on the window to prevent fog from forming on the inside of the glass during rain?
  25. A RipStik was ridden across a wet cloth towel soaked in water with food color. The RipStik was then swizzled across a large sheet of presentation paper. The swizzle wave can be seen in the diagram below.
    RipStik swizzle sine wave 10 cm 68 cm RipStik rider

    _________ How many wavelengths are there on the "paper" above?
  26. λ = _________ _________ Determine the wavelength λ of one wave of the RipStik swizzle wave.
  27. a = _________ _________ Determine the amplitude a of the RipStik swizzle wave.
  28. τ = _________ _________ The RipStik took a duration of 1.36 seconds to travel the 68 centimeters seen on the diagram above. Calculate the period τ for the RipStik swizzle wave.
  29. f = _________ _________ Calculate the RipStik swizzle wave frequency f.
  30. ѵwave = _________ _________ Use the wavelength λ and frequency f to calculate the velocity ѵwave of the RipStik swizzle wave.
  31. _________ _________ During ten seconds a clapper claps 25 times. The echo flight distance is measured as being 140 meters. Based on this data, what is the speed of sound?
  32. How do we know that the classroom can hear the boards hitting each other?

slope m= (y2y1) (x2x1)
ρ= m V
mass m = (density ρ)*(Volume)
ѵ= Δd Δt
distance d = (velocity ѵ)*(t)
a= Δѵ Δt
velocity ѵ = (acceleration a)*(t)
distance d = ½acceleration a)*(time t
distance d = ½acceleration of gravity g)*(time t
momentum p = (mass m)*(velocity ѵ)
gravitational potential energy = (mass m)*(acceleration of gravity g)*(height)
Kinetic energy = ½(mass m)*(velocity ѵ
F= Δp Δt
Force F = (mass m)*(acceleration a)
Force F = −kx
period τ = 1 ÷ (frequency f)
velocity ѵ = (wavelength λ)*(frequency f)