SC/SS 115 Ethnobotany Midterm Spring 2005 • Name:

Botanical latin binomial matching

Samples of the following plants are labeled with letters. Write the letter in the blank next to the correct name.

  1. _____ Agathis robusta
  2. _____ Araucaria columnaris
  3. _____ Asplenium nidus
  4. _____ Cyanobacteria
  5. _____ Dicranopteris linearis
  6. _____ Lycopodiella cernua [Lycopodium cernuum]
  7. _____ Nephrolepis [biserrata]
  8. _____ Phymatosorus scolopendria [Microsorum scolopendria]
  9. _____ Selaginella
  10. _____ Thelypteris maemonensis

Primitive plants hike 20 Jan

11. Choose any one plant from our hike beyond the FSM China Friendship center. Give the Latin binomial for the plant you have chosen. Write down also the local name in your language if the plant has a name in your language. Write down a local traditional use for that plant here in Micronesia.

  1. Latin binomial:
  2. Local name:
  3. Traditional use:

Seedless vascular plant presentations 27 Jan

12. Mosses, ferns, and other "primitive" plants share some common features and needs in their reproductive cycles. What are those features/needs?

Healing plant presentations 15-17 Feb

13. Define the term culture bound syndrome and give an example of a culture bound syndrome in Micronesia.

14. Describe a healing use of a plant. The catch: you cannot describe a use for the plant you presented, you must describe a use of a plant described by another member of the class. Include the name of the plant presented by that member of the class.

Botanic garden field trip 22 Feb

15. Give the latin binomial and English name for the plant in the botanic garden that is used as a waker-upper beverage (drink) every morning by millions of people around the world.

16. Why are there no baby Cook Island Pines on Pohnpei?

Gymnosperm presentations 01 Mar

gymnospermleaftypes (29K)

17. Give the leaf shape (type of leaf) for the gymnosperms in the above diagram:
 A. __________
 B. __________
 C. __________

18. Name the tree in the botanic garden that featured leaf type C above.

19. What key features distinguish gymnosperm reproduction from the reproduction of the more primitive seedless vascular plants such as mosses, lycopodium, ferns?