SC/SS 115 Ethnobotany test two • Name:

01. On Tuesday 14 October 2008 the students were asked to bring traditional plant based foods to class. Why was it important to bring the food instead of just describing the foods? Be specific, support your position with examples.

Matching 16 October 2008: Use the leaves in the laboratory to match each leaf to the most appropriate leaf shape name:

  1. _____ awl
  2. _____ cordate
  3. _____ lanceolate
  4. _____ lobed, pinnate
  5. _____ obovate
  6. _____ palmate
  7. _____ peltate

09. Make a sketch of a leaf. To the best of your ability, label the parts of the leaf. Include the petiole, midrib, blade, and axillary bud in your sketch. Include whether the leaf you have drawn is most likely to be a dicot or monocot.

10. On Tuesday 21 October 2008 the class met at the hut by the gym. What was the point to Lee Ling's choice of clothes that he wore on that day?

11. On Thursday 23 October 2008 we made thatching. Sketch the difference between doakoahs en Ruk and doakoahs en Pohnpei.

12. Based on what we learned on Tuesday 28 October 2008, what is an aip and who used the aip?

13. On 04 November 2008 Chersea presented the Chuukese love stick, iratong. The Chuukese love stick was once an important and, to some extent, a semi-secret item of Chuukese culture. The iratong has "devolved" to the last stage of cultural devolution for a material cultural item. What is the typical final stage for a unique cultural item such as the iratong?

14. [If floral morphology complete] Make a sketch of a flower. To the best of your ability, label the parts of the flower. Include all four whorls.