074 ❇ Name:

  1. ocean currents What is the diagram on the right a picture of?
  2. ________________ How long does it take water to make one circuit?
  3. What does Newton's first law say that object will tend to do?
  4. If a moving object is losing momentum as time passes, then what does Newton's second law tells us is acting on the object?
  5. ____________________ Given that the force is equal to the change in momentum, calculate the force required to bring a marble with a momentum p of 210 g cm/s to a stop in 0.5 seconds.
  6. ____________________ When all 67 kilograms of me falls off a RipStik, I accelerate towards the ground at 9.78557 m/s² and then I hit the ground, exerting a force of 1500 Newtons on the ground. Calculate the counter-force that the ground exerts on me.
  7. Extension x (cm) Force (gmf)
    _______ Data was gathered for the extension of an elastic band using a cup and marbles to generate the force. The data in the table is from the experiment. Is the elastic band a linear elastic material?
  8. _______________ For the data above, determine Hooke's constant for the elastic band using Hooke's law [ Force = kx ].
  9. ___________ If a force of 50 gmf is applied to the above elastic band, calculate the extension x.
  10. _________ °C. What is the temperature at which water freezes/ice melts?
  11. _________ °C. What is the temperature at which solidified coconut oil melts?
  12. _________ °C. What is the typical room temperature in Pohnpei?
  13. _________ °C. What is the temperature of the living human body?
  14. _________ °C. What is the temperature of a boiling water?
  15. __________________ Which material below conducts the most heat energy?
    Horizontal bar chart CopperSteelIron AluminumBrass 0510 ΔTemperature °C of the room temperature water
  16. _ΔT = ____________________ °C Based on the chart above, what is the change in temperature ΔT for the metal which conducted the most heat energy?
  17. ______________ When walking due West, which number would change on the GPS unit, the N 06° 54.560' or the E 158° 09.352' number?
  18. ______________ A student walked north on a line of longitude starting at N 6° 54.467' and ending at N 6° 54.567'. The student measured a distance of 192 meters. Determine the number of meters per minute of latitude based on this data.

  19. RipStik rider RipStik rider
    stationary RipStik rider in movie parking lot • halfway down a hill moving down the hill

    What form(s) of energy does the RipStik rider on the right have that the rider on the left does not have?

[ slope m= (y2y1) (x2x1) ] [ ρ= m V ] [m = ρV] [ ѵ= Δd Δt ] [ d = ѵt ] [ a= Δѵ Δt ] [ ѵ = at ] [ d = ½at² ]
[ d = ½gt² ] [ p = mѵ ] [ GPE = mgh ] [ KE = ½mѵ² ] [ F= Δp Δt ] [ F = ma ] [ F = −kx ]