List the correct generic name for the following fonts (serif, sans-serif, monospace, cursive, fantasy):

The sly brown fox jumped quickly over the lazy dog.
The lawnmower mowed the lawn.
Lilly Lilliput likes lillies.____________

The sly brown fox jumped quickly over the lazy dog.
The lawnmower mowed the lawn.
Lilly Lilliput likes lillies.____________

The sly brown fox jumped quickly over the lazy dog.
The lawnmower mowed the lawn.
Lilly Lilliput likes lillies.____________

The sly brown fox jumped quickly over the lazy dog.
The lawnmower mowed the lawn.
Lilly Lilliput likes lillies.____________

The sly brown fox jumped quickly over the lazy dog.
The lawnmower mowed the lawn.
Lilly Lilliput likes lillies.____________

  1. Which of the five generic font types is your favorite?
  2. Which of the five generic font types is the easiest to read?
  3. What key do you hold down in Microsoft Paintbrush in order to lock the rectangle tool in order to make a square and to lock the oval tool to make a circle?
  4. What is the name of the Microsoft Paintbrush program that we type at the MS-DOS prompt in B102 in order to launch the program?
  5. What file format do we save paint documents for use in web pages?
  6. What are the advantages of using Cascading Style Sheets to set styles in HTML 4 over setting styles in the HTML file itself as was done in HTML 3.2?
  7. The first graphical user interface including a mouse, a bit-mapped display, and graphical windows was developed by what company?
  8. Explain why modern central processor units have small amounts of RAM called cache on the CPU chip.
  9. In the "old" days (1980s) microprocessors fetched a single instruction, decoded the instruction, processed the instruction with data, and stored the result before fetching the next instruction. Modern CPUs speed this process up using multi-stage multi-pipeline architectures. Explain how each of these enhancements function.
  10. What is a bit?
  11. How many bits are there in a 32 byte file?
  12. How many bytes in a kilobyte?
  13. What is the decimal value of the hexadecimal number B?
  14. What is the meaning of the prefix "mega" in 128 megabytes?
  15. What is the meaning of the prefix "giga" in 2 gigaHertz?
  16. What is a Hertz?
  17. Can a computer have 64 Megahertz of RAM?
  18. For what does the abbreviation PNG stand?
  19. What is the name for the symbols =, < and >?
  20. What is the name of the underlying software found on all computers?
  21. What is software written for a group of like businesses called?
  22. Which compressed image file format is most appropriate for the following image:
    drawing.gif (1850 bytes)
  23. Which compressed image file format is most appropriate for the following image:
    keyboard.jpg (14021 bytes)
  24. Lay out on your paper a table to handle the following data:
    Joe Smith 555-1212
    Jane Smudgen 555-3221
    Jeff Smithers 320-2740
    Jessie Smoth 350-8000

    Using your layout explain the concepts of a field and record.