SC 250 Botany NAME: ______________________________________

1. What is a stolon?


2. Ferns and lycopodium have lignin which helps the fern or lycopodium:

  1. reproduce
  2. withstand polluted air
  3. perform gas exchanges of CO2, O2,H2O
  4. stand tall
3. What is the name in your first language for Asplenium nidus:
4. What is the name in your first language for Phymatosorus scolopendria:

5. What is your favorite vascular plant?

Optional extra points (Save the language Project):

If you are not Kosraen, optionally answer these two:

  1. What is the Kosraen name of the plant in #3?
  2. What is the Kosraen name of the plant in #4?

If you are Kosraen, optionally answer these two:

  1. What is either the Pohnpeian, Chuukese, Pingalapese, Yapese, or Mwoakillese name of the plant in #3?
  2. What is either the Pohnpeian, Chuukese, Pingalapese, Yapese, or Mwoakillese name of the plant in #4?

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