General education laboratory science program learning outcome assessment

As the result of the 04 August 2008 workshop on assessment, I am proposing the adoption of a rubric to be used on one laboratory (instructor's choice) in SC 120, SC 130, and SC 117 system-wide. I would note that the program learning outcome and the courses selected for assessment occurred prior to today's meeting, I am only recommending a potential rubric use to meet the assessment plan in place. The rubric I am recommending is one developed by McKendree University to evaluate their own general education core science outcome. Our program learning outcomes are parallel, their rubric actually fits our outcome better than their own outcome in my limited opinion.

As the director of academic programs noted at the 04 August workshop, assessment will occur and it will occur by November. I will submit my midterm practical laboratory for evaluation against this rubric, my presumption is that an independent team of instructors, including those not in this division, will be assembled to evaluate the laboratories against the rubric.

Anyone teaching SC 120, SC 130, or SC 117 will have to engage in this same exercise. I regret to note that I do not have a current list of instructors system-wide for these courses, I would ask the director of academic programs and the instructional coordinators to pass along this information to the appropriate personnel.

I do apologize for the tone and import of this document. There is apparently insufficient time and financial resources to bring all of the SC 120, SC 130, and SC 117 instructors in order to work together to find a commonly agreed upon assessment option.


As per directions from director of academic programs.

General education laboratory science program learning outcome

Students will be able to demonstrate understanding and apply scientific concepts and principles of a field of science and apply scientific methods to the inquiry process.


Performance factor score
Metric: Scientific Procedures and reasoning
Accurately and efficiently used all appropriate tools and technologies to gather and analyze data Effectively used some appropriate tools and technologies to gather and analyze data with only minor errors Attempted to use appropriate tools and technologies but information inaccurate or incomplete Inappropriate use of tools or technology to gather data
Metric: Strategies
Used a sophisticated strategy and revised strategy where appropriate to complete the task; employed refined and complex reasoning and demonstrated understanding of cause and effect; applied scientific method accurately Used a strategy that led to completion while recording all data; used effective scientific reasoning; framed or used testable questions, conducted experiment, and supported results with data Used a strategy that led to partial completion of the task/ investigation; some evidence of scientific reasoning used; attempted but could not completely carry out testing, recording all data and stating conclusions No evidence of procedure or scientific reasoning used; so many errors, task could not be completed
Metric: Scientific communication/using data
Provided clear, effective explanation detailing how the task was carried out; precisely and appropriately used multiple scientific representations and notations to organize and display information; interpretation of data supported conclusions and raised new questions or was applied to new contexts; disagreements with data resolved when appropriate Presented a clear explanation; effectively used scientific representations and notations to organize and display information; appropriately used data to support conclusions Incomplete explanation; attempted to use appropriate scientific representations and notations, but were incomplete; conclusions not supported or were only partly supported by data Explanation could not be understood; inappropriate use of scientific notation; conclusion unstated or data unrecorded
Metric: Scientific concepts and related content
Precisely and appropriately used scientific terminology; provided evidence of in-depth, sophisticated understanding of relevant scientific concepts, principles or theories; revised prior misconceptions when appropriate; observable characteristics and properties of objects, organisms, and/or materials used; went beyond the task investigation to make other connections or extend thinking Appropriately used scientific terminology; provided evidence of understanding of relevant scientific concepts, principles or theories; evidence of understanding observable characteristics and properties of objects, organisms, and/or materials used Used some relevant scientific terminology; minimal reference to relevant scientific concepts, principles or theories; evidence of understanding observable characteristics and properties of objects, organisms, and/or materials used Inappropriate use of scientific terminology; inappropriate references to scientific concepts, principles or theories
