SC/SS 115 Ethnobotany test two • Name:


Use the leaves in the laboratory to match each leaf to the most appropriate leaf shape name:

  1. _____ awl
  2. _____ cordate
  3. _____ lanceolate
  4. _____ lobed, pinnate
  5. _____ obovate
  6. _____ palmate
  7. _____ peltate

8. What was Haruki?

9. On Tuesday the 18th of March, the last period in the last day of class before Easter break, the class met at the hut by the gym. What was the point to Lee Ling's choice of clothes that he wore on that day?

shiugiul saari 10. Given a background of devolution and loss of material culture, what is remarkable about the shiugiul saari in the image?

11. What is the functional purpose of fruit for a plant?

12. Make a sketch of a leaf. To the best of your ability, label the parts of the leaf. Include the petiole, midrib, blade, and axillary bud in your sketch. Include whether the leaf you have drawn is most likely to be a dicot or monocot.

13. Make a sketch of a flower. To the best of your ability, label the parts of the flower. Include all four whorls.